
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
企业经营范围分类classification of enterprise by scope of business
各尽所能、劳分配from each accounting to his ability, to each according to his work
各尽所能、需分配from each according to his ability, to each accounting to his needs
合同约定履行due fulfillment of the contract
持有投资平均额的利润年率计算annualized rate of return on the average investment held
一定比例征收国有企业所得税income tax on state-owned enterprise in proportion to their profits
一般物价水准调整的收益额income measurement improved by general-price level adjustment
上年单位成本计算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
上月月末库存计算平均价格法method of average price at the close of the preceding month
不变价格计算calculated in constant value
不变价格计算in constant dollar value
不变美元计算in constant dollar value
不同期限摊提written off on different time schedule
业务形式分的类classified by forms of business
业务范围分的类classified by scope of business
业务范围分类classification by scope of business
两年计per biennium
个人或岗位核算accounting based on person or post
买方样品交易quality as per buyer's sample
买方货币所定价格price fixed in buyer's currency
亏损结算与转回规定的税收抵免待遇loss carry back-carry forward credits
交割方式分的类classified by forms of delivery
交易量分配收入和费用transactional allocation of income and expenses
交货方式分类classification by the form of delivery
产业分的国内商业性能源最终消费者domestic final consumption of commercial energy by industry
产业分类grouping by industry
产业分组的报告基础industry groupings reporting base
产业部门分的就业employment by industry
产业部门来源分列的商品commodity by industrial origin
产品划分部门departmentation by product
产品布置layout by product
产品性质分类classification by product characteristics
产量提取的更新改造基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
人口平均增长per capita growth
人口平均的国民收入per capita income
人口计算的总产值per capita gross product
人头in capita
人数分摊的费用capitation fee
人数分配per capita
人计算的补助金capitation grant
付款交单方式收取某人购货款draw D/P against someone's purchase
"企业活动"测试"business activities" test
企业类型分类classification by the type of enterprise
企业规模的业务活动分析activity analysis according to scale of enterprise
优惠利率at favourable rates
会计法规进行的会计核算accounting based on legal requirements
体积计by measurement
体积计算的运费指采用英制的船舶公司,货物体积以 40 立方英尺为一吨,重量未达 1680 磅,作为按容积货收取运费的标准。未采英制的船公司,如远东地区则由船公司自定标准measurement freight
体积计重指计收运费时将重量单位等同一体积单位,如一磅 = 166立方英寸volumetric weight
作业活动分配制造费用activity-based overhead
你方价格at your limit
使用年限折旧depreciation-service life
使用年限折旧age depreciation
使用年限折旧法depreciation-service life method
使用年限折旧法age depreciation method
使用时数折旧depreciation-service hours
使用时数折旧法depreciation-service hours method
使用期限摊销法amortization according to serviceable life
全率课征to be taxed at full rates
全部所得课税taxation upon total income
公平合理准则仲裁arbitration aequo et bono
公平合理准则进行仲裁arbitration in equity
公平合理原则处理decide ex aequo et hono
公平合理的准则仲裁arbitration in equity
其是非曲直on merits
其账面数值表示at their book value
净吨位计征assessed according to net tonnage
净计算O/n on net
净计算on net
分批实际进价法计算销售成本cost of sale based on actual batch purchasing price
分期付款额付息interest base on each installment
分期付款额计息interest based on each installment
利息自然增长as interst may appear
利润发奖金distribute bonuses out of profit
到岸价格报实盘offer firm c.i.f.
制造费用分配distribution on manufacturing expense
劳付酬制payment by results
劳分配distribution according to work
劳分配distribution on the basis of labour
劳分配distribution according to labour
劳分配to each according to his work
劳分配each according to one's work
劳分配distributions according to work
劳分配法则law of distribution according to work done
包件计算的责任限制per package limitation liability
包计算per package
区统一收费zone haulage
单价per unit value
单位责任限度limit on unit liability
单项任务核算accounting based on task
卖方样品交易quality as per seller's sample
卖方货币所定价格price fixed in seller's currency
危险危害等级订费hazard rating
即期付at sight basis
历史资料设计historical design
原成本at prime cost
原文so written
发票现金付款方式on a cash-on-invoice-basis
各项资产使用年限分别折旧法unit life depreciation method
合同CONT from contract
合同by compact
合同或契约by compact
合同付款保证金guarantee money paid on contract
买卖双方签订合同合同供货约定供货contract supplies
合同完成确认收入法completed contract method of revenue recognition
合同拨给的货物goods appropriated to the contract
合同支付的保证金caution money paid on contract
合同救助salvage by contract
合同条款办理comply with the terms of contract
合同规定牌价price of call
合理价格支付货价quantum meruit
合约支付的保证金caution money paid on contract
同样条件再买repeat on same terms
同样条件重复repeat on same terms
吨位付款payable to tonnage
吨位评定船的等级rating of a ship according to tonage
周供给量计划存货法week's supply method of stock planning
品种分的类classified by kind
品级by type
商业条件提供资金financing on commercial terms
商品大类和地区分列的年均增长率average annual rate of growth by commodity classes and by regions
回秒针测时法snap-back timing
土地价值征税site-value rating
地位分类classification by status
地区分类classification by region
地区分类classification by geographical area
地区划分部门departmentation by territory
地址交货delivered at the address
型号出售sale by type
型号出售sales on type
型号标准售货sale by type or standard
型号销售sale on type
堆价格bundled prince
堆定价法bundled pricing
增长净收益计算的留成率net income retaining percentage on net income increment
大小分等级grade by size
契约行使的留置权contract lien
字母顺序整理档案或资料alphabetical filing
字组织的存储器word organized memory
季填报be reported quarterly
季度结算with quarterly settlement
季移动平均法method of moving overage by seasons
定货价交货delivered to order
实交净重计算运费freight per net weight delivered
实值支付quantum merit
实值计算的保险费pro rata premium
实际成本计算成本法cost method based on the actual cost
容积吨计算运费法measurement ton system
小时出租hire by the hour
小时计奖制hourly premium system
小时计算hourly basis
小时计算工资by the hour
少报数量罚缴应完正税三倍fined three times full duty payable on difference short-declared
尺度分类classification by scale
尺码吨计算calculate on measurement tonnage
工业部门分类classification by industry group
工作班次分组classification by the number of shifts
工作种类授权delegation of authority by type of work
工厂交货条件销售sale ex work
工厂烟囱推销法factory smokestack selling
工序分类classification by process
工时和材料定价法time and material pricing
工种分的就业employment by occupation
工艺或设备划分部门departmentation by process or equipment
工艺程序布置layout by process
工薪支付金额分摊费用payroll-related basis of allocation
市价on market price
市价at the market
市价at market
市价估价法valuation at market
市价兑换换算conversion at the market price
市价变动增减的报价offer subject to market fluctuation
市价折换成股票的债券debenture convertible to stock at market price
市价折算conversion at market price
市价换算conversion at the market price
市价进行交易at arm's length
市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
市场汇率换算为美元market rates of exchange to the US dollar
常规或惯例撤回申请back tracking
平均成本定价average cost pricing
平均数计算on an average
per annum
人寿险年偿付款refund annuity
年分期付款yearly installment
年均等付款法equal-annual-payment met hod
年基数净收益计算的留成率net income retaining percentage on base year net income
年填报be reported yearly
年岀租hire by the year
年提取的预算资金permanent annual charge
年租赁yearly tenancy
年租赁tenant from year to year
年计per year
序存取存储sequential access storage
应适用的法律de jure referenda
当前情况修订预算budget update
当天汇率结算current conversion method
当局指示by order of the authorities
当年价格计算calculated on the prices of the indicated years
当日牌价兑换at the rate of exchange prevailing on the date of remittance
当时投资水平at the prevailing rate of investment
当时汇率折算temporal method of translation
形式分的类classified by forms
形式分类classification by form
性质分类classification by characteristics
性质分类character classification
总价值at full value
成本on cost (计价)
成本价或按市价cost or market
成本加成及再出售价计算法cost plus and resale method
成本固定百分比折旧法method of fixed percentage on cost
成本固定百分比折旧法met hod of discount fixed percentage on cost
成本定价cost oriented pricing
成本定价出售库存股票法disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
成本定值value at cost
成本性质分类natural classification of cost
成本或低于成本计算原则cost-or-less principle
成本或市价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
成本编制预算cost based budgeting
成本计价value at cost
成本进账制cost basis of accounting
成果付酬payment by result
成果付酬计划payment by results scheme
批量计算calculation based on batch quantity
承兑交单方式收取某人购货款draw D/A against someone's purchase
投资所得定价return-on-investment pricing
投资收益率定价return-on-investment pricing
折扣at discount
折扣发行的无息债券non-interest bearing discount bond
持有人per bearer
指令by order
指数变化的电压exponential voltage change
指数律增长的人口exponential population
指数比例增长exponential manner, growth in an
指数比例增长exponent manner, grow in an
指数规律增长的人口exponential population
指数规律增长的人口数exponent population
换算假设进行的计算"if-converted" computation
排分保placement of reinsurance
提单重量计算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
操作布置layout by operation
操作过程分类classification by the process of operation
支岀用途编制预算object of expenditure budgeting
收入形式分的类classified by forms of income
收入组别分配distribution by income group
收款银行决定交单document against discretion of collecting bank
数分配distribution from data
数量分配distribution on quantity
数量分配distribution on number
数量或质量分配distribution on number or quantity
整数by the lumps
新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
旅客航行公里计算的保险费revenue passenger kilometers
最低价购置设备procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost
最后卸货量计算的运费freight on final outturn
最大生产能力at full capacity
最好收盘价成交market on closing
月交货delivery on calendar month basis
人寿险月付费制debit system
月供应monthly supply
月出租hire by the month
月分期付款pay by monthly installment
月分期付款monthly instalments
月分期付款销售sale on monthly installment
月分期付款销售sales on monthly installment
月分期付款销售sales on monthly installments
月分期付款销售monthly instalment sale
月发给某人津贴allow sb. a monthly subsidy
月填报be reported monthly
月平均量equal quantity monthly
月承包monthly contract
月支付付款monthly payment
月管理产品monthly control products
月送货monthly delivery
月递减条款monthly reduction clause
有利利率at a favourable interest rate
服务能力折旧法depreciation-service-capacity method
期交货deliver on time
期付息责任gale of interest
期偿还repay on time
期分批发货futures installment of goods
期到达terminal arrive
期支付duly pay
期收到duly received
期结清银行支票take up one's note at the bank when due
未收余额计息interest base on uncollected balance
机床种类布置的车间functionally laid out workshop
条件付款指按照买卖双方协商同意的付款方式付款,如货到即付等payment on terms
…条件计价priced in terms of
来源分类classification by source
某百分数计算at a percentage of
标准价格at standard price
标准品或标准规格售货sale by standard or on type
标准规格售货sale by standard or type
样品per sample
样品出售sale by sample
样品订购sample order
样品销售sale by pattern
模数n校验modulo-n check
欠资加倍索取demand double the deficiency in postage to
次计费用户message rate subscriber
此等条件成交close on these terms
每期相等的付款额计息interest based on equal periodic payment
比例pro rata
比例减少proportional reduction
比例分摊contribute proportionately
比例划分scale division
比例平均pro rata average
比例扩大投资scale expansion investment
比例收费scale fee
保险比例注销pro rata cancellation
各类产品比例混合销售sales mix
比例的一份rateable share
比例补贴subsidy pro rates
比例规划模式linear programming model
比例计算的保险费pro rata premium
比例计算的运费pro rata freight
比例计算责任pro rata liability
比例降价scale-down of prices
毛利率法计算销售成本cost of sale based on gross margin rate
毛利计算calculated on gross profit
毛收听率购买广告法gross rating points buy
法人社团构成的组织形式corporately structured forms of organization
法律裁决arbitration in law
活动计算折旧法activity-based depreciation
消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
清偿能力计算的国际收支差额balance on liquidity
滑动费率支付专利权使用费sliding scale royalty
滑动费率支付专利权税sliding-scale royalty
according to
in compliance with
ad val
照会计原则accordance with the principle of accounting
照合同as agreed
照合向规定as provided in the contract
照合约as agreed upon
照市价at the market
照常例as is usual
照惯例secundum usum
照有效期as expiry
照本条例规定accordance with stipulation of the present regulation
照样品by sample
照样品as per sample
照规定secundum regulation
照通知汇票注语as per advice
照通知付款as per advice
照附上的文件as per enclosed document
照附上的明细单as per specifications attached
物价水平调整的损益price level gains or losses
物价水平调整的财务报表price level financial statements
现价兑换conversion at the current price
现价计算at current price
现值at the money
现值核算的土地价值land value under current value accounting
现时价格at current price
现时成本计算at current cost
现时购买力编制的财务报表current purchasing power statement
现时费率at current costs
现状talis qualis
现状tale quale
现状出售"as is" sale
现行汇价折合计算法编制的国外业务报表current noncurrent method of translating statement
现金付款方式on a cash-on-invoice basis
生产者价值计算的增值额value added at producers' value
生产过程分类classification by special processes of production
用途分类classification by use
百分比计征levied as a percentage
…的指示to the order to...
…的通知to the order to...
码出售的织物布疋、 丝绸等yard goods
打、码出售sell by the pound (dozen,yard)
票…lot by lot
票面价值兑换exchange at par
票面价值折换债券debenture convertible at par value
票面发行issue at par
税种划分according to different categories of taxes
箱折扣case-rate discount
类型分的类classified by type
约定运费已付freight paid as arranged
级定价class-of-line of pricing practice
级提价price raising by grade
级论价grade commodities and fix price accordingly
纯利计算calculated net profit
组译码block-wise decoding
经济实益课税原则principle of taxation based on economic substance
经济活动与部门交叉分类cross classification by kind of economic activity and sector
经济活动分类kind of activity classification
经济活动分类classification by kind of economic activity
经济活动分类单位kind of activity unit
经济规律办事conducting economic activities in line with economic law
绝对价值计算in absolute term
美元计值的后进先出法LIFO dollar-value method
职员平均average per employee
职工人数分摊费用成本personnel-related basis of allocation
职能分工functional division of labour
职能划分部门departmentation by function
股分红sharing profits according to contributions
股分配on allotment
股分配issue to share holder
股权金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote yardstick
船载散装货船吃水线交接即不过秤handing over as per loading
船龄折旧age depreciation
节约券或限额证核算accounting based on saving coupon or quota paper
营业收入确定交货法delivery on basis of revenue recognition
行业惯例by custom of trade
行情定价quotational pricing
行政系统和行政区划according to administrative systems and divisions
要求供应available for request
要素价值计算的增值额value added at factor value
要素成本计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
要素成本计算的国民生产总值at factor costs
要素成本计算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
规则de regie
规定as directed
规定要求交货good delivery
规格by specification
规格制作within specification
规格说明售货sale by description
规模分类classification by size
…计价priced at
计划单位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
计量标记at gage marks
订单by order
订正费率计算at revised rate
议购价格购买purchase at negotiated price
记账方式交易on open-account terms
设备或机台核算accounting based on equipment and machinery
诉讼程序at the suit
负担能力课税说ability theory of taxation
负载因素定价load-factor pricing
负载因素定价load factor pricing
财产所在地征税的规定situs rules
责任报告reporting by responsibility
账面价值at book value
货样as is
货物体积计收运费cubic measurement
货物现状as is
货的价值计算的运费freight by ad valorem
质论价fixing prices according to the quality of products
质量分等级grade by quality
费用项目性质分析analysis by nature of cost items
资历增加工资longevity pay
载货负担能力收取运费制度charging what the traffic will bear
载重吨位计征assessed according to dead weight tonnage
这些条件成交close on these terms
进度试验schedule tests
递远递价比例计算的运费率tariff on tapering scale
通知指在短期贷款协议中约定,债权人可在到期前,通知借款人还款at call
重量或容量交接货物handing over as per weight
重量分级grade by weight
重量或体积Weight and/or Measurement
重量计by weight
重量配料weigh batching
量收费volume charge
量计算in volume
交易量计算in volume
销价估价selling-price valuation
销售价估计存货损失estimated loss from sale valuation of merchandise inventory
销售区列示的贡献毛利表territory contribution margin statement
键式现金出纳机press-down-key cash register
键式现金出纳机"press-down-key" cash register
需交货订单指买方按其需要要求卖方交付定单数量内的部分货物的一种订货方式call off order
需分配distribution on the basis of need
需分配to each according to his needs
需分配distributions according to need
需定产gearing production to demand
需要in demand
需要购买purchasing by requirement
顺序in due course
顾客划分部门departmentation by customer
预定计划according to schedule
预算购商品的顾客budget shoppers
风险调整贴现率risk-adjusted discount rate
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