
Terms for subject Business containing 抵押 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子抵押blanket mortgage
一揽子抵押贷款package mortgage
不动产抵押pledge of immovables
不动产抵押债券real estate mortgage bond
不动产抵押贷款real estate mortgage credit
不动产收益抵押pledging of income from real property
不断增长产权长期抵押贷款growing equity mortgage
不断增长快速分期偿付长期抵押贷款growing rapid payoff mortgage
不立约的公平抵押equitable mortgage
从属抵押贷款subject to the mortgage
以个人财产作抵押的贷款credit on security of personal property
以个人财产作抵押的贷款credit of security of personal property
以保险箱为抵押against the box
以寿险保单作抵押的贷款cash policy loan
以工厂财产作抵押的银行放款bank loans secured by mortgage on factory foundation
以物为抵押take something as a pledge
以财产作抵押encumber a property with a mortgage
以货物为抵押的垫款即以货物抵押,银行为进口商垫付给岀口商的货款advance against hypothecation of goods
优先抵押under mortgage
优先抵押权人senior mortgage
优先于抵押权的留置权lien ranking ahead of mortgage
传统抵押贷款conventional mortgage loan
估计抵押品成本estimated cost of guaranties
低级抵押债券junior mortgage bond
低级留置权抵押junior lien mortgage
住宅抵押贷款home mortgage lending
住宅建设抵押housing mortgage certificate
住宅建设抵押贷款housing mortgage loan
住房抵押贷款home mortgage
抵押on mortgage
抵押object given as a pledge
抵押的地产estate in gage
作为抵押as collateral
作为抵押品的资产asset held as collateral
佣金长期抵押借款commission long-term mortgage loan
保证抵押债券guaranteed mortgage
人寿险保险单抵押借款的最高额loan value
信托抵押债券mortgage debentures in trust
借款抵押mortgage of loans
债券及抵押bond and mortgage
偿付抵押债款lift a mortgage
催收抵押品保管费overdue charges for safe custody on securities arising from loans
抵押债券all-money debenture
全面抵押债券all-money debenture
公司抵押下的受托人trustee under mortgages
共同抵押joint mortgage
农业抵押贷款公司agricultural mortgage corporation
农产品抵押有限公司Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd.
分期偿还抵押installment mortgage
分期摊还抵押借款amortized mortgage
分期累进支付额抵押贷款graduated payment mortgage
初次抵押junior mortgage
剥夺抵押品赎回权的诉讼action of foreclosure
动产抵押赊销高档消费品,只转让商品所有权,但对该商品货主保有留置权chattel mortgage
动产抵押信用credit against pledge of chattel
动产抵押融资chattel mortgage financing
双重抵押double mortgage
因逾期不偿付取消抵押品赎回权foreclose a mortgage
可变利率抵押贷款variable rate mortgage
可变利率抵押贷款variable-rate mortgage
可增加抵押即已抵押的财产可增加押款open mortgage
可调利息率抵押按揭adjustable rate mortgage
可调整利率抵押贷款adjustable rate mortgage
可调率抵押adjustable rate mortgages
可赎回的抵押redeemable goods
合并抵押债券consolidated mortgage bonds
合并与联合抵押consolidate and blanket mortgage
合法抵押legal mortgage
后得财产抵押条件after-acquired property clause
商业抵押commercial pledge
商业短期抵押汇票documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight
商品抵押贷款loan on goods
商品抵押预付款advance secured on merchandise
商品抵押预付款advance against goods
固定抵押dead security
固定设备抵押pledge of plant
固定资产抵押mortgage of fixed asset
国内抵押贷款home mortgage
国际合法抵押international legal mortgage
地产抵押信贷land mortgage credit
地产抵押放款loan secured on landed property
增添抵押adding mortgage
契据抵押贷款loan on deed
契约抵押instrument pledge
契约抵押pledge of obligation
威尔士抵押Welsh mortgage
存折抵押贷款loan on passbook as collateral
完成一笔抵押贷款closing a mortgage loan
完金抵押blanket mortgage
定期抵押放款fixed loan secured
定期抵押贷款fixed loans secured
定期存款抵押贷款loan secured by time deposits
实物抵押放款loan secured by things
实物资产抵押证券security in physical assets
客户无抵押无条件信贷余额customer's free credit balance
工厂设备抵押放款loan on plant
抵押土地mortgaged land
抵押财产mortgaged property
抵押货物mortgaged goods
抵押资产mortgaged asset
已分期偿还的抵押amortized mortgage
带有抵押encumbered with mortgage
应付抵押债券mortgage bond payable
应付抵押款账户mortgage payable account
应付抵押票据mortgage note payable
应付抵押账款mortgage payable
应付长期抵押票据long-term mortgage note payable
应收抵押债券mortgage bond receivable
应收抵押note receivable as collateral
应收抵押贷款loan receivable in securities
应收账款抵押pledging of account receivable
应计抵押债务利息accrued interest on mortgage
开发抵押贷款development mortgage
开放型抵押指凭原抵押品可再借贷的一种抵押open-end mortgage
开放型抵押债券open-end mortgage bond
总括抵押general mortgage
总括抵押指以全部资产作抵押品blanket mortgage
总括抵押债券blanket bond
总括抵押债券blanket position bond
房屋抵押mortgage of buildings
扣押货物以抵租金distrain upon one's goods for rent
承担抵押贷款assuming the mortgage
投资公债与不动产抵押债券funding and real mortgage bonds
抵押monkey with a long tall
海商法的抵押maritime mortgage
抵押中间人mortgage middleman
抵押事项mortgage undertaking
抵押代理机构mortgage agency
抵押保护保险单mortgage protection policy
保险单上抵押保护损失条款mortgage loss
抵押保险指抵押者人寿险mortgage insurance
抵押信托mortgage trust
抵押信用secured credit
抵押信贷公司mortgage company
抵押借款价值loan value
抵押借款所附的合格票据eligible bill for collateral for a loan
抵押借款金额sum lent on a mortgage
抵押借贷pledge against a loan
抵押债券即以公司财产作抵押而发行的债券mortgage bond
抵押债券debenture mortgage
抵押债券公司债券mortgage debenture
以铁路支线担保的抵押债券extension bond
抵押债务mortgage liability
抵押债务debt mortgage
抵押偿债债券refunding mortgage bond
抵押偿还款mortgage repayment
抵押凭证pawn ticket
抵押合同pignorative contract
抵押合同hold contract
抵押合并consolidation of mortgage
抵押mortgage cargo
抵押things of/for mortgage
抵押mortgage goods
抵押品储备collateral reserve
抵押品存单letter of deposit
抵押品对固定负债比率ratio of securities to fixed liabilities
抵押品登记registrar of mortgages
抵押品登记员registrar of mortgage
抵押品赎回redemption of mortgage
抵押品转让alienation of pledge
抵押商业票据collateral surety
抵押契约hypothecation agreement
抵押应收账款pledging receivables
抵押担保债务secure a debt by mortgage
抵押担保债权claim secured by mortgage
抵押担保证书guaranteed mortgage certificate
抵押bill of sale
抵押放款mortgage loan
a/c抵押有价证券账户pledged securities
抵押期满拍卖foreclosure sale
抵押期票collateral note
抵押power of mortgage
抵押权准备reserve for encumbrances
抵押权益mortgage interest
抵押权设定creation of mortgage
抵押权证书letter of pledge
抵押权证书letter of hypothecation
抵押汇票draft drown against securities
抵押满额债券closed mortgage bond
抵押mortgage point
抵押短期融资secured short-term financing
抵押票据bill with collateral securities
以票据为贷款抵押品抵押票据bill as security
抵押空头票据交易kiting transaction
抵押经纪人mortgage broker
抵押pledger (pledgor)
抵押股权mortgage share
抵押背书endorsement for pledge
抵押融资mortgage financing
抵押融资公司mortgage company
抵押衡平权益mortgage equitable interest
抵押设备pledged equipment
抵押设备mortgage equipment and plant
抵押mortgage certificate coupon
抵押证书hypothecation certificate
抵押证书memorandum of deposit
货主以载货抵押证书letter of hypothecation
抵押证券draft drawn against securities
抵押证券信托collateral trust
抵押证券贷款loan on security
抵押证券贷款loan on collateral security
抵押财产pledged property
抵押财产mortgage property
抵押贷款collateralized loan
抵押贷款loan collateral security
抵押贷款loan secured by mortgage
抵押贷款lend money on security
抵押贷款lend money on mortgage
以股票或证券等作押抵押贷款书letter of deposit
抵押资金mortgage funds
抵押资金融通mortgage financing
抵押通知书pledging notices
抵押mortgage money
抵押销售mortgage sale
招标抵押承包经营责任制contractual management responsibility system of inviting bidding secured by mortgage
提单抵押pledge of bill of lading
抵押债务unsecured debt
抵押往来账透支overdraft on current account unsecured
抵押担保贷款signature loan
抵押收益债券debenture income bond
抵押票据bill without collateral securities
抵押贷款unsecured loan
抵押贷款人unsecured creditor
普通抵押债券general mortgage bonds
最先抵押head mortgage
抵押品的票据bill with collateral securities
抵押品贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
抵押往来账透支overdraft on current account secured
抵押往来账透支overdraft on current account secured (unsecured)
抵押收益债券debenture mortgage bond
有价抵押证券documentary securities
有价证券抵押贷款loan secured by stock and bond
有选择自由的抵押option mortgage
有限敞口抵押limited open mortgage
有限敞口抵押limited open-end mortgage
抵押产权的契约条款covenants of title
抵押资产unmortgaged asset
未发行抵押债券unissued mortgage bond
未发行的抵押债券unissued mortgage bond
未经抵押的资产free assets
权益抵押mortgage of interest
次级抵押信贷junior financing
水平支付抵押level-payment mortgage
汇票抵押证券bill on deposit
汇票抵押证券bill deposited as collateral security
没收抵押mortgage forfeit
沿用贷款抵押conventional collateral for loan
法定抵押legal mortgage
活期抵押贷款demand mortgage
活期抵押贷款call loan secured
流动抵押floating mortgage
流动抵押circulating pledge
以总资产作抵的流动抵押floating charge
流通中货物抵押mortgage of goods in flow
浮动利率抵押贷款flexible rate mortgage loan
海运抵押maritime mortgage
消费抵押信贷consumer mortgage credit
物资抵押mortgage of materials and equipment
抵押空头票据进行交易kiting transaction
申请抵押借款applied for loans secured
申请抵押放款applying for loans secured
直到期满抵押贷款straight term mortgage loan
直接递减抵押direct reduction mortgage
短期同行抵押拆借call loan secured
票据抵押放款loan on bill
票据抵押贷款loan on note
票据抵押贷款loan on bill
租借抵押leasehold mortgage
租赁抵押lease mortgage
租赁抵押lease hold mortage
第一抵押即首先受抵押者具有第一受偿权first mortgage
第一抵押权债券first mortgage bonds
第一抵押权债券即以财产第一抵押作担保的债券first mortgage bond
第一担保抵押underlying mortgage
第二抵押债券second mortgage bonds
第二抵押债券second mortgage bond
筹措抵押raise mortgage
统一抵押consolidated mortgage
联合抵押借款joint mortgage
股份抵押mortgage of share
股份抵押贷款share loan
股票抵押贷款stock collateral loans
股票抵押贷款利率loaning rate on stock
船舶抵押marine mortgage
船货抵押贷款bottomry and respondentia
衡平权益抵押mortgage of equitable interest
设备抵押mortgage of equipment
设备抵押债券plant mortgage bond
证券抵押mortgage of certificate
证券抵押securities depositing statement
证券抵押贷款loan against securities
证券抵押贷款利率rate for loans on collateral
证券抵押贷款利率rate for loans on collateral (securities)
调整抵押adjustment mortgage
银行调整抵押adjustment mortgage
财产抵押pledge of property
财产抵押mortgage of property
货物抵押mortgage of goods
贵重饰物抵押借款borrow money on jewels
贷款抵押mortgage of credit
贷款抵押collateral security for loans
贷款抵押securities for loan
资产抵押pledge of asset
资产抵押证券security in assets
赎回抵押satisfaction of mortgage
追加型抵押债券open-end mortgage bond
重复抵押overlapping mortgage
抵押借款collateral loan
附属抵押担保品collateral security
附条件抵押qualified guarantee
限制抵押条款negative pledge clause
限额抵押即抵押额限定closed mortgage
限额抵押投资closed-end mortgage
零息抵押即本息在期满时一起偿付的抵押zero-coupon mortgage
额定抵押债券authorized mortgage bond
黄金抵押贷款gold secured loan