
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
中华人民共和国农村土地包法Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Contract in Rural Areas
临时支基底temporary guide base
土地人口载力population supporting capacity (of land)
人口载力比population ratio
土地的人口载潜力 potential population supporting capacity (of land <->)
土地的人口载潜力评定potential population supporting capacity assessmentof land <->
全国钻井包商协会National Drilling Contractors Association
农村土地包经营 use-right grant by contract for agricultural land
条件共轭梯度preconditional conjugate gradient
条件共轭梯度法preconditioned conjugate gradient method
条件共轭残差法preconditional conjugate residual method
加利福尼亚重比土壤承重能力的换算指标California bearing ratio
加拿大石油井钻探包商协会Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
国际水下工程包商公司International Underwater Contractors Inc.
土地包经营权 lease holding right
土地载力land carrying capacity
土地载力 carrying capacity of land
土地使用权继inheritance of land-use right
土壤载力soil bearing capacity
土壤的允许载压力allowable bearing force of soil
多项式前条件共轭梯度数值法polynomial preconditioned conjugate gradient numerical algorithm
对角前条件共轭梯度迭代解答器diagonally preconditioned conjugate gradient
保条款insuring clause
包人操作领域contractor maintenance area
包土地的转租re-lease of contracting farmland
达西定律地下水的压表达式pressure representation
役地dominant estate
担债务合同assumption agreement
继费assumption fee
支承应力bearing stress
销费支付选择load spread option
抵押assumption of mortgage
抵押mortgage commitment
反力support ing reaction
施工总包商general construction contractor
最大支深度maximum bearing depth
水下工程包商协会Association of Underwater ContractorsUK
水资源工程包商公司菲律宾Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation Philippines
”污染者担”原则polluter pays principle
环境受力environmental bearing capacity
环境载力environmental carrying capacity
环境载力environmental loading capacity
环球物探测量包公司Globe Universal Services, Inc.
臼形footstep bearing
轴下轴footstep bearing
管道载流量on-line load flow
美国石油井钻井包商协会American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
联合水下包商协会United Underwater Contractors Association
能源技术支单元energy technology support unit
臼形花杯,止推footstep bearing
货交运人指定地点价格free carrier
首次购房受力指数affordability index
近海潜水包商协会Association of Offshore Diving Contractors
遗产继legacy tax
遗产继settlement estate duty
遗产继inheritance tax
遗产继estate tax
遗产继estate duty
钻探包商协会associated drilling contractors
压孔隙空气压力unconfined pore-air pressure