
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
中央对central counterparty
中期贷款安排续费extended arrangement charge
交换medium of exchange
交易carry trade
储存store of value
《国际收支册》Balance of Payments Manual
《国际服务贸易统计册》Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services
《季度国民账户册-概念、数据来源与编制》Quarterly National Accounts Manual
《季度国民账户册-概念、数据来源与编制》QNA Manual
《季度国民账户册-概念、数据来源与编制》Quarterly National Accounts Manual - Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation
家庭工业cottage industry
家庭工业artisanal industry
counterparty securities settlement systems
方风险counterparty risk
方风险credit risk
方风险管理政策小组Corrigan Group
方风险管理政策小组Counterparty Risk Management Group
方风险管理政策小组Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group
续费service fee
续费service charge
续费handling charge
支付means of payment
《政府财政统计册》GFS Manual
《政府财政统计册》A Manual on Government Finance Statistics
无形之invisible hand
干预coordinated intramarginal intervention
干预concerted intervention
干预joint intervention
干预intra-marginal intervention
提供的新资金concerted new money
行政段确定的价值administrative value
行政段确定的价值standard value
行政段确定的价值posted value
行政段确定的价值official value customs
衍生金融工具:1993年《国际收支册》第五版补编Financial Derivatives: A Supplement to the Fifth Edition 1993 of the Balance of Payments Manual
《财政透明度册》2007年版Manual on Fiscal Transparency 2007
《货币与金融统计册》Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual
买卖commodities arbitrage
交易switch transaction exchange market
凭证pass-through security
凭证pass-through certificate
退还续费refund of charges