
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
放射性示踪测井仪上射流器示器upper ejector indicator
中子俘获截面含气示仪sigma gas indicator
中子孔隙度neutron porosity index
中心压力central pressure index
数脉冲发生器master index pulse generator
井眼不规则示器装置borehole rugosity indicator tool
低压low voltage directive
储层条件下的电阻率数测量resistivity-index measurement at reservoir condition
光谱spectrum index
凝灰质含量示比tuffaceousness indicator ratio
分离separation index
区域位置示器zone position indicator
和多数据single instruction stream and multiple data stream
卡点示仪stuck-point indicator tool
压力差示器pressure difference indicator
原油含氢hydrogen index in oil
反射reflective index
反射信号reflected signal indication
发射成功示器launch success indicator
可产出油producible oil index
可视visual index
可视式多普勒示器visual Doppler indicator
含气gas index
含氢hydrogen indices
含氢hydrogen index
含水water cut index
含水量moisture index
含水量示器moisture indicator
噪声noise index
噪声noise figure
噪声和数值noise and number indexes
噪声极限示器noise limit indicator
噪声自动数字示器automatic noise figure indicator
地球科学数据Earth Science Data Directory
地磁研究常设机构Permanent Service for Geomagnetic Indices
地面速度示器ground speed indicator
基本体积base volume index
声波测井油气示仪acoustic log hydrocarbon indicator
多普勒回波示器echo Doppler indicator
天然气含氢hydrogen index in gas
孔隙度porosity index
孔隙度示比值porosity indicator ratio
对数电平示器log-level indicator
岩性示比lithology indicator ratio
差示力示器differential pressure indicator
平一数滤波器flat/exponential filter
序贯示器模拟sequential indicator simulation
应用参照application reference index
放射性示踪测井仪的底部喷射器示器lower ejector indicator
微异差示器differential anomaly indicator
微电极测井分离示器minilog separation indicator
中子数实验fast exponential experiment
持水率示器water holdup indicator
持水率示测井water holdup indicator log
令与控制装置command and control unit
定骨架传播时间time propagation for fixed matrix
形纸finger plate
数型广义自回归条件异方差性exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
数型概率密度函数exponential probability density function
数校正index correction
示器读数indicator reading
针总读数total indicator reading
接收信号强度示器received signal strength indicator
放射性同位素示剂radioisotope indicator
数量示器quantity indicator
无线电磁偏差示器radio magnetic deviation indicator
晶体频率示器crystal frequency indicator
最小泥质minimum shale index
标度后的折射数采样scaled refraction index sampling
检波器噪声receiver noise figure
模数转换完成analog digital conversion complete command
次生孔隙度secondary porosity index
残余烃的含氢hydrogen index of hydrocarbon residual
比重相对密度specific gravity index
气相含氢hydrogen index of the gas phase
水的含氢hydrogen index in water
水相含氢hydrogen index of the water phase
波形振幅waveform amplitude exponent
泥岩体积示剂shale volume indicator
泥岩含氢hydrogen index in shale
泥岩自然电位spontaneous potential shale indicator
泥岩自然电位SP shale indicator
泥浆滤液含氢hydrogen index of mud-filtrate
泥质含量shale index
泥质数选择器shale index selector
泥质中子俘获截面示标志sigma shale indicator flag
活动目标示器moving-target indicator
液体含氢hydrogen index in liquid
液压流体hydraulic fluid index
深度偏差示器depth deviation indicator
混响reverberation index
清晰度articulation index
温差示控制器temperature differential indicating controller
温度temperature indication
温度示器temperature indicator
温度示控制仪temperature indicating controller
烃含氢hydrogen index in hydrocarbon
热中子衰减时间测井泥质示标志thermal decay time shale indicator flag
热中子衰减时间测井泥质示标志TDT shale indicator flag
coal index
物理合理性physical fitness index
球面与数补偿spherical and exponential compensation
生产曲线the production index curve
甲烷含氢hydrogen index in methane
电容式位置示器capacitive position indicator
电源示器power indicator
电阻率resistivity index
目标target indicating
相位随炮检距变化示器phase offset indicator
相关对比correlation index
短探测传播时间示器short transit time indicator
矿化度标比salinity indication ratio
硬石膏示比anhydrite indicator ratio
磁平示器magnetic level indicator
精确位置示器accurate position indicator
累计水泥体积定处integrated cement volume destination
维氏硬度Vickers hardness number
缓冲buffer index
胶结cementation exponent
胶结数快速直观解释bond index quicklook
胶结数最低值bond index minimum
胶结数极限bond index limit
胶结百分数bond percentage index
能量energy index
自然伽马gamma ray index
自然伽马gamma-ray index
自然伽马泥岩质示标志gamma ray shale indicator flag
自然伽马泥质gamma ray shale index
自然电位示器标志spontaneous potential indicator flag
自然电位测井泥质spontaneous potential shale indicator
自然电位测井泥质SP shale indicator
自由流体free-fluid index
裂缝fracture index
距离—高度示器range-height indicator
跟踪遥测和令站tracking telemetry and command station
速度示相干积分器velocity indicating coherent integrator
钍钾生产thorium potassium production index
potassium index
记录长度示符length indicator
长距离传播示器long spacing transit indicator
震源位能source potential index
非弹性岩性示比inelastic lithology indication ratio
音量示器volume indicator
频率时间示器frequency time indicator
饱和度saturation index
骨架含氢hydrogen index in matrix