
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
上市证券quoted securities investment
不动产real estate investment
不动产资信托real estate investment trust
不动产资组合real estate portfolio
不动产资计划管理real estate investment scheme management
不动产资风险real estate investment risk
不完全有效率资组合inefficient portfolio
不那么激进的资策略less-aggressive investment focus
专业资基金specialized investment funds
专业资者professional investors
世界资促进机构协会World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (总部设于瑞士日内瓦的非政府和非牟利组织)
世界上最大的美元资国world's largest dollar investor
世界最大的美元资国world's largest dollar investor
两阶段two-tier tender
个人保险费法individual level-premium method
个人personal investment
个人individual investment
个人资者private investor
个人资者retail investor
个人资者individual investor
个人资者账户individual investor account
《中华人民共和国台湾同胞资保护法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Investment by Compatriots from Taiwan
《中华人民共和国招标标法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Bid Invitation and Bidding
中国资公司China Investment Corp (简称"中投公司")
《FT 中国资参考》China Confidential
中国资发展促进会China Association for the Promotion of Investment
中国资银行China Investment Bank (我国向国外筹集建设资金办理投资信贷的国家专业银行)
中国证券资者保护基金有限责任公司China Securities Investor Protection Fund Corporation Limited (简称"中投保",成立于2005年9月29日,由国务院独资设立,证监会、财政部、央行有关人士出任董事)
中央政府公共central government's public investment
中央汇金资有限责任公司Central SAFE Investments Ltd. (前译"China SAFE Investments Ltd.",简称"汇金公司")
中美资论坛U.S. China Investment Forum
串通bidding ring
串通bidding collusion
临时temporary investment
为中国未来的股市资繁荣创造条件create conditions for a future boom in equity investing in China
为各国资者提供更加公平透明的创业环境provide a fair and even more transparent environment for foreign investors
举行全民公hold a referendum
买入伙权与资的区别purchase of an interest distinguished from investment
伊塔乌资银行Itaúsa-Investimentos Itaú (巴西第二大私人商业银行,总部位于巴西圣保罗市,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第173位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第366位)
优化资结构improve the investment structure
优质primary investment
优质gilt-edged investment
伦敦产权资市场London Equity Market
低于资级别债券sub-investment grade debt
低于资级的股票equities ranked below investment grade
低效私人资支出inefficient private investment spending
使全球贸易和资自由化liberalize global trade and investment
使用人民币进行境外move renminbi offshore for investment purposes
债信欠佳之investment in default
债券investment in bonds
债券资帐户bond investment account
债券资溢价premium on investment in bond
债券公开资信托bond open investment trust
债务工具liabilities instrument investment
债务融资抵押贷款debt-financed mortgage investments
债权性debt investment
做外汇机买卖speculate in foreign exchange
做多头speculate for a rise
做期货交易speculate by deal in futures
做空头speculate for a full
做股票机买卖speculate on stock exchange
做股票机买卖speculate in stocks
做黄金机生意speculate in gold
允许外国人allow foreigners to invest
允许离岸银行和各国央行资于中国的银行间债券市场allow offshore banks and central banks to invest in China's interbank bond market
充分多元化的资者well-diversified portfolio
全球资表现标准global investment performance standards
全球资银行global investment bank
全面推进资自由化和便利化comprehensively promote the investment liberalization and facilitation
公共资信用public investment credit
公共资审计public investment auditing
公共资者public investor
公司资者账户corporate investor account
公司间股权inter-company stock investment
公平、开放的资环境fair and open investment environments
公平、稳定、透明的资环境fair, stable and transparent investment environment
公开之资公司open-end company
共享贸易和资自由化益处share the benefits of trade and investment liberalization
共同基金mutual fund investment
其他单位人的资金fund from other units
养老金保计划insured pension plan
资优惠reinvestment privilege
资利润ploughed-back profit
资利润特别免税special exemption of reinvested profits
资利率reinvestment value
资收益plow-back earnings
资收益earnings reinvested
资收益免税exemption for reinvestment earnings
资风险reinvestment risk
分拆资本split capital investment
分散资工具diversification tool
分析者与资者之调查surveying analysts and investors
分配资贷款allocate investment credits
创业venture capital investment
创业基金资家venture capitalist
《创业板资者指南》GEM Investor Guide
创业资本资成本initial capital investment
创设以人民币计价的资产品create investment products denominated in the Chinese currency
利息再资债券multiplier bond
利润再ploughed back
化解资者的担忧calm investor fears
资银行家quasi-investment banker
单一资租赁straight investment lease
单位资信托unit investment trust
单位资组合管理基金unit portfolio management funds
各种基金资明细表combined schedule of investments by funds
合格资者accredited investor
合格的境内机构资者qualified domestic institutional investor
合格的境内机构资者产品qualified domestic institutional investor products
合格的境内机构资者产品QDII products
合格的境内机构资者基金qualified domestic institutional investor funds
合格的境内机构资者管理公司QDII managers
合格的境内机构资者计划QDII scheme
合格的境内机构资者金砖四国基金QDII Brie fund
合格的境外机构资者qualified foreign institutional investor (经过证监会的审核之后,境外机构投资者可以在外管局允许的额度内将外汇换成人民币进行境内投资)
合理的资规模reasonable scope of investments
向保险公司assure on the insurance company
向国际资者出售人民币债券sell renminbi bonds to international investors
吸引海外资者attract international investors
在华外商资企业foreign-invested enterprises in China
在线on-line investment
在线on-line investing
在线资服务on-line investment service
在线资者on-line investor
在股票市场speculate in the stock market
坚决抑制机和投资性购房需求firmly rein in speculative and investment-driven housing demand
备抵短期资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market
外商foreign investment
外商资企业foreign investment enterprise
外商资企业foreign-funded enterprise
外商资企业enterprise with foreign investment
外商资企业会计accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
外商资气候foreign investment climate
外国资者持股限额limit of foreign investors' holding of stocks
外国来华直接direct investment by other countries or regions in China
外币长期股权资的折算translation of long-term equity investments in foreign currencies
外汇foreign currency investments
外汇基金资有限公司Exchange Fund Investment Limited
多元化资与融资需求diverse demand for investment and financing
多头bull speculation
多数票制majority voting system
多边资担保机构Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (世界银行下属机构之一,成立于1988年6月,目标是鼓励在其会员国之间,尤其是向发展中国家会员国融通生产性投资,以补充世界银行、国际金融公司和其他国际开发金融机构的活动)
《多边资担保机构公约》Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (该公约于1985年10月11日在世界银行年会上获得通过,根据该公约建立了多边投资担保机构 (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)(该机构是世界银行的附属机构,但具有独立的法人地位))
大宗商品资组合portfolio of commodities
天使angel investment (指具有一定净财富的个人,对具有巨大发展潜力的初创企业进行早期的直接投资,属于一种自发而又分散的民间投资方式)
天使资者angel investor
子公司资帐面价值超过成本部分excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary
子公司资成本超过帐面价值部分excess of cost over book value of investment in subsidiary
安全资者safe hands
封闭式资基金closed-end investment fund
封闭式证券资基金closed-end securities investment fund
尊重资者利益respect the interests of investors
小额资者small investor
带息资项目interest-bearing investment
《1970 年资公司修正案》Investment Company Amendments of 1970
《1940年资公司法案》Investment Company Act of 1940
《1940年资顾问法案》Investment Advisors Act of 1940
1970年《证券资者保护法》Securities Investors Protection Act of 1970
应付资管理人管理费management fees payable to the investment manager
应收资利息interest receivable on investment
应计资利息accrued interest on investment
《开展境内个人直接资境外证券市场试点方案》Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals
开放型资公司open-end investment corporation
开放式证券资基金open-end securities investment fund
开放的open investment
开放的资环境open environments for investment
开放贸易和open trade and investment
弹性资组合基金flexible portfolio fund
资现金回报率cash return on gross investment
恒定比例资组合保险constant proportion portfolio insurance
恒定比例资组合保险策略constant proportion portfolio insurance strategy
恢复资者的信心restore investor confidence
战略资者strategic investor
房地产speculating on property
扩大increase investment
扩大increase investing
扩大人民币在跨境贸易和资中的使用expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment
扩大机构expand institutional investing
技术升级investment in technological upgrading
把贷款重新包装成资产品卖给投资者repackage loans into investment products for sale to investors
把资金人非正规渠道put money into informal channels
抑制curb speculation
抑制机交易curb speculative trading
抑制房地产dampen property speculation
机买人buying bull
机冒险speculation and risk
机商号long firm
机性兴趣speculative interest
机性出价speculative offering
机性热钱speculative hot money
机性现金持有speculative holding of cash
机性的借款企业speculative-financed firm
机性证券speculative securities
机性质speculative nature
机性购房speculative house-buying
机性资本speculative capital
机性销售speculative selling
机指数speculation index
机泡沫speculation foam
机泡沫理论speculative foam theory
机级债券speculative-grade bond
机级证券speculative-grade securities
机行为opportunistic practice
机账户adventure account
机资产账户清算liquidation of speculative accounts
机资本涌人speculative capital inflows
机阻止利率shut-off rate
招标津贴tender allowance
标中分享式货币期权share currency option under tender
标买卖bidding trade
标保函bid deposit
标保证金bid guarantee
标审核examination of bid
标式拍卖auction in bid
标操纵bid rigging
标日day of tender
标期间外汇期权tender to contract option
标的有效期validity of tender
标规则bidding rule
资不足论underinvestment theory
资业务investment business
资业绩investment performance
资中介investment intermediaries
资企业确认的投资收益investment income recognized by the investing enterprise
资体制investment regime
资免税额investment allowance
资公司investor company
资公司法investment corporation act
资分布spread of investments
资分类帐investment ledger
资利息interest on capital (investment)
资利润率profit to investment rate
资前活动pre-investment activity
资占 GDP 的比重investment-to-GDP ratio
资周期investment life cycle
资周转次数investment turnover
资商号investment firm
资处置收益income from investment disposal
资多元化investment diversification
资大众investing public
资市场high-grade market
资帐investment account
资帐户investment in capital a/c
资归属流动资产类investments classifiable as current assets
资性保险investment-based insurance
资性保险产品investment insurance products
资性房地产investment real estate
资性购买investment buying
资性金融机构investment financial institution
资总帐securities investment ledger
资总额investment in the business
资总额周转率turnover of all investment
资总额周转率销货总额与投资总额之比率equity capital turnover
资意向indications of interest
资意向书term sheet
资成本cost of the investment
资成本investment costs
资成本cost of investments
资成本法cost method of investment
资扩建规则capital expansion program
资挂钩产品investment-linked product
资挂钩保险单investment-linked policy
资挂钩保险计划investment-linked assurance scheme
资挂钩储蓄计划investment-linked savings plan
资损失investment losses
资损益profit or loss arising from investments
资损益profit and loss on investments
资支付的现金cash paid for investments
资收人revenue from investment
资收人investment revenue
资收入revenue from investments
资收益yield of investment
资收益总额gross investment income
资-收益比率investment-income ratio
资收益率percent return of investment
资收益附加税investment income surcharge
资有价证券的储蓄savings by investing in securities
资有价证券销售损益loss and gain on disposal of invested securities
资机构investing institution
资条款清单term sheet
资标的说明书Statement of Investment Targets
资活动investing activities
资活动产生的现金流量cash flow arising from investing activities
资活动产生的现金流量净额net cash flows arising from investing activities
资物业investment property
资理念investment philosophy
资研究协会Association for Investment and Research
资簿investment book
资者交收指示investor settlement instruction
资者交收指示交易investor settlement instruction transaction
资者交易模式investor trading pattern
资者保障机制investor protection regime
资者关系investor relations
资者关系部investor-relations department
资者对于政策可信度的信任investors' faith in policy credibility
资者意识investor awareness
资者教育investor education
资者教育咨询委员会Investor Education Advisory Committee
资者教育局Investor Education Council
资者概况investor profile
资者的保障investor protection
资者自负investor beware
资者认知假说investor recognition hypothesis
资者账户investor account
资者赔偿基金investor compensation fund
资者赔偿基金委员会Investor Compensation Fund Committee
资者赔偿安排investor compensation arrangement
资者赔偿有限公司Investor Compensation Company Limited
资者风险investor exposure
资-营运-移交IOT (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer)衍生出来的一种变通形式,投资方先收购现有的基础设施,然后再根据特许权协议运营,最后移交给公共部门)
资财产会计accounting for investment properties
资贷项investment credit
资贷项的流程flow through of investment credit
资费用investment costs
资资产asset brought into a business
资资金回报率return on investment capital
资资金流量flow of investment funds
资软件investment software
资选择investment options
资选择investment choices
资酌情权investment discretion
资阀门investment taps
资附属公司债务investment in bonds of affiliated company
资附属公司的股票investment in stocks of affiliated company
资限度investment horizon
资需谨慎caveat emptor, caveat subscriber
资顾问investment adviser (or consultant or counsel)
资饥渴investment hunger
资驱动的需求investment-driven demand
持有至到期held-to-maturity investments
掉期与swap and investment
摧毁资者信心destroy investors' confidence
支付其他与资活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other investing activities
支持为金融服务和跨境证券资领域营造开放的投资环境support open environments for investment in financial services and cross-border portfolio investment
收益保障guaranteed return on investment
政府governmental investment
散户资者retail investor
整个资组合头寸full portfolio position
明智prudent investment
最佳资组合optimal portfolio
最却original investment
最小成本的入组合least cost input combination
最贫穷国家的票权voting right of the poorest countries
有价证券investment in marketable securities
有价证券资组群marketable security portfolio
有保障的市场guaranteed market investment
有效资组合efficient portfolio
有自主决定权的资管理操作discretionary investment management operation
有自主决定权的集体资管理discretionary management of collective investment
有酌情决定权的discretionary investment
期货futures investment
保的uncountable infinite
未计提资折价unamortized discount on investment
未计提资溢价unamortized premium on investment
本着建设性、合作性和互利性的态度积极解决双边资争端work proactively to resolve bilateral investment disputes in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
权益资人equity investor
权益型equity-type investment
权益性工具equity instrument investment
权益法确认的资损失investment loss recognized under equity method
权益法确认的资收益investment income recognized under equity method
来自海外investment from abroad
标准资组合风险分析standard portfolio analysis of risk
标准普尔合格境内机构资者系列指数Standard & Poor's QDII Indices
标普资政策委员会S & P Investment Policy Committee
核准authorization of the investment
核心资者central player
模拟资市场simulated investment market
次贷subprime investment
欧洲资银行European Investment Bank (欧洲经济共同体成员国合资经营的金融机构,成立于1958年1月1日,1959年正式开业,总行设在卢森堡)
欧洲资银行Composite Investment Bank
欧洲资银行贷款European Investment Bank loan
欧洲资银行贷款Composite Investment Bank loan
positive investment
正常资操作normal investment operation
正纯positive net investment
民间non-governmental investment
永久permanent investments
汇率exchange rate speculation
汇编报表:相互资结合与循环投资结合consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory
活跃active investment
流动资产investment in current assets
流动资产current assets investment
浮动资税variable investment tax
浮动利息variable interest investment
海外investment overseas
海外investment abroad
海外资潮wave of outward investment
海外资研究团队research team for overseas investment
特许资顾问chartered investment counsel (指由美国投资顾问协会 (Investment Counsel Association of America)认定资格并颁发证书的投资顾问)
理财业务资运作investment operation of the wealth management business
用脚vote with one's feet
由信贷和资推动的应对措施credit-fuelled, investment-driven response
社会non-governmental investment
社会non-government investment
社会资基金social investment fund
社会责任socially responsible investment
税屏tax-sheltered investment
稳当gilt-edged investment
穆迪资评级Moody's Investment Grade
空仓资者bear hand
策略资者tactical investor
累积票制cumulative voting
累积票制cumulative voting system
累积票法cumulative method
累积票法cumulative voting
累计标法book building process
编制侧重入的预算input-oriented budgeting
美元计价的dollar-denominated investments
美国资银行U.S. Investment Bank
美国资银行业者协会Investment Bankers Association of America
美国资顾问协会Investment Counsel Association of America
美国个人资者协会American Association of Individual Investors
职工资款employee’s investment fund
联昌国际资银行集团CIMB Group Holdings (原是东南亚本土最大的投资银行,在2012年4月成功收购苏格兰皇家银行的亚洲投行业务后,一跃成为亚洲最大的投资银行,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第467位)
良性债券资者active bond crowd (在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券)
节省劳动的设备labour saving facility investment
虚假的交活跃表象false appearance of active trading
表外资基金off-balance-sheet investment funds
谨慎人prudent man investing
资决定disinvestment decisions
负纯negative net investment
财政financial investment
财政部资与贷款Treasury investment and loan
财政部资及贷款计划Treasury investment and loan program
账面价值超过资成本额excess of book-value over investment cost
货币putting currency into circulation
贸易和资便利化trade and investment facilitation
贸易和资自由化trade and investment liberalization
资产组合本金的再reinvestments of principal from asset portfolio
资产负债表外资基金off-balance-sheet investment funds
资本capital input
资本capital contribution
资本资回收期法payback period method for capital investment
资本资支出扣减政策capital investment expense deduction
资本资的项目选择project selection in capital investment
资本资评估capital investment appraisal
资本资项目capital investment program
转手凭证资者pass-through investor
转移资行业sector rotation
退出资策略exit strategy
递延资损失deferred loss on investment
递延资损益deferred-investment gain and loss
递延资贷项deferred-investment credit
通信voting by correspondence
遏制机性的房产需求douse speculative demand for property
遏制机措施speculation-curbing measures
锚定资者anchor investor
长期permanent investments
长期资折价摊销amortization of discount on long-term investment
长期资折价的摊销amortization of discount on long-term investments
长期资溢价摊销amortization of premium on long-term investment
长期资溢价的摊销amortization of premium on long-term investments
长期资组合均衡long-term portfolio equilibrium
长期资项目long-term investment project
长期债券long-term bond investment
长期股权long-term equity investment
长期股权资的初始成本initial cost of the long-term equity investment
长线资者long-term investor
防御性defensive buy
防御性资策略defensive investment strategy
防御性资组合defensive portfolio
阿拉伯资公司Arab Investment Company (区域性金融机构,成立于1974年,秘书处设在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得)
阿拉伯资及外贸银行Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign Trade (阿联酋的商业银行,成立于1975年,行址在阿布扎比)
附属公司investment in subsidiaries
降低成本的资支出cost reduction expenditure
限制性资体制restrictive investment regimes
限额closed-end investment
限额资信托closed investment trust
限额资信托公司closed-end investment trust company
限额资公司closed-end investment corporation
限额资公司closed-end investment company
隔夜one night stand investment
资级别non-investment grade
非合格资者non-accredited investor
非居民资基金non-resident-owned fund
非当地资者non-resident investor
非正常资回报率abnormal rate of return
非现金non-cash input
非生产项目investment in non-productive projects
非货币资过度论non-monetary over-investment theory
非货币性non-monetary investment
非金融类对外直接non-financial outward direct investment
项目的实际资者project entity
鼓励机性投资encourage speculative investments
鼓励外商资企业参与技术研发encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D
鼓励扩大民间encourage greater non-government investment
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