
Terms for subject Finances containing 抵押 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子抵押package mortgage
一揽子抵押贷款计划package mortgage plan
一般抵押general mortgage
一般抵押公债general mortgage bonds
不动产抵押pledge of immovable
不动产抵押信贷real estate mortgage credit
不动产抵押信贷credit-based on real property
不动产抵押借款loan secured by real estate
不动产抵押借款保险mortgage insurance
不动产抵押放款loan on actual estate
不动产抵押贷款real estate mortgage loan
不动产抵押贷款loan on real estate
不动产抵押银行债券debenture of hypothec bank
不定额抵押open-end mortgage
不定额抵押债券open-end issue bond
不定额抵押债券open-end mortgage bond
不定额抵押债券open mortgage bond
不定额抵押贷款open mortgage
不计后果的抵押贷款reckless mortgage lending
个人抵押贷款loan on personal security
仅付利息抵押贷款interest-only mortgage
以住房做抵押进行贷款borrow against the value of one's homes
以存折抵押的贷款loan on passbook as collateral
以实物资产作抵押security in physical assets
以有价证券做抵押获得贷款take loan on securities
以证券抵押的贷款loan against securities
以铁道支线为抵押之债券divisional bonds
优先抵押prior charge
优先抵押underlying mortgage
优先抵押first mortgage
优先抵押证券senior mortgage bond
优质抵押贷款prime mortgage
估计抵押品的成本estimated cost of guaranties
低级抵押权保证junior lien mortgage
低评级抵押low-grade collateral
住宅抵押借款residential mortgage
住宅抵押贷款债权信托residential mortgage trust
住房抵押证券residential mortgage-backed securities
住房抵押贷款home mortgage loan
住房抵押贷款residential mortgage loan
住房抵押贷款housing mortgage loan
住房抵押贷款home mortgage lending
住房反向抵押贷款housing reverse mortgages
保证抵押制度guaranteed mortgage system
信用抵押债券debenture mortgage bond
债券抵押debenture mortgage
债券抵押证券collateralized bond obligation (一种由多个差级组成的债券结构。它与房产抵押贷款债券相似,但抵押品不是房产抵押贷款,而是评级较低的债)
债券及抵押款记录bonds and mortgage record
债务抵押debt mortgage
债务抵押证书charge certificate
债务融资抵押贷款投资debt-financed mortgage investments
债权抵押证券collateralized debt obligation (一种把所有的抵押打包在一起、进行重新包装、再以产品形式推放到市场的资产证券化产品)
全英房屋抵押贷款协会Nationwide Building Society (英国最大的房屋贷款协会,也是英国提供抵押贷款和存款账户的一个主要机构,总部位于英格兰斯文顿,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第98位)
公债作抵押的票据贴现discount of bill with government bond as collateral
公司资产抵押mortgage of corporate assets
共同抵押common mortgage
共同抵押品管理系统common collateral management system
农产抵押farm mortgages
分享抵押participating mortgage
切块抵押贷款证券stripped mortgage-backed securities
剥离式抵押支持证券stripped mortgage-backed securities (1986年美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会推出的一种金融工具,是将资产池现金流中的利息与本金进行分割与组合,由此衍生出的金融产品)
动产抵押personal security
动产抵押pledge of movables
动产抵押mortgage of movable property
动产抵押mortgage of chattels
动产抵押chattel mortgages
动产抵押信贷credit against pledge of chattel
动产抵押债券chattel mortgage bonds
动产抵押公司债collateral bond
包裹抵押贷款wraparound mortgage
原始抵押head mortgage
参与抵押participating mortgage
取消抵押赎回权的房子foreclosed homes
取消抵押赎回权的房子销售foreclosed properties for sale
可加抵押指可在业已抵押之财产中增加押款open end mortgage bond
可调利率抵押贷款利率的调整resetting of adjustable-rate mortgages
合并抵押consolidated mortgage
合成型债权抵押证券synthetic collateralized debt obligation
后得财产抵押条款after-acquired property clause
商业抵押担保证券commercial mortgage-backed securities
固定抵押dead mortgage
固定利率抵押贷款fixed-rate mortgage
增值共享抵押shared appreciation mortgage
备用抵押standby mortgage
外汇抵押贷款foreign exchange mortgage loan
定额抵押债券closed-end mortgage bond
客户抵押client collateral
客户证券及抵押client securities and collateral
工厂抵押债券plant mortgage bond
工矿抵押industrial-mineral mortgage
抵押物业mortgaged properties
抵押财产mortgaged properties
抵押资产mortgaged assets
已摊还抵押amortized mortgage
市场抵押market collateral
常规抵押贷款conventional mortgage loan
常规固定利率抵押conventional fixed-rate mortgage
库存抵押hypothecation of inventories
应付抵押mortgage payable
应付抵押款帐户mortgage payable account
应付未付抵押债券息accrued interest on mortgages
应收抵押mortgage receivable
应收抵押票据mortgage note receivable
应收帐款抵押pledging of receivable
应收帐款抵押pledging in receivable
应收账款抵押pledging of accounts receivable
开放式抵押open-end mortgage
往来抵押透支overdrafts on current account secured (current account overdrawn)
往来抵押透支overdraft on current account secured (current account overdrawn)
往来账户抵押透支mortgage overdraft on current account
德国抵押债券Pfandbriefe (指为抵押贷款或公共项目融资而发行的德国债券)
房产抵押hypothecation of real property
房产抵押合同contract of house mortgage
房产抵押house property hypothecation
房产再抵押贷款home equity loan
房地产抵押mortgage on real estate
房地产抵押信贷credit-based on real property
房地产抵押债券real estate mortgage bonds
房地产抵押银行家mortgage banker
房屋抵押贷款债券mortgage backed securities
房屋抵押贷款协会Building Society (一种接受储蓄存款、然后为购房者提供住房抵押贷款的金融机构)
房屋增值抵押贷款housing equity withdrawal
承受抵押条款mortgagee clause
抵押hang up
抵押人,抵押者pledger, pledgor
抵押价值hypothecary value
抵押保护mortgage caution
抵押保护保险mortgage protection insurance
抵押借款数额sum lent on a mortgage
抵押债券secured bond
抵押偿还mortgage repayment
抵押公司mortgage corporation
抵押利息免税计划mortgage interest relief scheme
抵押协会mortgage association
抵押mortgage things
抵押pledge goods
抵押pledged goods
抵押welsh mortgage
抵押hypothecated goods
抵押品不足贷款undercollateralized loan
抵押品与固定负债之比ratio of security to fixed liabilities
抵押品投资组合collateral portfolio
抵押品登记collateral register
抵押品购回buying in
抵押品贷款collateral loans
抵押契据deed of mortgage
抵押契据pledge instrument
抵押契据instrument of pledge
抵押契约instrument pledge
抵押存仓贷款mortgage warehousing loan
抵押存款collateral deposits
抵押年金计划mortgage annuity scheme
抵押式摊还法mortgage amortization
抵押投资级的抵押品pledge only investment grade-rated collateral
抵押担保pledge guarantee
抵押担保证券mortgage-backed securities
抵押担保证券collateralized mortgage obligation (指以物业按揭(房地产抵押贷款)为抵押品而发行的证券。按揭贷款的现金流及期限差异很大,如果将其分类集中以便发行 CMO,即可计算整体现金流及按计划支付利息)
抵押担保证明mortgage certificate
抵押担保证明息票mortgage certificate coupon
抵押损失mortgage loss
抵押损失条款mortgage loss clause
抵押放款loan on collateral security
抵押放款loan on security
抵押放款金额sum lent on a mortgage
抵押物拍卖价值foreclosure value
抵押特种股份debenture stock
抵押登记税mortgage registry tax
抵押登记税mortgage recording tax
抵押票据bill as collateral
抵押管理mortgage administration
抵押证书mortgage instrument
抵押证券pledged securities
抵押证券mortgage securities
抵押证券化mortgage securitization
抵押证券账户pledged securities a/c
抵押诉讼mortgage action
抵押负债mortgage liabilities
抵押账户抵押pledged account mortgage
抵押货物mortgage goods
抵押贷款jumbo mortgage
抵押贷款mortgage lending
抵押贷款loan on pawn
抵押贷款保证定期寿险保单mortgage protection term
抵押贷款保险mortgage loan insurance
抵押贷款偿还repayment of mortgage loan
抵押贷款利息mortgage loan interest
抵押贷款发放机构mortgage distributor
抵押贷款基准组合benchmark mortgage pool
抵押贷款改革计划mortgage reform program
抵押贷款服务协议mortgage servicing agreement
抵押贷款相关证券mortgage-related securities
抵押贷款衍生品mortgage derivatives
抵押贷款银行mortgage lender
抵押赎回权丧失程序foreclosure process
抵押银行业务mortgage banking
抵押hypothecation insurance
担保抵押guaranteed mortgage
担保抵押凭证guaranteed mortgage certificate
拿宝石作抵押借钱borrow money on jewels
捆绑抵押贷款bundled mortgage
接受债券作为抵押accept bonds as collateral
推销抵押贷款的中间人ex-mortgage broker
提供抵押贷款金额sum lent on a mortgage
_揽子抵押贷款mortgage pool
放宽抵押品要求broaden the collateral requirements
政府全国抵押协会Government National Mortgage Association
政府全国抵押协会基金GNMA fund
政府全国抵押协会期权GNMA option
政府全国抵押协会期货GNMA futures
政府全国抵押协会过手证券GNMA pass-through securities
政府担保抵押government-guaranteed mortgage
外汇银行为弥补资金不足而向外国银行借入的抵押借款clean loan
抵押债权人unsecured creditor
抵押公司债debenture bonds
抵押往来帐透支overdrafts on current account unsecured
抵押往来帐透支overdraft on current account unsecured
抵押往来户透支overdraft on current account unsecured
抵押有担保债券unsecured guaranteed bond
抵押权纠纷free of encumbrances
抵押权证non-collateralized warrant
抵押背书unsecured endorsement
抵押贷款clean loan
无用抵押dead security
抵押品的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
抵押往来帐透支overdrafts on current account secured (current account overdrawn)
抵押往来帐透支overdraft on current account secured (current account overdrawn)
抵押往来户透支overdraft on current account secured
抵押权证collateralized warrant
有毒抵押证券toxic mortgage securities
有限开放抵押limited open-end mortgage
抵押证券free securities
抵押资产unmortgaged assets (unpledged assets)
抵押资产free assets
未发行抵押债券公司债unissued mortgage bonds
未赎回抵押unredeemed pledge
本息切块抵押贷款证券stripped mortgage-backed securities
权利抵押right mortgage
权益抵押equity mortgage
次优级抵押担保证券Alt-A mortgage-backed securities
次优级抵押贷款Alt-A mortgage (指那些为了和传统的银行竞争,不惜降低门槛,把信用等级不高、经济实力不够的人也列人可贷款对象,并推出各种条件优厚的新产品,如零首付、在初始阶段只付利息、不需要文件证明个人收人的贷款)
次级抵押junior mortgage
次级抵押债券junior mortgage bond
次级抵押证券subprime-mortgage securities
次级抵押贷款subprime-mortgage loan
次级留置权抵押junior-lien mortgage
抵押positive pledge
抵押条款positive pledge clause
没有用作抵押free from security
活期抵押demand mortgage
活期抵押放款call loan secured
流动抵押专指农场贷款的floating charges
流水账式抵押running account mortgage
流通中的货物抵押mortgage of goods in flow
浮动利率抵押floating-rate mortgage
浮动利率抵押贷款variable-rate mortgage
现场存货抵押融资field warehousing financing
现场存货抵押贷款field warehousing loan
现金抵押cash pledge
用作抵押品的股票hypothecated stock
用商品抵押的贷款loan on goods
用商品抵押的预付款advance against goods
申请抵押借款apply for loans secured
第一抵押债券first mortgage debenture
第一抵押债券first mortgage bonds
第三抵押third mortgage
第二抵押secondary mortgage
第二抵押债券secondary mortgage bond
第二抵押市场secondary mortgage market
第二抵押second mortgage
第二次抵押贷款wraparound mortgage
简式抵押条款short-form mortgage clause
经纪人证券抵押贷款broker's collateral loan
美国次级抵押贷款担保证券securities backed by US subprime mortgages
联交所期权结算所抵押SEOCH collateral
联邦住宅抵押贷款会社federal home loan mortgage association
联邦住宅贷款抵押公司Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("房地美 (Freddie Mac)"的旧称)
联邦农场抵押公司Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
联邦国民抵押贷款协会Federal National Mortgage Association (成立于1938年,别名"房利美 (Fannie Mae)",是美国最大的政府赞助企业 (Government Sponsored Enterprise),它从事金融业务是为了扩大二级房屋消费市场上的流动资金,2008年9月发生次贷危机以后由美国联邦住房金融局接管)
股票抵押贷款stock collateral loan
自然清偿抵押贷款self-amortizing mortgage
英格兰银行给商业银行的证券抵押贷款Lombard loan
认付时交还抵押单的押汇票document acceptance bill
证券抵押collateral trust bonds
证券抵押securities collateral
证券抵押collateral security
证券抵押汇票securities collateral bill
证券抵押贷款securities collateral loan
证券抵押贷款securities loan
证券抵押贷款loan on securities
评级较高的债务抵押债券higher-rated collateralized debt obligation
请求抵押贷款applying for loans secured
抵押条款negative pledge clause
负债抵押资产asset pledged as security for liabilities
财团抵押consortium charge
贷款抵押security for a loan
贷款抵押loan collateral
贷款抵押证券collateralized loan obligation (一种由个人或商业贷款池组合(不包括房产抵押贷款)的贷款还款支持的结构性债券)
资产抵押pledge of assets
资产抵押贷款asset-based lending
资产增值抵押贷款mortgage equity withdrawal
资产担保抵押债券covered mortgage bond
赎回抵押satisfaction of mortgage
跨市场抵押cross collateral
抵押reverse mortgage
逆年金抵押reverse-annuity mortgage
通知抵押放款call secured loan
通知抵押贷款call secured loan
通知抵押贷款call loan secured
部分解除抵押partial release of mortgage
银行抵押业务mortgage banking
银行抵押letter of hypothecation
限制未确定抵押limited open mortgage
抵押看涨权证non-collateralized call warrant
抵押衍生权证non-collateralized derivative warrant
非次贷美国抵押担保证券non-subprime US mortgage-backed securities
额定抵押债券公司债authorized mortgage bonds
风险抵押risk mortgage
首三位抵押top 3 collateral
高质量抵押high-quality collateral