
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 振动测量 | all forms | in specified order only
为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects
振动测量振动测量用来评估爆破损坏构筑物的可能性,通常测量的振动参数有:质点的位移 u, 速度 v 和加速度 a 和〈或〉记录振动的频率 f 和衰减 Qvibration measurement
振动测量传感器vibration measuring sensor
评估空气振动能级受气象效应影响的程度、需要测量或评定地面的以及地面上空的温度、风速和风向An of the degree to which air vibration levels will be affected by the effects of meteorology requires that temperature, wind speed and wind direction be measured or evaluated both at the surface and at levels above the ground