
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
信息术应用的教育与培训education and training in use of information technology
信息术标准standards for information technology
信息术治理information technology governance
信息术治理IT governance
信息术的价值value from information technology
信息术的战略应用strategic use of information technology
信息术的生产和运营应用production and operations use of information technology
信息系统中的蜂窝cellular technology in information systems
决策树decision tree technique
创新和信息innovation and information technology
卓越术中心centre of technical excellence
术人才储备skills inventory
术合作和非技术合作缩写为NT/TCnon-technical and technical cooperation
术合作网络technical cooperation network
术咨询服务Advisory Technical Service
术援助部分technical assistance component
术支持technical backstopping
术支持人员technical support staff
术支持任务technical backstopping mission
术支持小组technical backstopping mission
术支持费用technical support costs
术置换比technical rate of substitution
术转换因数缩写为TCFtechnical conversion factor
术预算technical budget
能状况skill profile
标准术援助项目standard technical assistance project
模式建立的modeling techniques
管理方法和managerial methods and techniques
网络network technique
重组与信息reengineering and information technology
项目评审project evaluation and review technique
驻外术官员缩写为OTDoutposted technical officer
术产业high technological industry
高科园区high technological park
高级术培训advanced technical training
高级制造advanced manufacturing technologies