
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing 技术 | all forms | in specified order only
串行技术sequential technique
人工技术contrived technique
会聚技术Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno NBIC
俄勒冈科学技术研究院Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
俄勒冈科学技术研究院的多语言电话语音库OGI Multi-lingual telephone speech corpus
信号处理技术signal processing technology
军用人工智能技术military artificial intelligence technology
动态规划技术Dynamic Programming
半调技术half-toning technique
双频谱技术bispectrum technique
启发式技术heuristic technique
图像技术image technique
幅度调制半调技术amplitude modulated half-toning technique
幅-频混合调制半调技术amplitude-frequency hybrid modulated half-toning technique
并行技术parallel technique
Brown-Peterson 技术Brown-Peterson technique
技术向导wizard of technique
抽取技术elicitation technique
捆绑技术tying technology
机器人控制技术robot control technology
模式匹配技术pattern matching technique
欧洲语音通信与技术会议European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Euro Speech)
汉字识别技术Chinese character recognition technology
生物图像处理技术biological image processing
相关谱技术relative spectral technique
纹理立体技术texture stereo technique
组织技术organization technique
网络修剪技术network pruning technique
美国两用科学技术计划Dual Use Science and Technology
美国国家标准技术研究所National Institute of Standards and Technology
聚类技术clustering technique
胚胎技术工程师embryological engineer
自然技术natural technique
詹纳斯技术Janus technique
语音压缩技术voice compression technology
费米级技术femtometer scale technology
超分辨率技术super resolution techniques
轮廓标记技术labeling of contours
迭代自组织数据分析技术算法Iterative Self Organizing Data Analysis Techniques Algorithm
遗失特征逼近技术missing feature approach
集成技术integration technique
霍特林压缩技术Hotelling's deflation technique
频域滤波增强技术frequency filtering for enhancement
频率调制半调技术frequency modulated half-toning technique