
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 换车 | all forms | in specified order only
左右不能互定向unidirectional wheel
换车lane change
车辆/道路换车change track
车辆/道路换车change lane
换车货厢swap body
换车货厢式货车swap-body truck
换车货厢式货车swap-body lorry
可换容器液罐的罐式车swap-tank truck
可换式车厢货厢swap body
可换油槽的油槽车swap-tank truck
货车可换罐车身interchangeable tank body
开式货厢可换货台式车身interchangeable-platform body
在换入高一级档时的车速geared-up speed
就车更换零部件in-situ replacement
换乘停车场park -and -ride place
换乘车票transfer ticket
换档时的车速cut-in speed
换车change point
换高档加档时的车速shift-up speed
换车wheel changing
换车change of wheels
更换活顶乘用车顶篷的工厂chop shop
更换用车辆replacement vehicle
换车fill-in vehicle
汽车替换car replacement
汽车突然变换车sudden lane change
汽车突然变换车slave sudden lane change
能转换成半挂车的挂车trailer-converter dolly
行车道变换指示器多数车由转向信号灯代用lane change indicator
汽车车型更换model renewal
货车车身货厢更换装置swap-body system
车轮换位wheel rotation
车轮换位wheel replacement
车轮更换wheel changing
车辆换代vehicle conversion
车辆更换vehicle replacement
车辆/道路车道变换track change
车道变换机动动作lane-change maneuver
车队换更新汽车fleet replacement
钢丝辐条易换车knock-off wire wheel
驻车换乘park and ride