
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一大批术资料a large collection of technical data
与我们商量有关术改进的问题advise with us on technical improvements
专业术人员specialized technical personnel
专业occupational skill
专有technological know-how
专有术作价折为投资capitalization of knowhow
专有术出售sale of know-how
专有术许可证knowhow license
专有术许可证knowhow licence
专有术转让偿付payment to be made for the transfer of know-how
专有制造manufacturing know-how
专有生产production know-how
专注于术研究be absorbed in technical study
中国术进口公司China National Technical Import Corporation
中国新术开发公司China Corporation for New Technology Development
中国航空术进岀口公司China National AeroTechnology Import and Export Corporation
举行术培训administer a technical training
产品术性能指标performance index of product technologies
产权proprietary technology
依赖术进步depend on technical progress
先进术消化digest of advanced technology
先进术设备advanced technical equipment
免费使用引进的free use of the technology
全体人员术水平personnel skill levels
准备出让术的转让人prospective technology transferor
分析analytic technique
利用先进make capital of advanced technology
功能分析function analysis techniques
功能分析系统functional analysis system techniques
协作术研究cooperating technology research
发挥一切use all one's skill
合同术报告contractual technical report
合同术要求contractual technical requirements
向一家外国企业出售专有术的报酬the consideration for selling know-how to a foreign enterprise
向我们提岀关于术改进的建议advise us on technical improvements
启发式heuristic technique
吸收先进assimilate advanced technology
吸收外国先进absorption of advanced foreign technology
告知我们关于术改进的情况advise us of technical improvements
国际术交流理事会International Council for Technical Communication
国际术转让守则international code of conduct for the transfer of technology
在…方面达到高度技术练水平develop high technical proficiency in
在约定期限内术引进方有权享受转让方技术改进的成果access to improvements in technology
在缺少术资料的情况下in the absence of technical data
复杂的加工专有complex process know-how
多年积累的专有the know-how developed over a number of years
多种术培训multi skill training
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,术引进人必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
完成一项术革新bring off a technical innovation
定性预测qualitative forecasting technique
实验性experimental technique
术引进与输岀进行控制control over the outflow and inflow of technology
对欠发达国家的术援助technical assistance to under-developed countries
对贸易巧有一些实际了解obtain a practical acquaintance with business techniques
对贸易巧有实际了解obtain practical acquaintance with business techniques
将一次性付清的术费或工艺费作为资本处理capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology
尊重科学have respect for science and technology
尖端sophisticated techniques
尖端术工业sophisticated industry
工业术品位technical grade
工业术的发展在于科学的进步Technology flourishes on accumulated scientific capital
工种与术水平type and level of skill
工程术生涯engineering career
工程与术研究engineering and technological research
常驻术员resident engineer
美国应用术研究所Institute for Applied Technology
弓丨进先进introduction of advanced technology
引进的introduced technology
成套package technology
成套composite technology
成整technology package
我们决不可忽视引进术的原则Under no circumstances shall we neglect the principle of technology acquisition
我们的资金仅限于术引进We limit our expenditures to the technology acquisition
亦缩为 Tech. Techn.technology
专门术语technical terms
工程监理管理人员supervisory engineering staff
术上的可能性engineering feasibility
术上的可行性technical feasibility
术与经济条件确定阶段definition phase
术中心technique centre
术交流technical interflow
术交流cross flow of technology (指技术贸易中的许可证贸易)
术传输flow of technology
术供应方参加项目的合资经营equity participation by a technology supplier
术供应方参加项目的合资经营equity participation
术保养细则maintenance regulations
术内容透露disclosure of information about technology (技术贸易)
术出口technological export
术分析analysis of technology
术单兀elements of technology
术发展水平state of the arts
术合作委员会Technical Cooperation Committee
术合作协议technical cooperation agreement
术吸收消化能力technological absorptive capacity
术吸收能力水平level of technological absorptive capacity
术员亦缩为 Tech.technician
术咨询technical consultancy
术垄断technological monopoly
术复杂的工业large industries with sophisticated technology
美国标准协会术委员会Technical Committee (American Standard Association)
术审定验收technical approval acceptance team
术封锁blockade on technology
术小组technical panel
术层次technical levels
术层次hierachy of technology
术差距technical gap
术市场market for technology
术开发能力technical development capacity
术引进technology introduction
术引进人期望expectations by the technology recipient
术引进形式form of technology acquisition
术引进费cost of acquiring technology
术性贸易壁垒technical barriers to trade
术情况technical conditions
术扩散technical diffusion
术援助及制造协定technical assistance and manufacturing agreement
联合国术援助委员会Technical Assistance Committee
联合国术援助理事会Technical Assistance Board
术援助规划technical assistance program
术支付费用technology payment
术改进technological improvement
术改进technical improvement
术改造重建technical reconstruction
术改革technical innovation
术文件technical papers
术文献资料technical documentation
术更新technical renovation
术更新改造technical renovation and transformation
术服务报酬emolument of technical service
术服务费fee for technical service
术材料technical material
术条件technical terms
术标准分类technical standard classification
术模式technical pattern
术水平level of skill
术水平level of hierachy
术熟练证明书certificate of proficiency
术独占technological monopoly
术研究与开发technology research and development
术示范show-how (属于专有技术 (know-how) 一项内容)
术等级标准technical grade standard
工程术管理人员supervisory engineering staff
术类型type of technology
术类型type of skill
术经济决策系统techno-economic policy making system
术经济制约technological and economic restrictions
术经济可行性technical and economic viability
术经济可行性研究techno-economic feasibility study
术经济合作techno-economic cooperation
术经济因素分析法techno-economic factorial analysis approach
术经济定额technical economic quota
术经济指标technical economic indices
术经济指标techno-economic indices
术经济指标techno-economic indicators
术经济指标technological and economic indicators
术经济指标technical and economic requirements (要求)
术经济模拟法techno-economic simulation approach
中国术经济研究会Society of Technical Economics
术经济评价标准techno-economic evaluation criterion
术经济调整techno-economic rectification
术经济责任制technical and economic responsibility
术结构technological structure
术结构technical makeup
术维护规程technical maintenance regulation
术装置与设备technical installations and equipment
术要求控制图纸specification control drawing
术规范technical norm
术规范中指定的级配specified grading
术规范中规定的荷载specified rated load
术许可technical licensing
术许可证贸易technology licensing
术许可证贸易转让方有权到技术引进方的工厂查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
术许可转让人technology licensor (与技术许可接受人(technology licensee) 相对)
术诀窍指导费用know-how fee
术评估technological assessment
术说明technique order
术贸易trade in technology
术贸易支付方式forms of payment for technology (包括:先付一笔款项后再按期提成 (a combination of lumpsum fee and running royalties), ― 次总算 (lump-sum fee),技术服务费 (payment for technical services), 按期提成 (running royalties))
术费用technology cost
术资料中心technical data centre
术资料中心engineering data centre
术资料集collected technical data
术转换communication of technology
术转让中保密条款confidentiality clause in technology transfer
术转让中断条款break clause
术转让人transferor of technology
术转让人technology assignor
联合国贸易与发展会议术转让委员会Committee on Transfer of Technology
术转让提成费royalties for transfer of technology
术转让方party transferring the technology
技术转让术转让方义务commitments by the technology supplier
术转让的支付方式payment of technology transfer
术转让费fee for technology transfer
术鉴定appraisal of technology
术鉴定人technical assessor
术革新technical improvement
术领域technical domain
艺与工作经验上的差距gap in skills and experience
艺水平level of workmanship
投标竞争岀售bid for technology
投资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有术和技术服务等无形资产投资The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service
投资项目应与现有企业术改造项目相一致The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises
拨一大笔款购买术设备lay out a large sum of money in purchasing technical equipment
术规范编制的计算或设计specified project
掌握外贸master foreign trade techniques
操作operative skill
政府对引进外国术的管制government regulation of inflow of foreign technology
既定的术基础established technological base
有关科合作的协议agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
有效术证明valid technical certification
本田研工业公司Honda Motor Company Limited (1948)
消化吸收引进的absorb acquired technology
现有企业的术改革technical renovation of existing enterprises
生产productive technology
生产术准备周期cycle of preparing production technology
生产technique of production
生产production technology
知识密集型knowledge-intensive technology
知识密集型高科产品intelligence-intensive high-tech products
管理managerial skill
类型type technology
经许可转让的licensed technology
给予术合作grant technical cooperation
综合术转让integrated technology transfer
网络计划network technique
美国术协会American Technical Society
联合术公司United Technologies Corporation (1934)
联合国术援助局United Nations Technical Assistance Administration
聘请术专家与专业人员engagement of technical and professional experts
英国标准术规格British Standard Specification
英联邦术合作基金Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
补偿进口术使用资金额offset the amount used for imported technology
补充术力量recruit technical force
试验术要求test requirements documents
资本密集型capital-intensive technique
转让术适用范围scope of application of the technology transferred
达到高术熟练程度develop high technical proficiency
适当appropriate technology
通过转让获得acquire technology by transfer
采用先进utilize advanced technology
银行术细则banking arrangement
陈旧obsolescent technology
雄厚的术力量technical force of distinguished engineers
需要专门操作术的部分sophisticated categories
非商业性术转让uncompensated transfer of technology
项目术经济参数techno-economic parameters of a project
术开发development of high technology
高新术产业high and new technology industries