
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
不舒适discomfort index
位置示器position indicator
信号示灯signal indicator
修理troubleshooting data
区域性损失regional damage index
压力pressure exponent
吸收剂量absorbed dose index
噪声figure of noise
大气质量air quality index
大雨driving rain index
幂律power law exponent
幕律power law index
年平均损失average annual damage index
应变硬化strain hardening exponent
性能performance index
性能figure of performance
性能performance index
技术经济technical economical index
报警示器alarm indicator
数吸收律exponential absorption law
数定律power law
数律exponential law
数方程exponential equation
数衰减exponential decay
示器dial gauge
示灯warning lamp
示灯pilot lamp
示灯pilot tube
示灯display lamp
示风速indicated wind speed
骨关节knuckle joint
损失damage index
摩擦friction index
放射性示器radioactive indicater
故障示器obstacle indicator
故障示器fault indicator
效率efficiency indication
数字式示器digital indicator
有载示器on-load indicator
有载示器on load indicator
检修troubleshooting data
植物风力ecological indicator
气流示表air flow indicator
污染index of pollution
污染物pollutant index
浓度concentration index
液位示器fluid level indicator
烟雾smog index
环境质量environmental quality index
环流circulation index
硬化hardenability value
磁场示器magnetic field indicator
积冰icing index
稳定度stability index
空气污染air pollution index
绝热adiabatic index
综合污染synthetic pollution data
自动示器automatic indicator
舒适comfort index
装配assembly order
警告示器warning indicator
设计design guide
诱导效应inductive effect index
遥控示器remote indicator
阻力index of resistance
风切变wind shear exponent
风力示物wind indicator
风向wind arrow
风向及风力示符号wind arrow
风速梯度wind gradient exponent
风阻index of resistance
黏度viscosity index
黏性viscosity index