
Terms for subject Finances containing 扩大 | all forms | in specified order only
允许扩大人民币贸易allow more trading in the renminbi
坚定不移扩大对外开放remain devoted to greater opening-up
坚持扩大内需的战略方针steadfastly follow a strategy of expanding domestic demand
大幅扩容资本市场expand greatly the size of capital markets
大规模扩张remarkable expansion
寻求扩大内需seek greater domestic demand
已经扩大股本enlarged share capital
市场扩大market extension
强劲的经济增长和扩大就业strong economic and jobs growth
扩大世界增长率的差异increase the divergence in world growth rates
扩大产能expand production capacity
扩大人民币在国际范围内的使用expand international use of the Chinese currency
扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment
扩大人民币跨境使用expand cross-border use of the RMB
扩大共同利益expand mutual interest
扩大共同利益broaden common interests
扩大共识expand common ground
扩大内需expand domestic demand
扩大内需boost domestic demand
扩大内需战略strategy of expanding domestic demand
扩大国际货币基金组织特别提款权的使用expand the use of the SDR of the IMF
扩大基础设施支岀increase in infrastructure spending
扩大外汇变动幅度wider band
扩大外汇变动幅度widening of the band
扩大居民消费expand consumer spending
扩大居民消费需求expand consumer demand
扩大市场份额expand market share
扩大市场准人expand market access
扩大投资increase investment
扩大投资increase investing
扩大服务业开放expand services industry liberalization
扩大机构投资expand institutional investing
扩大特别提款权的使用范围broaden SDR usage
扩大直接融资规模increase the amount of direct financing
扩大税基expand the tax base
扩大经济技术合作expand economic and technological cooperation
扩大经济金融信息交流expand economic and financial information sharing
扩大经营公积金reserve for business expansion
扩大自由贸易expand free trade
扩大货币供应boost the money supply
扩大贷款额度enlarged access
扩大进口grow imports
扩大内需作为经济发展的长期战略take expanding domestic demand as long-term strategy for economic development
积极扩大内需actively expand domestic demand
积极扩大进口actively expand import
进一步扩大内需further expanding domestic demand
进一步扩大双边贸易与投资further expand bilateral trade and investment
鼓励扩大人民币在国际上的使用encourage more international use of renminbi
鼓励扩大民间投资encourage greater non-government investment