
Terms for subject Sports containing 投 掷 | all forms | in specified order only
两手投掷比赛both hands throw
为了使投掷有效、 掷出的链球必须落人规定的落地区In order to qualify as a legal throw the hammer must land in the throwing sector.
为了使投掷符合丈量条件、运动员的脚不能踩过起掷线The thrower must not step over the scratch line, if he is to have his throw qualify for measurement
原地投掷standing throws
只有标枪金属头的尖端比其他部位先插人地面、 投掷方为有效A javelin throw shall be valid only if the tip of the metal head strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin
在跳跃和投掷项目中、最终速度腾空和脱手瞬间的速度是非常重要的In jumping and throwing events, final speed speed at the moment contact is broken is of utmost concern
所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
投掷delivery area
投掷器械落地区sector for throws
投掷有效qualify as a legal throw
投掷角度angle of throw
投掷运动weight throw
投掷项目运动员athlete for throwing event
投掷项目throwing events
投掷项目包括推铅球、掷铁饼、掷标枪、掷链球distance throw
推铅球动作应在投掷圈内完成The shot put shall be made inside the circle
无效投掷an invalid throw
名词词组最理想的投掷角度optimum angle of shot
有效投掷a valid throw
田径运动包括赛跑、竞走、跳跃以及投掷等项目Track and field athletics consists of athletic contests such as running events, walking events, jumping events and throwing events
田径运动包括赛跑、竞走、跳跃以及投掷等项目Athletics track and field consist of athletic contests such as running events, walking events, jumping events and throwing events
田赛项目包括跳跃项目跳高、跳远、三级跳远、撑竿跳高等投掷项目铅球、链球、铁饼、标枪等The field events include jumping events high jumpˌ long jump、triple jump、and pole vault and throwing events shot put, hammer, discus and javelin throw
经批准使用的投掷器械比赛器材certified implements equipment
肱骨投掷骨折thrower's fracture of humerus
违反规则的投掷动作foul throw
铁饼必须从投掷圈内掷出The discus throw shall be made from within the circle
链球投掷hammer circle
链球必须在投掷圈内用双手掷出The hammer is hurled with two hands from within a throwing circle
除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle
雪地上的投掷snow snake