
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一些意外事件甚至有经验的包商都无法预测Some contingencies can't be foreseen even by an experienced contractor
一揽子包合同contract packages
三家公司包这次股票的发行Three companies underwrite the share issue
下列诺的一切优先购买权将继续有效,不因企业合并受到损害或有所更改All options granted below shall continue without impairment or alteration by the combination of businesses
担保险 的会员a non-underwriting member
不再release from (an obligation, debt, 义务、 债务)
不动产继顺序canons of decent
不可撤销的兑跟单信用证irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
不得减免运人等责任条款not to inure clause
不能变更的firm commitment
不能改变的firm commitment
不记名the acceptance in blank
专业contracting by specializations
专业工程包商联合委员会committee of associations of specialist engineering contractors
专管保业务的负责人managing underwriter
业主将最后一笔款子付给了包商The final payment was made by the owner to the contractor
业主应提供一切可能的帮助使包人完成合同The owner shall render all assistance available to enable the contractor to fulfil the agreement
业务the weight of commitment
个别商品贸易的多边multilateral trade commitments on individual commodities
为了人员和财产的安全包商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect
为获得更多的保障而作为的拒绝兑的证书a protest for better security
买卖双方应该共同担由于货币调整而造成的损失Both the buyer and the seller should share the loss caused by a monetary adjustment
买方诺不泄漏从卖方账册及记录中获得的任何信息The buyer promised not to divulge any information obtained from the seller's books and records
但按管理租约规定,此项费用应由租赁公司With a finance lease, the leasee is responsible for maintaining the equipment, while under an operating lease, the leasing company should bear the cost
低运费招揽运货物completive cargo
作成拒付证书或拒绝兑证书的时限time for protest
你方必须担使他们补足短欠30吨化肥的责任you must assume the responsibility of getting them to make up a shortage of 30 ton fertilizer
你方没有按协议规定的时间表装运货物,空舱费由你方You failed to make the shipment according to the time schedule stipulated in the agreement and the dead freight should be borne by you
你能告诉我谁担了那个子公司的损失吗?Can you let us know who absorbed the loss by the subsidiary?
使charge with
使…承担lay an obligation upon... (债务)
债券兑账acceptance liability ledger
债务人认债务acknowledgement by debtors of debt
债权得到认与履行obtain satisfaction or recognition of a claim
先期the anticipated acceptance
光船租人demise charter
全美海关代理商和货运揽商联合会National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association of America
全部创建的工程包方式turn key
公共运公司common carrier
公证人作成汇票拒绝或拒绝付款的证书noting and protest
公路运人a road carrier
共同担的税收shared tax
其他办事处兑票据acceptance by other offices
列明除外责任的广泛保范围broad grant of cover subject to enumerated exception
制成拒绝effect protest
剥夺继disinheritance (disinheritantia)
剩余residual commitment
剩余价值的担者bearer of surplus-value
剩余遗产受人a remainder man
包商associate contractor
北大西洋包商North Atlantic Contractor
北大西洋包商no account
单一方式a unimodal carrier
单一方式运人a unimodal carrier
单方担义务的协定a unilateral agreement
单方担义务的契约unilateral contracts
单方面担义务的契约unilateral contract
单独担的责任the undivided responsibility
单纯the absolute acceptance
卖主需给我们购买或租汽车的各种发票Vendor shall give us invoices for cars purchased or rented
厂家只把这种产品卖给那些信誉良好的销人The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit
合同规定我方应担更换或修理毁损货物,费用由我方负担The contract provides that we shall undertake to replace and repair the damaged goods at our cost
合格评定结果的recognition of conformity assessment results
合法继inheritance at law
合法继legitimate heir
合法继lawful heir
合法继heir entitled to a legal portion
合资经营企业合营企业,合资joint venture
商业兑汇票trade acceptance bill
商业兑汇票the trader's acceptance
商业兑汇票trade acceptance
土地的人口载能力population supporting capacity of land
运代表面前检验survey held in the presence of the carrier's agent
在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,包商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
在发生空舱、滞期或罚款的情况下,该公司担由此引起的损失The company bears the losses thus incurred in the case of dead freight, demurrage or fines
在取得房产主人的书面同意之后,租人方得占用该房产After the written approval of the Landlord is obtained the tenant may take possession of the premises
在合同到期之前,合同签署人不应推卸根据本合同应担的任何义务、责任和职责The undersigned will not be relieved from any of their obligations, responsibilities and liabilities under the contract before its expiration
在货物完整无损地递交给运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order
在这种情况下,贵方应对此次破碎案担责任Under such circumstances, you are held responsible for the breakage
地方的指定继a remainder man
均分继the egalitarian inheritance
均分继egalitarian inheritance
备援standby commitment
备用诺额stand-by commitment
外国保人foreign insurance underwriter
外汇兑率accepter rate of exchange
多年期a multiyear commitment
大型设备包商heavy duty contractor
大米到货时即由公证行过磅,他们只好认重量不足Since the rice was weighed by a public surveyor upon arrival they cannot but admit the shortage
如合同价格不逐步上升,包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost
如果租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
如需要对已完工的项目进行检査,包商应提供必要的便利When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor
尽管他们接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time
市政府已答应担该工程的费用The city government has underwritten the costs of the project
计划和分析工作6要素干什么、何处、何时、何人担、如何进行、为什么What, Where, When, Who, How, Why
平均继the egalitarian inheritance
年纽约关于认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards New York, 10 June 1958 1958
开启包书opening of bid
开启包书open bid
形式上a formal acceptance
征求invite bid
付租船条件gross terms
包合同general contracts
我们去年口头诺不与他们竞争Last year we gave them an oral undertaking not to compete with them
我们歉难同意用兑交单代替凭信用证付款We regret that we cannot accept payment on D/A term in lieu of L/C
我们认为我们不能担这些支出We do not think we can absorb these expenses
我方只好要求你方担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
我方同意接受各种票据、现钞、支票和商业兑汇票We agree to accept notes, bills, checks and trade acceptances
我方已兑你方9月18日汇票,到期当照付We have accepted your draft of 18th September and will give you our protection
房主同意租人每半年向他付一次款The landlord agrees that the tenant pays to him in semi-annual payments
上期金额amount brought forward
付信用acceptance credit
付所acceptance bank
付期an acceptance period
付款项enter commitments
付费commitment charge
付赔偿要求honour a claim
保人underwriter securities
保人保证我们不受损害,并对损害予以赔偿Insurer holds us harmless and indemnifies us against damages
保人寿险write life insurance
保人的选择权the underwriter's option
保份额the signed line
保信贷限额cover for lines of credit
保单独海损险with particular average
保危险the peril insured
保国际多种方式联运的风险cover the risks of international multimodal transport
保对被保险人提岀的责任索赔cover liability claim against the assured
保承诺额underwriting commitment
保收据a binding receipt
保条cover note
保条the slip
保条款open cover
保落空lose a bit
保账户underwriting account
保费用underwriting costs
保辛迪卡underwriting syndicate
保险别conditions coverage
保风险covered risk
sub-contract (转包的工作)
against acceptance (交单)
兑交单汇票documentary acceptance bill
兑产单document against acceptance
兑公司accepting house (所)
兑公司acceptance house (所)
兑凭证documents against acceptance
兑利益acceptance rate
兑到期acceptance maturity
兑后交付凭单外汇documents against acceptance
兑后交付单据documents against for acceptance
兑后日期days after acceptance (d/a)
兑后若干日days after acceptance
兑后若干日交款the date after acceptance
兑市场acceptable market
兑性的资金融通acceptance type financing
兑手续accepter procedure
兑押汇document against acceptance
兑提示the presentment for acceptance
兑提示the presentation for acceptance
兑揭示汇票accept a draft on presentation
兑期票acceptance bill
兑汇票take turns up a bill
兑汇票acceptance bill (票据)
兑汇票信用证letter of credit with bank's acceptance
兑汇票公司acceptance corporation
兑美元信用证dollar acceptance credit
兑融资acceptance financing
兑行accepter house
兑行委员会accepter houses committee
兑费用the accepter charge
兑银行drawee bank
兑银行an accepter bank
兑银行drawable bank
兑银行an accepted bank
兑问题date of acceptance
办汇款单位the remitting agency
办汇款单位remitting agency
办零担运输的转运公司a firm undertaking the groupage of traffic
turnkey job (使建筑安装工程达到投资或使用)
work contract
小段allot responsibility for (certain phases of work)
建筑安装工程的安装turnkey delivery (启用)
包与经营contract and administration
包人对修复损毁工程负有责任The contractor shall be responsible for the restoration of the damaged work
包人履行合同情况评价contractor performance evaluation
包保证书contract bonds
包养护contract maintenance
包制the responsibility system
包制contracting-out system
包劳动labour only subcontractor
包合同contract for projects
包商供应和装备的contractor furnished and equipped
包商受到警告,不照此办理可能会被取消其承包的资格The contractor is warned that failure to do so may disqualify him from the contract
包商同意遵守该国的法律、规则以及道德准则The contractor agrees to abide by all laws, rules and codes of ethics in that country
包商应不折不扣地履行该协议The contractor shall implement the terms of the agreement to the letter
包商应将损坏或损毁的工程加以重建或修理The contractor shall reconstruct of repair damaged or destroyed work
包商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement
包商应尽力保证项目准时完工Contractor is to do his best to ensure the completion of the project without delay
包商应尽力解决设备问题Contractor shall use its best endeavours to resolve the problem of equipment
包商应支付各种可收回的费用The reimbursable costs shall be paid by the contractor
包商应支付因仪表的位置或安装不当而支出的费用The contractor shall pay for the expense resulting from the improper location or installation of the apparatus
包商应经常用电话与供应商或制造商取得联系The contractor shall often have to set in touch with the suppliers or manufacturers by phone
包商应该熟悉现场上一切与施工有关的情况The contractor should be familiar with all conditions on the site which relate to the performance of the works
包商必须负责设计、工程、采购、建造等等的工作The contractor must be responsible for the design, engineering, procurement n., construction and so on
包商按发票金额加15%将此货投保The contractor insured the goods at invoice value plus 15%
包商提供的设备contractor furnished equipment
包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions
包商支配的总时间total contractor controlled time
包商有权将这次转租延期一个时期The contractor shall be entitled to renew this sublease for a further period
包商聘任王先生作为与本合同有关的中介人The contractor engages Mr. Wang as his mediator in connection with the contract
包商识别号contractors5 identification number
包商该以应有的勤奋和敏捷来履行其施工任务The contractor shall fulfil the works with due diligence and expedition
包商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing
包工程contracting industry
包工程contract work
包工程应付费用cost accrued on construction contract
包拆屋者house breaker
包控制的估价measurement in contract control
包服务turnkey service
包落选lose a bid
印零星印件的印刷商job printer
受人或承保人之间的合同the agreement among underwriters (协约)
受条件the acceptability condition
受汇率receiving quotation
受风险exposure hazard
建人construction man
bind (支票等)
take on
担义务assumed obligation
担义务commitments entered into followed by disbursements
担亏损货币loss-absorbing money
担保赔责任的承保人protection and indemnity liability insurer
担单独海损the average with particular
担工作量absorb workload
担抵押贷款assume the mortage
担经济责任bear financial responsibility
担责任should-be the responsibility
担费用pick up the tab
担赔偿责任honour one's liability
担金钱和时间上的花费entail the expenditure of money and time
揽合同contract of work
流支付acceptance and guarantee
租人tenant farmer
租人修缮改进improvement by leasee
租人修缮改进improvement by lessee
租人可行使买回优先权Repurchase option is exercisable by the lessee
租人应得到房产主许可,方能将空出的建筑物转租The tenant has to get the permission of the landlord to relet the vacated promises
租面积object leased
税交单documents against acceptance
约费commitment chaises
蒙热情欢迎和款待我方经理,不胜感激Thank you for the warm welcome and hospitality you extended to our manager
take up
recognition of conformity assessment results
认保险权益full interest admitted
认债务the acknowledgement of an obligation
认债责acknowledgment of a debt
认判决recognition of judgement
认商品生产acknowledge commodity production
认某人的签字而付款honour sb's signature
认的全部可保权益full interest admitted
认的构成说constitutive theory of recognition
认适航条款a seaworthiness admitted clause
认金the acknowledgement money
promise to undertake (that the goods you ordered in May will be shipped tomorrow by M/V "Appolo" for..., 您在5月间所订货物将于明天装上M/V "Appolo" 轮,自…港启航)
诺书活页夹insurance binder
诺保证promissory warranty
诺的食物援助committed food aid
购定单a valueless favour
载形频率carrier frequency
运人保留舱位carrier's allowance
运人权限条款liberty clause
运人注册carrier registration
运人津贴carriers allowance
运人的最高责任限度the carrier's maximum liability
运人的最高限度责任carrier's maximum liability
运人的清单manifest carrier
运人的疏忽carrier negligence
运人的负责期period of carrier's responsibility
运人负责期限period of carrier's responsibility
运人赔偿金额限制条款limit of indemnity from the carrier clause
运人风险carrier's risk
运代理人carrier's agent
运合同contract of freightment
运商forwarding agent
运商通知forwarding agent's notice
运船carry vessel
运险carrier's risk
销人已违反协议条款The consignee has breached the terms of the agreement
销人的权利right of the consignee
销人预付款advances from consignee
销人预付款the advance from consignee
销帐account sales
销手续费commission on underwriting
销证券业务business of underwriter
销证券合同的中止条款market out-clause
销证券投标时全部或部分承销all or any part
销货物goods in consignment
持证职业矿区租人certified professional landman
指定受让包商assigned contractor
指定继人继承的不动产fee tail
指定继人继承的土地财产the fee tail
劳动力allot responsibility according to (labour power)
按劳allotting responsibility according to labour
按照本协议的条款,租赁者应担大楼的修缮费The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement
按金融租约规定,租人需负责维修设备With a finance lease, the leasee is responsible for maintaining the equipment, while under an operating lease, the leasing company should bear the cost
挪威包商协会Norwegian Contractors
挪威海上包商Norwegian Contractors
工业发展能力provide enough support for industrial growth
政府造商government contractor
政府工程包商government contractor
政府继succession of government
明文的担义务express undertaking
普通的租赁至少包含两个方面,即租人和出租人An ordinary lease consists of at least two parties i.e. lessee and lessor
最佳包商控制时间optimal contractor-controlled time
最佳the best efforts
最好担义务the best efforts of commitment
最好担义务best efforts commitment
最好的担义务the best efforts commitment
有了租赁协议,租者就有可能更换旧设备A lease agreement can make it possible for the lessee to replace the old equipment
有条件special acceptance
有条件the conditional acceptance
有条件的票据qualified acceptance of bill
诺义务的资金the unobligated fund
未付诺额unpaid commitment
未作拒绝兑证书的拒兑no protest for nonacceptance
未被认资产the unadmitted asset
运人present carrier
本协议应转让给乙方继This agreement should be assigned to the successor of the second party
机组包干的联产the all-round contract system with the mechanized group as the basic unit
机组包干的联产all round contract system with the mechanized group as the basic unit
权利继a successor in title
条约以外事项的国家继succession of states in respect of matters other than treaties
样品索即寄Samples will be sent on request
核定兑汇票approve an acceptance
根据认的理由ex concesso
根据下列规定条件,包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
根据今天签定的协议,该公司业务将由包人来经营The business of the company will be conducted by the contractor according to the agreement signed today
根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
根据此处开列的条款,应由包商完成接管验收Takeover tests should be carried out by the contractor according to the provisions herein
欺诈性promissory fraud
正式formal recognition
正式a formal acceptance
此条款不应被认为是解除运商对运输中造成货物损坏应负的责任This clause shall not be construed to release the carrier from responsibility for causing damage to the goods in transit
此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company
水险保人marine insurer
永久租人perpetual leasee
永久继perpetual succession
海损由卖方sea damage for seller (account)
海运运人an ocean carrier
火灾保人a fire underwriter
特性继inheritance traits
由于包商的破产,已指派了一名清算人,业主便终止了该承包The owner terminated the employment of the contractor because a receiver has been appointed on account of contractor's insolvency
由于大量约,在圣诞节之前我方不能接受新定单Owing to heavy commitments, we cannot accept any new orders before Christmas
由于已受订货太多,我公司无法再接贵方订单We cannot accept your order because of heavy bookings
由于机器本身质次所造成的损坏,租人不必对物主进行赔偿No reparation shall be made by the tenant to the owner for damages resulting from the inferior quality of the machine
由于违约,租者需支付一笔清偿损失费The tenant shall pay money for liquidated damages upon his default
由此而产生的费用将由船主、运人和货主三方按价比例分摊The expenditure thus incurred will be payable by the shipowner, carrier, and cargo owner in proportion to their respective value
甲方诺将与合同有关的一切信息通知乙方Party A promises to inform Party B of all communications in connection with the contract
甲方的全部诉讼费用应由乙方All cost and expenses of actions by Part A shall be paid by Part B
确定final recognition
确定诺出价firm commitment offering
票外the extrinsic acceptance
票据a bill accepted
票据收讫、付讫通知书advice of bill accepted (collected, paid)
票据兑银行accepting house
联运的第一运人first carrier
第三运人third flag carrier
第二运人secondary carrier
第二运人a substitute carrier
等量equivalent commitments
联合公司joint venture
船旗运人flag carrier
船旗运人a flag carrier
范围最广的保条件full terms
补救多种缺陷的工作应由运商执行Such work of making good imperfections shall be executed by the contractor
要由我方担全部责任就欠公正了It is unfair that we have to bear the whole responsibility
财产继inheritance of property
担风险owner's risk
货交运人指定地点free carrier named place
货交运人free carrier
货物保人a cargo underwriter
货船载吨位申报declaration of deadweight tonnage of cargo
货运揽报关行freight forwarders
货运揽报关行freight forwarder
货运揽行forwarding agency
资本capital commitments
资源诺的报酬a reward in return for commitment of resource
资金诺额commitment of fund
责任the vicarious responsibility
转运行运提单forwarding agent's certificate of transport (证)
通融兑人an accommodation accepter
遇有政府向包商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
遗产继remainder man
遗产继heir to property
遗产继inheritance duty
遗产继succession duty ;share tax
销售包商协会Distribution Contractors Association
长期诺经济援助long-term commitment of economic aid
美国阿拉斯加石油包商Alaska Petroleum Contractors
附担保the collateral acceptance
附条件的qualified acceptance
限定继an heir in tail
限定继the fee tail
运人提单a B/L non-carrier
运人的联运商a non-carrier MTO
非航运公会的运人a non-conference carrier
项目服务包商project services contractors
项目服务包商project services contractor
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