
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
人工再生artificial reproductive technique
低层次low-level technology Any relatively unsophisticated technical equipment or method with an amplitude or functionality below what is available in a similar or comparable system (任何相对简单的技术技能或方法,其幅度或功能低于相似或相当的系统中所使用的。)
信息科information technology The systems, equipment, components and software required to ensure the retrieval, processing and storage of information in all centres of human activity (home, office, factory, etc.), the application of which generally requires the use of electronics or similar technology (可用以确保人们各样活动(如在家中、办公室和工厂等)中的信息抽取、处理和贮存的系统、设备、组件及软件。该技术之运用通常需要运用电子学及其相关知识。)
信息科工业information technology industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of electronic machines designed to accept information or data that is easily manipulated for some result based on a program or some set of instructions, and the technology or materials used with these machines, such as storage devices, terminals and peripheral equipment (商业企业集合中的经济部门,该部门从事可接收信息或数据的电子产品的开发,制造和销售,利用一系列的指令、程序或其它如存贮器,终端和周边设备,该产品可以很方便的对输入的数据进行操作,从而快速地得到分析的结果。)
健康相关生物health-related biotechnology Health-related biotechnologies are concerned with large-molecule protein pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering, etc. (研究大分子蛋白质药品、基因工程等健康相关的生化技术。)
美国全国空气污染术信息中心National Air Pollution Technical Information Center
农业farming technique The business, art, or skill of agriculture (农业的商业、艺术或技能。)
农业生物agricultural biotechnology
危险物质的术法规technical regulation for dangerous substances Technical Guideline for Dangerous Substances: technical rules for handling dangerous materials (危险物质的技术规范:为处理危险材料的技术规则。)
原住民科,本土科技indigenous technology Technologies employed by the native inhabitants of a country and which constitute an important part of its cultural heritage and should therefore be protected against exploitation by industrialized countries; the problem of indigenous knowledge has been discussed during the Rio Conference but it does not receive much protection under the Biodiversity Convention. Article 8 mandates that parties "respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life styles... and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of benefits arising from them" (一个国家原住民所使用的科技,是其文化传统的重要组成部分,因此应该加以保护,使其免受工业化的影响。原住民知识的问题在里约大会中已有讨论,但在生物多元化会议之下并未受到多少保护。第8章要求各国应该尊重、保护和维持原住民的知识、发明及风俗和本土社区所表现的传统文化形态等。并在拥有这些知识、发明及风俗的所有者的同意及参与下推广其更广泛的应用,鼓励他们将所得利益公平分享。)
取样sampling technique Method of selecting items at random from a set in such a manner that the sample will be representative of the whole (从一个集合中随机选取某些项的方法,认为样本会代表整体。)
合乎环境要求的environmentally sound technology
合适的appropriate technology techology transfer; 1. A flexible and participatory approach to developing economically viable, regionally applicable and sustainable technology. 2. Technology designed to be used in developing countries. Typical requirements are that it should: be easy to use by the unskilled; have no difficult-to-get parts; be easily repaired on the spot. Typical example: a simple windmill to pump water rather than a diesel-driven pump. The terms `alternative', `intermediate' and `appropriate' are often used interchangeably (1. 一种灵活且可共同参与的方法,可运用来发展具备经济可行性、地区实用性和具可持续性的技术。 2.为发展中国家设计的技术。 典型要求是︰易于被非专业人员使用,没有难于取得之零件,易于现场修复。 典型实例如用风车而非柴油驱动泵来供水。 专用术语"替代性"(alternative)、"媒介性"(intermediate)和"适用性"(appropriate)经常交换使用。)
英国国家环保术中心National Environment Technology Center
地理信息系统数字GIS digital technique The transformation to digital form of data collected by remote sensing, traditional field and documentary methods and of existing historical data such as paper maps, charts, and publications (对由遥感,传统领域和文件的方法和现有的历史数据,如纸张地图,图表和出版物等收集的数据以数字形式转变。对由遥感技术收集的数据、传统领域和文件方式(存储)的数据以及现有的历史数据,如纸张地图,图表和出版物等,向数字形式进行转变的技术。)
地质术学;土工学geotechnics The application of scientific methods and engineering principles to civil engineering problems through acquiring, interpreting, and using knowledge of materials of the crust of the earth (通过探测跟踪、判断读取和使用地壳原料的知识,运用科学方法和工程原理在土木工程问题的应用。)
多媒体multimedia technology Any technical means used to combine text, sound, still or animated images and video in computers and electronic products, often allowing audience interactivity (在电脑和电子产品中结合了文字、声音、静止或动画图像、视频的任何技术手段,常让观众互动。)
太阳能solar energy technology Solar energy can be converted to useful work or heat by using a collector to absorb solar radiation, allowing much of the sun's radiant energy to be converted to heat. This heat can be used directly in residential, industrial, and agricultural operations; converted to mechanical or electrical power; or applied in chemical reactions for production of fuels and chemicals (太阳能可以通过使用一个热收集器吸收太阳辐射,允许太阳的辐射能量大大转换为热能而被转换成有用功或热量。这种热量可直接用于住宅、工业、农业经营;可以转化为机械或电力,或用于生产燃料和化学行业。)
实验室laboratory technique No definition needed (无需定义。)
射流fluidics A control technology that employs fluid dynamic phenomena to perform sensing, control, information, processing, and actuation functions without the use of moving mechanical parts (控制技术,使用流体动力学现象来实现传感,控制,信息,处理和驱动功能,而不需要使用移动机械部分。)
工业technology Systematic knowledge of and its application to industrial processes; closely related to engineering and science (系统的知识,及其应用到工业生产过程中;与工程和科学密切相关。)
废料转换waste conversion technique Any specialized procedure or method used to transform refuse from one state, form or chemical composition into another (用于将废料从一种状态、形式或化学成分转换成另一种状态的程序或方法。)
废水处理术中心Wastewater Technology Center
建筑building technology No definition needed (无需定义。)
微波沉渣处理microwave sludge technology
DNArecombinant DNA technology Techniques and practical applications associated with recombinant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid artificially introduced into a cell that alters the genotype and phenotype of the cell and is replicated along with the natural DNA) (重组DNA的技术或实践(人工地把脱氧核糖核酸引入细胞核中,改变细胞核的基因型和显型并能复制原来的DNA)。)
术信息technical information Factual data, knowledge or instructions relating to scientific research or the development, testing, evaluation, production, use or maintenance of equipment (事实数据,知识或指令或有关科研开发、测试、评价、生产、使用或维修设备)
术危害technological hazard Any application of practical or mechanical sciences to industry or commerce capable of harming persons, property or the environment (任何对工业或商业中人,财产或环境造成伤害的实际应用或机械科学。)
术发展水平state of the art Everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral description, by use or in any other way before the date of the patent application, or an application filed in a foreign country the priority of which is validly claimed (通过书面或口头描述,使用或以其他它任何的方式在申请专利的日期或在外国一个有效申明的优先申请文件之前提供给公众的任何东西,)
术开发technological development No definition needed (无需定义。)
术法规technical regulation A government or management prescribed rule that provides detailed or stringent requirements, either directly or by referring to or incorporating the content of a standard, technical specification or code of practice (政府或管理部门提供详细的规定或规则,严格的要求,直接或通过引用一个标准,技术规范或守则。)
术规程规范,条件technical regulations
术评价technology assessment The systematic analysis of the anticipated impact of a particular technology in regard to its safety and efficacy as well as its social, political, economic, and ethical consequences (对一个特定技术的预期影响进行系统的分析,关于其安全性和有效性以及其社会、政治、经济和道德后果。)
术评估evaluation of technology No definition needed (无需定义。)
术说明technical instruction The education, instruction, or discipline pertaining to or connected with the mechanical or industrial arts and the applied sciences (与机械或工业艺术和应用科学相关的教育、教学或纪律。)
术转让technology transfer The transfer of development and design work: 1. from a parent company to a subsidiary, perhaps in another nation where it will be paid for in repatriated profits or royalties; 2. from one country to another as a form of aid to help promote development and sustainable growth. Many nations have made great progress on the strength of technology transfer (发展和设计工作的转让:a.从一个母公司到一个子公司,也许在另外一个地方将要为遣返利润或特许权使用费支付费用;b.从一国到另一国,作为一种援助形式以帮助促进发展和可持续增长。许多国家在对技术转让的强度也有很大进展。)
术选择selection of technology No definition needed (不需要定义。)
控制control technology
推进propulsion technique Technique for causing a body to move by exerting a force against it (对物体施加反作用力来推动该物体的技术。)
放射性指示剂radioactive tracer technique
数字图像处理digital image processing technique Techniques employed in the calibration of image data, the correction or reduction of errors occurring during capture or transmission of the data and in various types of image enhancement-operations which increase the ability of the analyst to recognize features of interest (校正影像资料所使用的技术,例如修正或降低资料在获取或传递过程中,或者各种影像强化处理的错误,便于增加分析者识别兴趣点特征的能力。)
数据记录data recording technique The body of specialized procedures and methods used for the preservation, collocation or registration of individual elements of information (用来保存、收集或记录个别信息要素的特殊程序或方法的主体。)
new technology Electronic instruments and devices which have recently been developed and are been introduced into industry. New technologies have been introduced often in almost total ignorance or disregard of the biological and ecological systems that they subsequently disturb, and of the dynamic and evolving nature of living systems (最近开发且被产业化的电子仪器和设备。新技术已被引入常常未知或忽视的生物与生态系统、随后它们干扰,自然生命系统的动态和演化特性。)
无噪声noise-free technology Sound is radiated both as air-borne and as structure-borne; most sources produce both, thus various noise attenuation principles must be employed. Measures include: the replacement of components with quieter parts and material; the enclosure of particularly noisy components; the selection of quieter types of fan; the replacement of noisy compressed-air nozzles with quieter types; the choice of quieter transmission and cooling systems (声音可同时作为空气传播和结构传播;大部分的传播来源同时产生,因而不同的噪音衰减原则须得到使用。措施包括:用消音零件和材料更换部件;隔绝特定的噪声部件;选择消音风扇;用消音类型更换噪音压缩空气喷嘴;选择消音传输和散热系统。)
替代alternative technology Technology that, as an alternative to resource-intensive and wasteful industry, aims to utilize resources sparingly, with minimum damage to the environment, at affordable cost and with a possible degree of control over the processes (一种用来替代资源密集型和浪费型工业的技术,旨在节约资源,并在可负担的成本范围内尽可能控制其过程,使其对环境的危害最小化。)
最佳可用控制best available control technology
最佳实用控制best practical control technology
最佳控制best-control technology
材料Materials Technology
污染控制pollution control technology Methods used to reduce the amount of contaminants discharged from a source (减少污染物排放源的方法。)
联合国海洋污染科问题联合专家组Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution
清洁clean technology Industrial process which causes little or no pollution (几乎不引起污染或完全无污染的工业处理。)
美国清洁煤炭方案Clear Coal Technology programme
澳大利亚污染与环境控制术处Australian Services in Pollution and Environmental Control Technology
煤炭coal technology The processing of coal to make gaseous and liquid fuels (为制造气体和液体燃料,处理煤的过程。)
燃烧firing technique
环境environmental technology
美国空军环境术应用中心Environmental Technical Applications Center
环境保护environmental protection technology
环境保护environmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process (一种结合预防污染来达到环境目标的要求的工艺。不同于后处理控制在晚期才被引入,环境控制策略在该过程的早期就被引入,它提高了该过程的经济性和技术性。)
环境信息environmental information technology
环境控制environment control technology
生态environmentally sound technology
生物biotechnology A combination of biology and technology. It is used to describe developments in the application of biological organisms for commercial and scientific purposes. So "bio" stands for biology and the science of life, and "tech" stands for technology, or the tools and techniques that the biotechnologists have in their workbox. Those tools and techniques include microorganisms and a range of methods for manipulating them, such as genetic engineering (生物学与技术的结合。它是用来描述在商业和科学用途的生物有机体的应用发展。因此,"bio"代表生物学和生命科学,"tech"代表在生物技术家们拥有的技术或工具和技术,这些工具和技术包含微生物和一系列用于操作它们的方法,如基因工程。)
英国生物术及生物学委员会Biotechnology and Biological Council (of the United Kingdom)
生物术的社会经济影响socioeconomic impact of biotechnologies Biotechnology is the application of biological and technical solutions to problems, and often refers to the industrial use of microorganisms (perhaps genetically altered) to perform chemical processing, for example of waste or water, or to manufacture hormones or enzymes for medicinal and commercial purposes. Biotechnology offers great potential to increase farm production and food processing efficiency, to lower food costs, to enhance food quality and safety and to increase international competitiveness (生物技术是应用生物学和技术的办法以解决问题,往往指的是用微生物工业(也许是转基因)进行的废弃物或水的化学处理,或制造荷尔蒙或酵素医药作为商业用途。生物技术提供了巨大的潜力,增加农业生产和粮食加工效率,降低粮食成本,提高食品质量和安全,并提高国际竞争力。)
生物术风险biotechnological hazard A danger to humans, animals or the environment posed by the application of advanced biological techniques in the manufacture of industrial products, such as the risk or harm that results from exposure to infectious bacteria, viruses or fungi (一个对人类、动物或环境造成的危险,它是由先进的生物技术在工业产品的生产应用所带来的,例如从接触到感染细菌,病毒或真菌造成的风险或者伤害。)
电子术设备electrotechnical equipment All the equipment connected with the technological use of electric power (使用电力技术连接所有设备,)
电浆plasma technology 1. Common name for a number of industrial applications of plasma, such as: etching of semiconductor chips, deposition of silicon for solar cell production, deposition of silicon dioxide for passivation of surfaces, activation of surfaces, melting and welding with plasma arcs as well as plasma chemistry. 2. Plasma technology consists of minute gas-filled cells, which emit light when an electric current is channelled through them (1. 俗称为工业应用等离子,如半导体芯片,太阳能电池生产的硅蚀刻沉积,沉积二氧化硅表面的钝化,表面活化,等离子弧熔化和焊接以及电浆化学。2. 等离子体技术包括快速充气单元,当电流通过时发光。)
监测monitoring technique Techniques employed in the process of checking, observing and measuring events, processes or physical, chemical, biological and environmental phenomena (检查、观察和测量其事件,流程或物理、化学、生物和环境的现象的过程中使用的技术手段。)
石油泄漏清除oil spill clean-up technology
事故technological accident An unexpected incident, failure or loss occurring through the application of practical or mechanical sciences to industry or commerce that poses potential harm to persons, property or the environment (通过科学的应用或机械工业或商贸活动构成潜在的危害人身,财产或环境的一个意外的事件,破坏或损失。)
接受technology acceptance The approval, favorable reception and ongoing use of newly introduced devices and systems, usually developed from recent advances in the engineering sciences or industrial arts (批准,同意接受和持续使用新引进的设备和系统,通常从工程科学或工业艺术的最新进展开始发展。)
科学术进步technological change Changing of industrial methods by introducing new technology (通过引进新技术以改进工业方法。)
科学和术信息scientific and technical information Knowledge communicated or received pertaining to the systematic study of the physical world or to the mechanical or industrial arts (通过系统学习物质世界或通过学习机制或工业世界获得积累的知识。)
美国空气污染术信息中心Air Pollution Technical Information Center
管末处理end-of-pipe technology An approach to pollution control which concentrates upon effluent treatment or filtration prior to discharge into the environment, as opposed to making changes in the process giving rise to the wastes (一种污染控制的方法,与在产生废弃物过程中进行处理不同,该方法强调在将污染物排放到外界环境前处理或者过滤流出物。)
管理management technique systematic approach or method of performance for the accomplishment of administrative goals or tasks (系统化的实践的步骤或方法,旨在行政目标或任务的完成。)
综合环境保护integrated environmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Integrated environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process (在设计中纳入污染防治观念以符合环境目标的技术。综合环境控制一项工序在初期设计阶段所使用的战略,而不是一个在后续的阶段推出的工序结束时的控制选项,此用来提高工艺/工艺的技术和经济性能。)
育种breeding technique Term referring to the systems employed in animal rearing (extensive and intensive) (术语,指在动物饲养(广泛和深入的)采用的系统。)
能源energy technology
营建construction technology No definition needed (无需定义。)
食品food technology The application of science and engineering to the refining, manufacturing, and handling of foods; many food technologists are food scientists rather than engineers (精炼,制造和食品处理的应用科学与技术;许多食品技术人员是食品科学家而不是工程师。)