
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
价分配price rationing
债务工具分类的融资financing by type of debt instrument
债务工具划分的债务余额outstanding debt by type of debt instrument
债务持有者分类的融资financing by type of debt holder
债务持有者划分的债务余额outstanding debt by type of debt holder
公式计算的财政补贴formula grant
公式计算的财政补贴formula-based grant public finance
到岸价计值c.i.f. valuation
功能分类的支出expenditure by function
协议进行的交易transaction by agreement
地点编制的国际银行统计locational statistics
地点编制的国际银行统计locational basis
地点编制的国际银行统计locational banking statistics
地点编制的国际银行统计locational international banking statistics
基本需要衡量的贫困线basic needs poverty line
季节调整的年率seasonally adjusted annual rate
市价计值mark a position to market
市价计值mark to the market
期购回scheduled repurchase
活动分列的产品分类Classification of Products by Activities
目的划分的个人消费分类Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose
目的划分的个人消费分类Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose
目的划分的为住户服务的非营利机构的分类Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households
目的划分的生产者支出分类Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose
经济类别分类的支出和贷款减去还款expenditure and lending minus repayments by economic type
职能对支出分类functional classification of expenditure
职能对支出分类functional classification of expense
获得法确定利息开支acquisition approach to interest expense
获得法确定利息开支acquisition approach
边际成本定价marginal cost pricing
部门统计的GDPsector GDP
面值交换减息债券reduced interest par bond exchange debt restructuring
预定时间回购期望time-based repurchase expectations
银行要求提供的报表call report
银行要求提供的报表bank call report