
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
数挂钩的证券index-linked instruments
数挂钩的证券index-linked securities
主要全球Principal Global Indicators
价格数化price indexation
信用风险credit risk indicator
先导forward-looking indicator
先导leading indicator
先行forward-looking indicator
先行leading indicator
全球房价Global House Price Index
净储备net reserves indicator
初级商品价格Primary Commodities Price Index
联储前瞻forward guidance
发散divergence indicator
同步coincidental indicator
同步coincident indicator
名义有效汇率NEER index
名义有效汇率nominal effective exchange rate index
商品数基金commodity index fund
商品数投资commodity index investment
固定权重价格fixed-weight price index
国内生产总值缩减GDP deflator
国内生产总值缩减implicit price deflator
国民生产总值缩减GNP deflator
《国际收支编制南》Balance of Payments Compilation Guide
《国际金融统计中的货币与银行统计南》A Guide to Money and Banking Statistics in International Financial Statistics
20国集团评估持续严重失衡的示意性导原则Indicative Guidelines
20国集团评估持续严重失衡的示意性导原则G20 Indicative Guidelines for Assessing Persistently Large Imbalances
定的圈子内减免税收的制度ring system indirect taxation
基准债券benchmark bond index
基尼不均等Gini inequality index
基尼不均等coefficient of concentration
基尼不均等Gini index
基尼不均等Gini coefficient
基期加权base-weighted index
基期加权Laspeyres index
基期加权base-weighted price index
增加值的缩减value-added deflator
外汇市场压力EMP index
存款担保计划Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive
存款担保计划DGS Directive
宏观审慎macroprudential indicator
实际有效汇率REER index
工资数化wage indexation
差异程度divergence indicator
已签发的支票或支付checks and warrants issued
市场筹资国公共债务可持续性分析导说明Guidance Note on Public Debt Sustainability Analysis for Market Access Countries
批发价格wholesale price index
拉斯贝尔base-weighted index
拉斯贝尔Laspeyres index
拉斯贝尔base-weighted price index
拉氏Laspeyres index
拉氏base-weighted index
拉氏base-weighted price index
令性价格controlled price
令性价格administrative price
令性价格administered price
令性计划mandatory plan
令性贷款directed credit
令经济controlled economy
令经济command economy
定业务prescribed operation
定交易designated transaction
定交易transaction with designation
定存放机构designated depository
定用途的账户set-aside account
定的特别提款权持有者prescribed holder of SDRs
定的特别提款权持有者prescribed SDR holder
定规则rules for designation
定计划designation plan
导委员会advisory committee
导委员会steering committee
导委员会bank advisory committee London Club
Laspeyresbase-weighted index
Laspeyresbase-weighted price index
LaspeyresLaspeyres index
EMPEMP index
数函数exponential function
数化债券indexed bonds
数期货stock index future
数期货share price index future
数期货index future
数期货securities index future
标票据order paper
标票据order instrument
政体polity index
数量volume index
数量quantum index
数量quantitative indicator
新兴市场债券Emerging Markets Bond Index
替代proxy indicator
核心统计core statistical indicator
派氏Paasche index
派氏current-weighted index
消费物价调和harmonized index of consumer prices
消费者价格consumer price index
滞后lagging indicator
物量volume index
特征hedonic index
特征hedonic price index
特征物价hedonic index
特征物价hedonic price index
现期加权Paasche index
现期加权current-weighted index
生产物价producer price index
生活费用cost-of-living index
第四条磋商监督导说明Guidance Note for Surveillance under Article IV Consultations
股票数期权合同stock index option contract
脆弱性vulnerability indicator
芝加哥期权交易所波动率VIX Index
芝加哥期权交易所波动率Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index
证券数期货share price index future
证券数期货index future
证券数期货stock index future
证券数期货securities index future
财政风险披露和管理导原则Guidelines for Fiscal Risk Disclosure and Management
贸易限制trade restrictiveness index
资本充足率Capital Adequacy Directive
资本流动放开与管理导说明Guidance Note on Liberalization and Management of Capital Flows
赫芬达尔Herfindahl index
赫芬达尔Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
金融压力Financial Stress Index
金融稳健financial soundness indicator
金融稳健标:编制指南Financial Soundness Indicators: Compilation Guide
《金融稳健标编制指南》Compilation Guide on Financial Soundness Indicators
欧洲银行复苏与处置Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive
隐含的价格缩减GDP deflator
隐含的价格缩减implicit price deflator
零售物价retail price index
领先forward-looking indicator
领先leading indicator