
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
不能面值收回的支票non-par item
价格时间顺序优先price-time priority
优质prime mortgage
揭人original mortgagee
市价转成股票的信用债券debenture convertible to stock at market price
市场自动时操作装置market timer
汇率付款payable with exchange
德国传统二级揭市场产品Pf and brief
不变美元价in constant dollar value
业绩分配distribution according to one's performance
中间价位发行issue by middle price
临时贷款方式on the spot loan
书面规定执行交易subject to a print execution trading
买价卖价on bid offer
亏损抵前和后移税收减免规定处理loss carry back and carry forward credits
交易金额比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by value
付款当日价格计算at money-of-the-day price
价/从价保证金ad valorem deposit
价值征税根据财产的评估价所征收的税款ad valorem duty/tax
价值条款执行in value terms
份额摊销的债务obligation by shares
低于标准的方法记账substandard accounting
低于票面价值发行股票stock issued at less than book value
债务处理的优先股preferred stock treated as debt
先旧后新顺序配售top-up placing
全部at the full
公式计算的分摊方法formula based amortization
其成本计价valuation at cost
净价计on net
净额计算in net terms
出资比率分红draw dividends in proportion to their capital contribution
证券利息借款lend at a rate
劳分配distribution according to one's performance
区域进行证券组合配置/配售portfolio allocation by region
协议买人后再出售的证券securities purchased under agreement to resell
单付款pay to self
单位成本计算unit cost basis
卖价买人take the offer
卖价分销distribution on selling price
历史成本编制的报表historical-cost statement
发票付款payment on invoice
可比价格估算reckon at comparable price
可比基准on comparable basis
合理的条款on arm's length terms
名义价计算in nominal terms
品级出售sale by type
固定市场价格计算at constant market price
固定成本on cost
增加值计算in terms of value-added
复合年度收益率按分组by PE decile
夏普指数by Sharpe ratio
大盘股方式on large stocks
季节周期调整的年利率seasonally adjusted annual rate
实价计算in real terms
实际年限计算actual year basis
实际条款执行in real terms
客户指定用途付款appropriation of payment
工资参股的计划payroll-based stock ownership plan
已收市价成交market on close
市价mark to market
市价出售sell current price
市价出售sale at market price
市价折算的债券debenture convertible at market price
市价结算settle to market
市价记录资产净值mark to market
市值对股票分组decile sorting of stocks by market value
市值对股票排序ranking stocks by market value
市场价格at market price
市场价格兑换conversion at the market price
市场价格委托at the market
市场价格折算conversion at the market price
市场现价at current market price
平仓价计算exit price valuation
平均摊算subject to average
平均数分担subject to average
年度计算on year basis
年期租赁tenancy for years
年计算year-on-year basis
年计算关联中期收益把中期收益换算为复利年率annualized linked .median return
年计算回报annualized return
年计算持股回报annualized holding-period return
序偿还债券serial bond
序偿还债券的发行serial bonds issue
开市订单on the opening order
开盘价market on opening order
开盘委托at the opening order
开盘市价指令on the opening market order
开盘指令on the opening order
开盘指令on opening
开盘订单at the opening order
当时价格计算at current price
当时市场价计算at current market price
形态进行日交易的交易商pattern day-trader
必要的变通方法执行subject to necessary modifications
总市值by market capitalization
意见办subject to opinion
成本估值valuation at cost
成本平均投资dollar-cost averaging
成本要素计算at factor cost
成本计值value at cost
成本计算库存股的出售价格disposal price of treasury shares cost basis
执行人by executive
批量交易股票on a scale
投人资本的资本额in capacity of contribution of capital
投资多少分红sharing profits according to contributions
投资的资金额来分享收人sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment
折扣价格at discount
指数偿还的贷款indexed loan
指数成分股比例购买股票buying the index
指数比例购股buy the index
换手率比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by turnover rate
揭利息mortgage interest
揭贷款安排mortgage arrangement
收益标准差by standard deviation
收盘价at the close
收盘市价指令on the close market order
收盘指令on the close order
数量累进折扣serial discount
数额at the figure
既定方针by the book
日结算单daily settlement
日计算拆借款day-to-day money
时付款pay on time
时价出售sell current price
时价发行issue at current price
时价计算at current cost
时段计息discrete compounding
时间调整回报率time adjusted rate of return
时间调整收益率time adjusted rate of return
时间调整的回收期time-adjusted payback period
时间调整的情况计算投资额time adjusted investment
时间顺序配售placing and top-up
最佳市价成交尽可能以最佳价格购买证券的客户指令at best
最佳条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
最佳条件执行的原则best execution standards
最后价格at the close
最后订单at the close order
月计算monthly rated
期付款pay promptly
期付款委托书standing order
来源报告股东的股权reporting stockholder's equity by sources
标准出售sale by standard
正常商业关系on an arm's length basis
正常的交易条款on arm's length terms
正常秩序in regular turn
每名客户计算的再抵押限额per-client re-pledging limit
每期付款额计算利息interest based on each instalment
比例享有权pro rata entitlement
股份公司比例代表投票proportional representation
比例分摊prorate distribution
比例分摊apportionment on a pro rata basis
比例分摊apportioned pro rata
比例分摊偿债基金pro rata sinking fund
比例分摊法method of apportionment on a pro rata basis
比例分摊责任条款pro rata liability clause
比例分红prorate dividends
比例分配制apportionment on a pro rata basis
比例分配股pro rata share
比例原则/方式pro rata basis
比例发行pro rata issues
无优先权债权人比例得到清偿rank ratably
比例购买buying on scale
比例赎股pro rata redemption
比例销账pro rata cancellation
比率分配费用公式formula apportionment
汇票货币支付payable in currency of draft
溢价证券以高于票面价值的价格出售at premium
美国 1978 年《破产改革法案》第11章条款进行的重组reorganization under Chapter 11
照授权履行监督管理职责perform the regulatory functions as authorized
照要求as required
现价at current cost
现价发行issue at current price
现价折算conversion at the current price
现值计算的投资time adjusted investment
现有存量买卖证券sell against the box
现行条款tale quale
目前价格计算at current price
相对价值计算in relative terms
票证配合on coupons
票面价值at par
种类出售sale by type
筛选标准in screening criteria
类细分broken down by category
类表决制classified voting system
约定价或更好价格at or better
绝对价值算in absolute terms
绝对收益by absolute return
绝对现金数值in absolute cash terms
股东最佳利益行事in the best interests of shareholders
股交换股票股票合并share for share exchange
股份制偿还limited by share
股分红sharing out profits according to shares
股分红sharing profits according to shares
股分红dividends distributed in proportion to shares
股本金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote
股权比率发售right offering
脱手价格计价exit price valuation
衡平法处置的资产equitable assets
衡平法规定进行的转让equitable assignment
要价购买buy on the offer
要求付款payment on demand
要求可变的流动资金variable required liquid capital
要约规定subject to an offer
规定交付证券good delivery of securities
规格销售sale by specification
证券发行周期in life cycle of a security issue
贡献大小分红sharing profits according to contributions
账册全额购买buy the book
账单付款payment on statement
货币算in money terms
质量等级收购purchase by grade
贵方价格成交close at your price
资本总值by market capitalization
进度付款progress billing/payment
道・琼斯工业平均数in DJLA
销售价on offer
限价at limit price
需支付payable on demand
需支付的款项money payable on demand
需随时发行国库券tap stock
面值发行issue by denomination
面值发行issue at par
面值应支付payable at par
面值转换成股票的债券debenture convertible at par
顺序偿还的债券sequential pay bond
顺序比较sequential comparison
顺序还债ranking liability
风险by risk
风险规则at-risk rules
风险调整收益by risk adjusted return
高于法定或正常贴现利率买人的票据shaving a note
高于票面价值发行的股票stock issued at more than book value
最先法定first legal mortgage
时交付fail to deliver
时付款delay in payment
次级junior mortgage
浮动利息flexible rate mortgage
税法规定可合伙企业课税的公司subchapter S corporation
A级中等风险Alt-A mortgage
股东持股比例承担责任和风险responsibilities and risks borne by the shareholders in proportion to their shares
账户日结算单daily statements of account