
Terms for subject Technology containing 抵押 | all forms | in specified order only
一类抵押债券first mortgage bond
一般抵押债券general mortgage bond
一般仿射一般放款抵押契约general loan and collateral agreement
抵押保证条款negative pledging clause
不再抵押条款negative mortgage security clause
不动产抵押保证real security
不固定期限的抵押open-end mortgage
不经法庭而直接出售的抵押non-judicial foreclosure sale
业主愿意收回抵押owner will carry mortgage
个人抵押individual mortgage
个人抵押保险private mortgage insurance
主要抵押master mortgage
举债的抵押collateral in raising loan
习惯法抵押common law mortgage
买入财产抵押purchase money mortgage
二次抵押wrap-around mortgage
二次抵押submortgage (权)
二级抵押贷款市场secondary mortgage market
』付属抵押品贷款collateralized loan
以保险单作抵押的贷款cash policy loan
以存款作抵押的贷款passbook loan
以存款作抵押的贷款deposite loan
以存款作抵押的贷款deposit loan
以应收账款为抵押pledging of accounts receivable (信贷)
以房地产收人作抵押的贷款income property loan
以汇票为抵押证券bill deposited as collateral security
以黄金作抵押的贷款gold-secured loans
优先抵押first mortgage
优先受偿的抵押tacking mortgage
住宅资产抵押贷款home equity loan
住户抵押occupant mortgagor
住户自有公寓抵押condominium mortgage insurance
住房抵押housing mortgage
住房抵押贷款home loan
住房抵押贷款手册settlement book
以房屋抵押on mortgage
抵押品的地estate in gauge
抵押品的地estate in gage
作为抵押品的资产assets held as collateral
佣金抵押借款commission mortgage loan
依法取消抵押品赎回权statutory foreclosure
保过险的私人抵押财产private insured mortgage
保险抵押insured mortgage
借债抵押security for a loan
借贷抵押bill of goods adventure
债券抵押贷款bond collateral loan
债券及抵押bonds and mortgage
债券及抵押款记录bond and mortgage record
偿债抵押债券funding mortgage loan
房地产的全值抵押mortgaging out
全部不动产的信托抵押借据package trust deed (mortgage)
全部偿清的抵押贷款fully amortized mortgage
抵押债权人secured creditor
抵押品的债券secured bond
抵押贷款secured loan
具保证的抵押合同mortgage contracts with warrants
减价出售抵押discounted mortgage
抵押品贷款lend money on security
分享增值抵押贷款shared appreciation mortgage
分担抵押contributory mortgage
分期付息到期一次清还本金的抵押贷款straight-term mortgage
分期付息到期还本的抵押贷款straight mortgage
分期偿还抵押贷款direct reduction mortgage
分期偿还抵押贷款self-amortizing mortgage loan
分期偿还抵押贷款amortized mortgage
分级支付抵押graduated payment mortgage
初级抵押贷款市场primary mortgage market
判决抵押judgement lien
加添抵押adding mortgage
动产抵押pledge of movable
动产抵押债券chattel mortgage bond
动产抵押融通chattel mortgage financing
卖方愿意收回抵押owner will carry mortgage
参与抵押participation mortgage
双周抵押biweekly mortgage
反向年金抵押贷款reverse-annuity mortgage
取消抵押品赎权的法律手续judicial foreclosure
受灾住房的抵押保险disaster housing mortgage insurance
只分期付息而到期后一次偿还本金的抵押方式interest only mortgage
可加抵押mortgage open-end
可加信托契据抵押open-end trust deed mortgage
可变利率抵押variable rate mortgage (贷款)
可换股次级无抵押债务convertible subordinated unsecured loan stock
可续编性抵押契约fictitious mortgage
可调换的抵押convertible mortgage
可调整抵押贷款利率adjustable rate mortgage
可调节抵押贷款adjustable mortgage loans
可调节的抵押契据adjustable mortgages
合作住房抵押保险cooperative housing mortgage insurance
困难户抵押distressed mortgage
固定抵押dead security mortgage
固定利率抵押贷款fixed rate mortgage
土地证抵押deposite of title-deeds
土地证抵押deposit of title-deeds
存款抵押保证书collateral pledge agreement
存款单担保抵押贷款certificate backed mortgage
存货抵押贷款field warehouse loans
定息递增偿付抵押贷款growing equity mortgage
定额抵押closed-end mortgage
实验性住房抵押贷款保险experimental housing mortgage insurance
家庭抵押债务household mortgages
将已得贷款作另一贷款的抵押collateralized junior mortgage
履约抵押securities for fulfillment
抵押债券backed bond
抵押出去的地产estate encumbered with mortgages
抵押资产pledged assets
抵押dry mortgage
平衡摊还抵押level-payment mortgage (每月等额偿付的抵押)
平衡法抵押equitable mortgage
应收抵押mortgage receivable
应计抵押利息accrued interest on mortgage
延缓利息抵押贷款deferred interest mortgage
建设抵押债券improvement mortgage bond
建设项目抵押贷款project mortgage
开头抵押head mortgage
开放抵押open-end mortgage
开放抵押mortgage open-end
弹性利率抵押贷款flexible rate mortgage
归还抵押借款pay off the mortgage
往来抵押透支overdraft on current account secured
总体抵押package mortgage
总额抵押floating mortgage
房产抵押building property mortgage
房地产抵押信托real estate mortgage trust
房地产抵押投资渠道real estate mortgage investment conduit
房屋抵押贷款home mortgage loan
扣押货物充抵租金distress for rent
扣押货物充抵运费distress freight
扩大抵押协议spreading agreement
批准发行的抵押债券authorized mortgage bonds
承担产权抵押assumption of mortgage
投入的现金抵押cash collateral invested
投资、抵押、担保权the right of investment, mortgage and guarantee
抵押买卖mortgage purchase
抵押产业管理人条款receiver clause
抵押人年度报告annual mortgagor statement
抵押余额证明书mortgage reduction certificate
抵押保险mortgage guaranty insurance
抵押保险承担mortgage insurance commitment
抵押保险费mortgage insurance premium
抵押公司mortgage company
抵押mortgage bond
抵押品持有人pledge holder
抵押品的价值value in security
抵押品的价值value in pledge
抵押囤积mortgage warehousing
抵押契约mortgage deed
抵押契约解除mortgage relief
抵押延期extension of mortgage
抵押延期偿付期mortgage moratorium
抵押延期偿付权mortgage moratorium
抵押承担mortgage assumption
抵押投资公司mortgage investment company
抵押折价mortgage discount
抵押收回mortgage take-back
抵押收益债券mortgage revenue bond
抵押有价证券pledge securities
抵押lien waiver
抵押权益security interest
抵押things pledged
抵押things mortgaged
抵押票据bill of security
抵押证书letter of hypothecation
抵押账户贷款pledged account loan
抵押贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
抵押贷款secured loan
抵押贷款人寿保险mortgage life insurance
抵押贷款分期偿付计划表mortgage amortization schedule
抵押贷款承担mortgage commitment
抵押贷款承诺mortgage commitment
抵押贷款服务mortgage servicing
抵押贷款清偿数mortgage release price
抵押贷款清还证书satisfaction of mortgage
抵押贷款的分期还款额mortgage requirement
抵押贷款的转让assignment of mortgage
抵押贷款经理人mortgage banker
抵押贷款经纪人mortgage broker
抵押贷款表述文件mortgage loan disclosure statement
抵押贷款资金融通mortgage financing
抵押资产pledged assets
抵押转让mortgage assignment
抵押集合pool of mortgages
担保储蓄账户抵押pledged savings account mortgage
拖欠抵押贷款delinquent mortgage
招标抵押承包contract with competitive bidding and secured by mortgage
揽总抵押blanket mortgage
揽总抵押blanket encumbrance
揽总抵押信托书blanket trust deed
收回抵押take back a mortgage
收益分成抵押equity stake mortgage
政府抵押贷款协会Government National Mortgage Association (美国)
敞开信托契据抵押open-end trust deed mortgage
抵押借款borrow without security
抵押担保的债权人unsecured creditor
抵押资产unmortgaged assets
无能偿付的抵押distressed mortgage
无追索权的抵押dry mortgage
普通抵押common law mortgage
普通抵押债券general mortgage bond
抵押保证的证券mortgage-backed securities
抵押权担保的债权claim secured by mortgage
未列限额的抵押open mortgage
未发行抵押债券unissued mortgage bonds
标准抵押权条款union mortgage clause
标准抵押贷款standard mortgage
标准固定利率抵押贷款standard fixed-rate mortgage loan
抵押secondary mortgage (权)
次级抵押overlying mortgage
永久性抵押permanent mortgage (抵押十年以上)
没收抵押forfeited securities arising from loans
没收抵押forfeited securities
没收抵押品价值foreclosure value
法定抵押constructive mortgage
法定抵押品赎回期限statutory period of redemption
法院判定的抵押judicial mortgage
活期抵押放款demand mortgage loan
活期抵押贷款demand mortgage loan
流动抵押floating charges (专指农场贷款)
浮动抵押floating mortgage
海上抵押maritime mortgage
海上抵押权和留置权公约Convention on Maritime Mortgages and Liens
消费抵押信用consumer mortgage credit
混合抵押贷款hybrid mortgage
滚动利率抵押贷款roll-over mortgage
特大尾数抵押货款balloon mortgages
特大房屋抵押货款balloon mortgages
独户住宅抵押共同保险single family home mortgage coinsurance
现行抵押existing mortgage (契据)
现金抵押hard money mortgage
申请抵押借款apply for loan secured
短期抵押货款balloon mortgages
票据抵押贷款loans on bills
租借物抵押贷款leasehold mortgage
第一抵押first mortgage
累进支付抵押graduated payment mortgage
置产人以抵押款付给出售人作为部分产价purchase money mortgage
美国联合抵押银行协会United Mortgage Bankers of America
联合抵押mortgage pool
联合抵押blanket mortgage
联合抵押证券mortgage securities pool
联邦住房贷款抵押公司Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (美国)
联邦全国抵押协会Federal National Mortgage Association (美国)
船舶抵押借款bottomry loan
船舶抵押契约bottomry bond
船舶抵押ship mortgage
船舶抵押留置权bottomry lien
船舶抵押证书vessel bond
船舶和货物抵押借款bottomry and respondentia
抵押的财产mortgaged property
要拍卖的抵押不动产distressed property
解除抵押satisfaction to mortgage
认付时交还抵押单的汇票document acceptance bill
证券抵押collateral security
调整后的抵押adjusted mortgage
抵押negative pledge
财产抵押chattel mortgage
财产的留置权及抵押lien and hypothecation
货款额固定的抵押closed-end mortgage
货物抵押借款契约respondentia bond
购房款抵押债券purchase money bond
购货款抵押purchase money mortgage
资产抵押贷款equity mortgage
资产抵押贷款equity loan
赎回抵押redeem mortgage
赎回抵押equity of redemption
转换抵押pass-through security
轮船抵押ship mortgage
连环抵押保险基金mutual mortgage insurance fund
退伍军人管理局住房抵押贷款veterans administration mortgage
逐期还本减息抵押贷款direction reduction mortgage
递增付款可调利率抵押贷款graduated payment adjustable rate mortgage
递增偿还抵押贷款graduated payment mortgage
通用抵押契约fictitious mortgage
郊区房屋抵押保险outlying area homes mortgage insurance
部分抵押贷款floor loan
部分分期偿还、其余到期偿还的抵押贷款partially amortized mortgage
部分取消抵押条款partial release clause
部分摊还抵押partially amortized mortgage
重筹资金抵押refinancing mortgage
长年抵押seasoned mortgage
闭口抵押closed-end mortgage
间接抵押放款indirect mortgage loan
附属抵押collateral security
附有抵押的本票collateral note
限额型抵押closed-end mortgage
零点抵押zero percent mortgage
预算抵押贷款budget mortgage (贷款人每月付税费和保险费)
额定抵押债券authorized mortgage bonds
风险抵押承包mortgaged contract with risks