
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
三 S 三 S 指遥感 remote sensing, RS;地理信息系统 geographic information system, GIS;和全球定位系统 global positioning system, GPS,这三者的缩写词的最后字母都是S,所以叫三S。RS 技术,GIS 技术和 GPS 技术统称为三 S 技术3 S technology
三维图示three-dimensional graphics
不良耕作poor farming practice
专业professional technique
专业术培训technical training
专门special technics
世代generation technique
临时术指示interim technical order
乙酸胭脂红涂片acetocarmine smear technique
二列杂交diallel cross technique
交换抑制因子-致死- 棒眼crossover suppressorlethal-Bar-technique
交换抑制因子-致死- 棒眼CLB technique
交换抑制因子-致死-棒眼crossover suppressor-lethal-Bar-technique (CLB technique)
亲和标记affinity labeling technique
人力有效human performance technology
人工授精insemination technique
人工杂交hybridization technique
传统农业traditional farming practice
传统农业先进advanced technologies in traditional agriculture
传统栽培conventional agrotechnique
传统栽培classical cultural technique
传统育种conventional breeding technique
估算estimation technique
低温low temperature technique
低温low temperature technology
低温生物学cryobiological technique
低级栽培inferior cultural practice
体细胞杂交somatic hybridization technique
体细胞融合somatic fusion technique
体细胞融合somatic cell fusion technique
作物智能栽培学的术途径technical pathway of intelligent crop production
作物管理调控crop technology of management regulation and control
作物育种plant breeding technique
先进栽培advanced practice of agronomy
光刻photoetching technology
光电标记阅读photoelectric mark reading
克隆cloning technique
克隆clone technology (clonotechnologia)
克隆术与伦理学指克隆人要思考的问题clone technology and ethics
免疫电泳immunoelectrophoresis technique
免疫过滤immunofiltration technique
免疫铁蛋白immunoferritin technique
全面改善栽培fully improved cultural practices
公用信道局间通信common channel interoffice signaling
共性generic technology (technologia generica)
共聚焦激光扫描confocal laser scanning
养鱼fish cultural technique
冗余术条件redundant technical condition
农业agricultural technology
农业agricultural technics
农业agricultural practices
农业术创新agricultural technology innovation
农业术员agronomic technician
农业术员agricultural technicist
农业术员agricultural technician
农业术培训中心agrotechnic training center
农业术学校agricultural training school
农业术学校agricultural technical school
农业术推广站agrotechnical station
农业术推广站agricultural instruction station
农业术措施agrotechnical measures
农业术措施agricultural methods
农业术改造technical reconstruction of agriculture
农业术政策agricultural technology policy
农业术的agrotechnical (agrotechnicus)
农业术的agrotechnic (agrotechnicus)
农业术经济economics of farming technique
农业术草图agrotechnic draft
农业术草案agrotechnic draft
农业术重要性agrotechnical significance
农业信息agricultural information technology
农业工程agricultural engineering technology
农业机械参数测量farm machinery parameter measuring technique
农业生物agrobiotechnology (agrobiotechnologia)
农业生物术手稿manuscript of agrobiotechnique
农业生物术环境工程agricultural biotechnological environment engineering
农业生物术的定义definition of agricultural biotechnology
农业生物术研究所Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology
农业科体制改革reform of the agricultural scientific and technical system
农业科体系agricultural scientific and technical system
农业科创新agricultural scientific and technical innovation
农业科成果agricultural scientific and technical achievement
农业科机构agricultural scientific and technical organization
农业科知识agricultural scientific and technical knowledge
农业科进步agricultural scientific and technical progress
农业科革命agricultural scientific and technical revolution
农业高新high and new technology in agriculture
农业高新agricultural hi-tech
农业高新术产业high and new agricultural technical industries
农业高新术产业的发展development of agricultural hi-tech industries
农业高新术成果agricultural hi-tech achievement
农场爆炸explosives on the farm
农场爆破explosives on the farm
农场管理farm management practices
农林渔业术信息网系统agricultural forestry and fisheries technical information network system
农艺agronomic technique
农艺agronomic practices
冷冻显微切片术用二氧化碳carbon dioxide in freeze microtomy
分布式网络distributed network technology
分带banding technique
创新innovation technique
利用单片微机术,我们设计了功能齐全的电机保护装置With the technology of single-chip microcomputers, we have designed an electromotor protective device with all function
制备preparative technique
前作物耕作previous cropping practices
加工与贮藏technique for handling and storing
加速器 辐射radiation technology of accelerator
动物克隆animal clone technology
动物无性繁殖animal clone technology
动物生物animal biotechnology
包囊encapsulation technique
化验testing technique
单倍体诱发monoploid technique of induction
卵整体敷贴whole mount technique for egg
原型prototyping technique
去核enucleation technique
去肉种子种植clean seed planting technique
参与式术开发简写为PTDparticipatory technology development
反贫困与术革新antipoverty and technique reformation
发信号和操纵remote metering,signaling and controlling technique of electric power system
发芽germination techniques
合理农业rational agricultural techniques
合理农业术措施rational agricultural methods
合理栽培农业rational agrotechnique
合理栽培rational agronomic practices
同位素相关保护isotopic correlation safeguards technique
同位素示踪isotopic trace technique
同工酶isozyme technique
同电泳coelectrophoresis technique
吸染检验dye binding technique
品质测验quality-test technique
喷灌spray irrigation technique
土壤soil technology
土壤soil technique
土壤保持soil conservation practices
土壤稀释平面培养soil dilutionplating technique
土壤管理soil management practices
处理processing technique
复制子平衡密度梯度replicon equilibrium density gradient technique
外切核酸酶 III 保护exonuclease III-protection technique
多媒体卫星通信multimedia satellite communications
多系相互杂交diallel cross technique
大生产mass production technique
太阳能烹饪solar cooking technology
奥丁氏测定抗原,抗体的方法Oudin technique
奥脱洛尼氏测定抗原,抗体的方法Ouchterlony technique
安全术规范safety regulations
实地术项目technology-based field project
密度转移density shift technique
射流fluid technology
小卫星smallsat technology
小孢子培养microspore culture technique
小麦栽培wheat agrotechnique
小麦转基因农业生物技术的三大技术之一wheat transgene technology
层析chromatographic technique
嵌木芽接chip budding technique
常规农业conventional agrotechnique
常规栽培conventional cultural practice
常规育种conventional breeding technique
平衡群体balanced population technique
平面planar technology
幼苗分离根系方法seedling technique
应用施肥或撒药application technique
应用计算机applied computer techniques
开花诱导flowering inducting technique
当代科活动contemporary scientific and technical activities
当代科学术活动contemporary scientific and technical activities
当地local practices
微电子microele ctronic technology
微量制备micropreparative technique
微量灌流microperfusion technique
术性能total performance
悬滴培养hanging drop technique
成像imaging technology
成套克隆suite of cloning technique
成套无性繁殖suite of cloning technique
成套杂种优势suite of heterotic technique
成套转基因suite of transgenic technique
sophistication (sophisticatio)
technics (technica)
technique (technica)
术上平衡technical equilibrium
术作物technical crop
术准则technical criteria
术创新模式technical innovation pattern
术创新模式pattern of technical innovation
术创新系统technical innovation system
术合约technology contract
术员工technical personnel
术因素technical consideration
术处理technical process
术定额regulation (复)
术审査technological audit
术工skilled labour
术序列series of techniques
术弱点technical vulnerability
术性分类technical classification
术情报系统technical information system
术成熟度technical maturity
术推进technology driver
术援助委员会Technical Assistance Board
术改进technique refinement
术改进refinement of technique
术改革technical improvement
术效果technical efficiency
术条件regulation (复)
术档案technical archive
术检査technological audit
术检验technical examination
术步骤technical steps
术流程图technique flow-chart
术管理学校technical husbandry school
术管理学校farm school
术精进refinement of technique
术纤维technical fiber
术经验technical know-how
术观点technical point of view
术规范regulation (复)
术角度technical point of view
术计量学technometrics (technometrica)
术设计technical project
术评估technical assessment
术资料作者tech writer
术路线technical route
术转让technology transferor
术预见technology forecasting
能档案系统skill inventory system
能获取skill acquisition
art (ars)
投影梯度projected gradient technique
抗原制备antigen preparation technique
折叠光谱folded spectrum technique
指纹finger-print technique
授粉pollination technique
探试heuristic technique
接种inoculation technique
提高生产raising production technology
摘心topping technique
摘心pinching technique
操作work technique
收获harvesting technique
改变农业术措施change of agricultural methods
改变栽培change of culture technique
改进农业improved agronomic practices
改进栽培modification of cultural practices
改进栽培improved agronomic practices
放射自显影术液体乳化剂autoradiography liguid emulsion technique
放牧grazing practices
整体敷贴whole mount technique
整体装片whole mount technique
敷贴显技mounting technique
newer technique
new technology (neotechnologia)
术趋向new technology trend
新一代计算机术研究所Institute for New Generation Computer Technology
新出现emerging technology
新近生物modern biotechnology
施肥fertilizer spreading practice
施肥practice of manuring
施肥manuring practices
施肥fertilization practice
染色体显带banding technique
显微microtechnique (microtechnica)
显微显技micrological technique
显微外科microsurgical technique
显微操作micromanipulative technique (technica micromanipulativa)
显微注射microinjection technique
显微镜microscopic technique
智能管理指作物智能生产 раст.'intelligent management technology
智能航天intellectual space technique
最大最小maximin technique
最新式modern technique
工作skilled work
有关专门术的technical (technicus)
有机标准和术法规的等同性评估准则Tool for Equivalence of Organic Standards and Technical Regulations
有机标准和术法规的等同性评估准则Guide for Assessing Equivalence of Organic Standards and Technical Regulations
本地农业indigenous agricultural practices
机器人robotics (robotica)
机械化耕作mechanized cropping practices
杀青panning technique
杂交crossing technique
极熟练consummate skill
林业术员forest assistant
果汁加工juice processing technique
标准化standardized technics
标引indexing technique
nuclear technology
术与空间技术的农业应用agricultural application of nuclear and space technology
核防护nuclear safeguards technique
栽培agronomic practices
栽培agrotechnics (agrotechnica)
栽培cultivation technique
栽培culture technique
栽培growing practices
栽培cultural technique
栽培agrotechnique (agrotechnica)
栽培agronomic technique
栽培tillage practice
栽培cultural practice
栽培术改进cultural-technical improvement
检修inspection and repair technique
检査与修理inspection and repair technique
检索retrieval technique
棉花栽培cotton agrotechniques
植物显微phytomicrotechnic 显技plant microtechnique
植物显微术学 phytomicrotechnica 显技plant microtechnics
植物材料的电泳electrophoretic technique of plant material
模拟软件simulation software technology
模糊信息fuzzy information technology
气体gas technology
银染色ammoniacal silver staining technique
水利hydrotechnics (hydrotechnica)
水利术土壤改良hydrotechnical amelioration
水利术的hydrotechnical (hydrotechnicus)
水文hydrologic technique
水稻栽培technique of rice cultivation
油料作物栽培oil crop agrotechnics
油菜栽培rape agrotechnique
活化分析activation analysis technique
流控fluidics (fluidica)
测定testing technique
测定measurement technique
测验testing technique
浏览browser technology
海拉细胞分离HeLa cell isolation technique
海拉细胞稀释HeLa cell dilution technique
涂片smear technique
液体传递用于 cDNA 显微阵列的产生liquid delivery technology
渔业fishery technology
溶液培养solution-culture technique
灌溉irrigation technique
灌溉irrigation practices
炒茶panning technique
煤炭地下气化coal underground pneumatolysis technology
燃料fuel technology
牧草收获grass crop technique
特殊栽培special cultivation technique
玉米栽培corn agrotechniques
玉米育种corn breeding techniques
现代农业生物modern agrobiotechnology
现代液压modern hydraulic technology
现代科发展development of modern science and technology
现代科学术发展development of modern science and technology
现代科学理论与modern scientific theory and technology
现代计算机modern computer technique
现代高新科modern high science and technology
玻璃glass technology
玻璃固化vitrification technology
DNA 琼脂DNA-agar technique
琼脂木块木材防腐agar block technique
甘蔗术员sugarcane technologist
甘蔗栽培sugarcane agrotechnique
甘蔗栽培cane agrotechniques
甘薯栽培sweet potato agrotechnique
甜菜栽培beet agrotechnique
生产术的集成化integratification of production technology
生化biochemical technique
生态ecotechnics (ecotechnica)
生活巧发展life skills development
生物biotechnology (biotechnologia)
生物术鸿沟molecular divide
生物分离bioseparation technology
生物加工bioprocess technology
生物环境调节biotronics (biotronica)
生物立体测量biostereometrics (biostereometrica)
田间plot technic
田间field practices
田间field technique
田间plot technique
田间术人员technical field staff
田间小区试验field-plot technique
田间检验field testing technique
电信高科产业telecommunication hi-tech industry
电器控制electric appliance control technique
电子electronic technique
电气工程安全safety technique of electric engineering
电源封装power supply packaging technology
研究research technique
秋水仙碱诱发多倍体colchicine techniques for inducing polyploids
种植cropping practices
种花floristry (floristrica)
体系scientific and technical system
成果scientific and technical achievement
革命science and technology revolution
科学术体系systematics of science and technology
科学与术发展scientific and technical development
科学与术成果scientific and technical payoffs
科学与术成果scientific and technical achievement
稀释dilution technique
程序设计programmatics (programmatica)
程序重构program restructuring technique
稻施肥rice fertilizer practices
稻杂交rice hybridization technique
稻栽培rice agrotechnique
稻田间rice field-plot technique
稻耕作rice farming practices
空前生物术发展unprecedented biotechnology development
空间分析spatial analysis technique
等温扩增isothermal amplification technique
筛选screening technique
管理指栽培management practices
经济合作与发展组织粮农术情报科Food and Agriculture Technical Information Service (within the OECD)
经济合作与发展组织粮农术情报科FATIS (within the OECD)
线虫整体敷贴whole mount technique for nematode
细胞学cytologic technique
缓冲buffering technology
D-缬氨酸切片显技D-valine section technique
缺区估计missing-plot technique
美洲间可可术委员会Inter-American Technical Cocoa Committee
耕作cultivation technique
耕作practice of cropping
耕作cropping practices
育种breeding technique
育种辐射radiative technique for breeding
肽扫描peptide scanning technique
节水灌溉water-saving irrigation technology
花生栽培peanut agrotechniques
花生田间groundnut field-plot technique
花粉荧光pollen fluorescence technique
苎麻栽培ramie agrotechnique
茶树栽培tea agrotechniques
草地农业grass farming practices
荧光抗体fluorescent antibody technique
营养指塑料薄膜栽培的技术nutrient film technique
融合fusion technique
表玻璃watch glass technique
计算机computer technique
计算机数字computer digital technology
计算机病毒对抗computer virus countermeasure
计算机辅助 X 射线断层摄影computer-assisted tomography
计算机辅助多变量分析computer-aided multivariate analysis
计算机输出缩微胶片computer output microfilming
贸易术壁垒协定TBT协定Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
贸易术壁垒协定TBT协定TBT Agreement
超导术产业化industrialization of superconductivity technology
超标量superscalar (superscalaris)
足迹footprint technique
转基因transgenic technology (technica transgenica)
转基因transgenic technique (technica transgenica)
转移指基因technique of transfer
轮灌rotational irrigation practice
软件software technology
辐射示踪radiative tracer technique
过程模型构造procedural modeling
过程造型procedural modeling
适当改进栽培moderately improved cultural practices
通信信息communication information technology
遗传genetic technique
遗传制图genetic mapping technique
遥感术为农业服务remote sensing technology for agricultural service
酶谱zymogram technique
酿造brewing technique
采后post-harvest technology
采收后生物post-harvest biotechnology
采用application technique
重原子界标heavy atom landmark technique
重组 DNA recombinant DNA technology
鉴别diagnostic technique
鉴别染色differential staining technique
鉴定杂种technique in evaluating hybrid
铁蛋白标记抗体ferritin-labeled antibody technique
雄性不育sterile male technique
雄性不育昆虫释放sterile-male release technique
集约栽培intensive cultivation practices
雌性产生gynogenetis (gynogenetica)
需要术的scientific (scientificus)
青贮silage technique
青霉素浓缩penicillin enrichment technique
青霉素选择penicillin selection technique
革新newer technique
顺序控制sequence control technique
预先调节preconditioning technique
饲养层指组织培养feeder layer technique
马铃薯生物potato biotechnology
黄麻栽培jute agrotechniques
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