
Terms for subject Desert science containing | all forms
传统牧业生产traditional livestock practices
传统生产traditional production technique
传统雨养农业traditional rainfed cropping practices
先进农业advanced practice of agronomy
全国地理信息标准化术委员会Nation-wide Technical Standardization Committee of Geographic Information
农业agricultural technique
农业术措施agricultural practice
农业术措施agricultural method
农业术站agrotechnical station
农业科园区agricultural science of park
印度荒漠术学会Indian Society of Desert Technology (1976 年成立,主要研究干旱土地及其生态和后备资源。地址:焦特布尔 (Jodhpur))
可持续的农业sustainable agricultural practices
固沙sand consolidation technique
土地信息land information technology
地球资源术卫星earth resource technology satellite
地球资源术技术卫星图像ERTS image
地理信息系统术委员会Technical-Level GIS Committee
小花吉Australian willow
工程hard technology
术合作方案technical cooperation programme
术改造adaptation of technology
术方案technical programme
术植物technical plant
术资源technical resources
术顾问resource man
放射断代radiometric technique
断代dating technique
施肥fertilizer practice
栽培cultivation practice
污染控制pollution control technology
混作cultura promiscua techniques
灌溉irrigation pracitice
热发光断代thermoluminescence technique
生态ecological technique
生物术的社会-经济影响socio-economic impact of biotechnologies
监测monitoring techniques
hard technology
科学术委员会Committee on Science and Technology
科学术资料委员会Committee on Data for Science and Technology (国际科学联盟理事会)
稳定性同位素示踪stable isotope tracer technique
耕作cultivation practice
适用practicable technology
采样sampling techniques
DNA 重组recombinant DNA technology
DNA 重组DNA recombination technique
防沙sand control technique
非洲科学术咨询委员会African Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
非破坏性non-denominational technique