
Terms for subject Securities containing 扩大 | all forms | in specified order only
扩大经营而收购控制其下游公司forward integration
信贷扩大credit expansion
市场扩大market expansion
市场份额大但扩展慢的业务cash cow
扩大市场亢奋,交易量激增broadening pattern
扩大形态broadening pattern (市场失控,出现异常性交易热)
扩大投资investment in breadth
扩大投资expanding investment
扩大持仓量gear up positions
扩大生产能力的投资capacity expansion investment
扩大的股本enlarged share capital
扩大直接融资规模expansion of direct financing scale
扩大经营债券extension bond
资本扩大widening of capital
资本规模扩大capital increase
防止损失扩大prevent extended losses
限额扩大line extension