
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
专门人specialized talent
capable personnel
培养produce capable personnel
强国战略the strategy of making China stronger by producing more outstanding personnel
任人唯贤、德兼备appoint people on one's merit and people with both political integrity and professional competence
体育人sport talent
党管人party supervision over personnel resources work
党管人party supervision over human resources work
党管人party takes charge in charge of human resources work
党管人party control over personnel selection (work)
各种专业人specialized personnel in all fields
告诉处理handle only upon complaint
培养各种专业人train specialized personnel in all fields
实用人trainee to acquire practical skills
弘扬尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人、尊重创造的良好社会风气foster an environment of respect for labor, for knowledge, for ability and for creativity throughout society
兼备have both ability and political integrity
兼备people with both political integrity and professional competence
科教兴国战略和人强国战略the strategy of reinvigorating China through science and technology, education and human resources
自学成become educated through independent study
高技能人highly skilled person
高素质人high-caliber personnel