
Terms for subject Athletics containing | all forms
三级跳远平跳flat triple jump technique
传棒passing technique
侧倒式落地side-fall landing technique
俄式三级跳远Russian triple jump technique
倒 V 字传棒inverted V technique
倒V字形传接棒inverted V technique
动作能的大致形式rough form of a skill
压式传接棒push forward technique of baton passing
国际术官员international technical officials
1圈半one and a half turn drill
弯道turn-running technique
弯道bend technique
弯道跑corner work
弯道跑curve technique
弯道跑bend technique
术代表technical delegate
术代表办公室office of technical delegate
术官员technical official
术暂停technical timeout
术犯规technique violation
术管理technical manager
术练习form work
术训练form work
投掷throwing technique
挺身式hang technique
推铅球putting technique
推铅球短-长步点short-long technique of shot-putting
旋转推铅球spin shot put technique
旋转推铅球rotational shot put technique
无效inefficient technique
标准standard technique
波兰式三级跳远Polish triple jump technique
现代掷铁饼modern discus technique
直线助跑掷标枪linear style javelin throw
直线滑步推铅球linear shot put technique
空中in-the-air technique
空中跑步running -in -the-air technique
track and field
athletic sports
状态athletic shape
运动track and field
运动athletic sports
简单simple skill
背向推铅球rear facing shot put technique
背向滑步推铅球O' Brien technique of shot-putting
背越式跳高flop technique
走步式hitch-kick technique
起跑starting technique
跑步running technique
跨栏hurdling technique
跳跃jumping technique
蹲踞式跳远sail technique
蹲踞式跳远sail jump
连续术动作action series