
Terms containing 担保 贷款 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一般贷款和担保协议general loan and collateral agreement
fin.不动产担保贷款loan secured by real estate
econ.个人担保贷款loan on personal guarantee
econ.个人担保贷款loan secured by personal guarantee
securit.为第三方担保贷款secure a loan for a third party
textile为贷款担保secure a loan
IMF.为贷款提供担保back a loan
IMF.互助与贷款担保基金Mutual Aid and Loan Guarantee Fund of the Entente Council Council of the Entente
econ., int. law.以信用担保的贷款loan secured by credit
econ.以工厂财产抵押担保的银行贷款bank loan secured by mortgage on factory foundation
fin.以扺押品担保贷款secure a debt by mortgage
securit.以担保品抵押的贷款loan against collateral
econ., int. law.以物品担保的贷款loan secured by things
securit.以证券为担保的贷款者taker in
busin.信用担保贷款loan secured by credit
fin.债务合并担保贷款debt consolidation secured loan
tech.公债担保贷款bond collateral loan
econ.农场贷款担保security for farm loans
fin.出口汇票作担保的贷款利率interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill
econ.分期偿还贷款往往由动产抵押担保Installment loans are often secured by chattel mortages
fin.双边贷款担保bilateral loan guarantees
securit.可作贷款担保的证券eligible security for collateral for a loan
securit.增加贷款担保物的价值sweeten a loan
securit.大额备用担保贷款substantial standby secured credit
securit.存折担保贷款loan on passbook as collateral
tech.存款单担保抵押贷款certificate backed mortgage
busin.定期担保抵押贷款secured time loan
fin.定期担保贷款fixed loan secured
fin.定期担保贷款time loan secured
econ.定期担保贷款secured time loan
fin.定期无担保贷款fixed loan unsecured
securit.定期无担保贷款time loan unsecured
econ.对贷款的担保guarantee of loans raised from other sources
securit.小企业贷款担保计划small firms loan guarantee scheme
China, law小额担保贷款small guarantee loan
securit.小额担保贷款政策guaranteed micro-loan policy
fin.应收账款担保贷款loan secured by accounts receivable
commer.建设担保贷款construction guaranteed loan
fin.房地产担保贷款loan secured by real estate
econ.抵押担保贷款loan on collateral security
econ.抵押担保贷款loan on collateral
econ.抵押担保品贷款的最高限额ceiling on loans upon collateral security
earth.sc.抵押贷款担保guaranteed mortgage certificate
securit.抵押贷款的担保品collateral security for loan
busin.担保抵押贷款security loan
busin.担保品贷款advance against collateral
securit.担保品贷款loan on collateral
securit.担保循环贷款secured revolving-credit facility
securit.担保条款贷款secured term loan
fin.担保贷款against security
earth.sc.担保贷款collateral loan
econ.担保贷款loans granted on security
econ.担保贷款loan against collateral
China, law担保贷款secured loans
busin.担保贷款guaranteed loan
econ.担保贷款a fully secured loan
econ.担保贷款signature loan
fin.担保贷款credit on guarantee
fin.担保贷款loan on guarantee
fin.担保贷款loan on collateral
securit.担保贷款secured loan
interntl.trade.担保贷款代理人del credere agent
securit.担保贷款限额guaranteed line of credit
econ.拿地产作担保的贷款a loan secured on landed property
econ.提供贷款时要求的担保security requested when granting credit
fin.政府担保贷款government-guaranteed loan
tech.担保信用贷款open credit
econ.担保贷款clear credit
fin.担保贷款unsecured advance
fin.担保贷款loan without collateral security
econ.担保贷款loan without security
interntl.trade.担保贷款straight loan
interntl.trade.担保贷款signature loan
econ.担保贷款unsecured loan
econ.担保贷款open credit
busin.担保贷款credit on an unsecured basis
securit.担保贷款/垫款clean advance
busin.无抵押担保贷款signature loan
commer.无担保信用贷款open credit
fin.无担保定期贷款time loan unsecured
IMF.无担保的贷款unsecured loan
securit.无担保的贷款loan without security
fin.无担保私人贷款private unguaranteed lending
fin.无担保银行贷款unsecured bank credit
securit.无足够担保的贷款undercollateralized loan
fin.担保贷款secured loan
busin.担保贷款loan guaranteed
securit.担保贷款股票secured loan stock
fin.有价证券担保贷款advance against securities
interntl.trade.有合格担保品的贷款advance against approved collateral
interntl.trade.有合格担保的贷款advances against approved collateral
interntl.trade.有合格担保的贷款advance against approved collateral
econ.有形资产担保贷款securement of loans on tangible assets
econ.有担保品的贷款advance against collection
econ.有担保品的贷款advance against collateral
fin.有担保品贷款collateral loan
fin.有担保定期贷款secured time loan
tech.有担保定期贷款fixed loan secured
econ.有担保的贷款guarantee credit
proj.manag.有担保的贷款secured loan
IMF.有担保的贷款backed loan
IMF.有担保的贷款guaranteed loan
tech.有担保的贷款loan guaranteed
securit.有毒抵押贷款担保证券toxic mortgage-backed securities
busin.未偿担保贷款outstanding guarantee credit
securit.次级抵押贷款担保证券securities backed by subprime mortgages
tech.活期担保贷款demand loan secured
earth.sc.由政府担保的贷款government insured loan
securit.申请担保贷款applying for loans secured
commer.短期贷款综合担保comprehensive ST guarantee (系英国岀口信贷担保署(缩为 E.C.G.D.= Export Credits Guarantee Department) 对半年以内短期信贷的担保)
commer.短期贷款综合担保comprehensive short term guarantee (系英国岀口信贷担保署(缩为 E.C.G.D.= Export Credits Guarantee Department) 对半年以内短期信贷的担保)
econ.私人担保贷款personal sureties for loans
earth.sc.私人担保的常规按揭贷款privately insured conventional loan
busin.私人贷款保险或担保insurance or guarantee of private loans
securit.私人贷款担保guarantee of private loans
fin.第三方担保贷款loan with third party's guarantee
avia.紧急贷款担保委员会emergency loan guarantee board
securit.经纪人证券担保贷款broker's collateral loan
fin.美国次级抵押贷款担保证券securities backed by US subprime mortgages
UN, econ.联合国用东道国贷款作为担保offer of a loan from the host country as a guarantee
securit.联邦担保贷款conforming loan
securit.联邦住房担保贷款federal housing insured loans
busin.股票担保贷款stock collateral loan
fin.股票债券担保贷款loan secured by stocks and bonds
textile证券担保贷款security collateral loan
textile证券担保贷款loan on collateral
securit.证券担保贷款loan on collateral security
busin.证券担保贷款advance against securities
fin.证券担保贷款credit on securities
econ.证券担保贷款loans on securities
econ.证券担保贷款securities collateral loan
busin.证券担保贷款advance upon collateral
busin.证券担保贷款credit on security
commer.证券担保贷款stock collateral loan
securit.证券担保贷款security loan
securit.证券担保贷款advance against security
fin.证券担保贷款利率rate for loans on collateral
securit.证券担保贷款利率rate for loans on collateral securities
econ.该代理商希望从银行获得一笔大额贷款,公司给他作了担保The company stood surety for his agent who wanted to obtain a big loan from the bank
busin.货栈担保贷款field warehousing loan
avia.购买飞机担保贷款aircraft Ioan guaranteed
tech.贷款信用担保credit guarantee
econ.贷款和担保业务lending and guaranty operations
tech.贷款担保security of loan
econ.贷款担保loan guarantee
busin.贷款担保security for a loan
oil贷款担保financial guarantee
commer.贷款担保guarantee for loan
securit.贷款担保loan security
securit.贷款担保债券collateralized loan obligation
fin.贷款担保公司credit guarantee company
IMF.贷款担保凭证collateralized loan obligation
econ.贷款担保品the security for a loan
fin.贷款担保品collateral security for loan
securit.贷款担保品security for a loan
fin.贷款担保计划loan guarantee programme
tech.贷款担保计划loan guarantee program
securit.转让证券作为贷款担保transfer of securities as security for a loan
busin.通知担保贷款call secured loan
econ.银行担保的贷款bankable loan
securit.银行贷款担保guarantee of bank loan
securit.长期担保贷款fixed loan secured
fin.附担保品贷款loans on collateral
fin.附担保品贷款loan on collateral
interntl.trade.需有担保的贷款advances against collateral
interntl.trade.需有担保的贷款advance against collateral
agric., econ.非抵押担保贷款loan against non-mortgage securities
fin.黄金担保贷款gold collateral loan