
Terms for subject Securities containing 手臂 | all forms
一手even lot
一手round lot (为证券市场买卖单位)
一手one lot
一手full lot
一手at first hand
一手交易数证券交易的数量单位board lot
一手证券one board lot of securities
三手交易three-handed deal
上市公司手册companies handbook
上市发行手续费handling fee for open offering
不择手段行为sharp practice
不肯脱手以致错过行市overrun one's market
不良交易手法trading malpractice
业绩的评价手段performance measure
中央结算对手指结算机构介于交易双方之间,充当买者的卖方和卖者的买方central counterparty
中央结算对手central counter party
中期资金融通手段mean of financing medium term operation
举手表决董事会或股东大会表决方式之一show of hands
二手固定资产used fixed assets
二手市场used market
二手市场second market
二手抵押used mortgage
交易准杀手probable deal killer
交易对手transaction counterparty
交易对手信贷风险counterparty credit risk
交易杀手/潜在交易杀手deal killers/probable deal killers
交易潜在杀手probable deal killer
代收赔款手续费collecting/collection commission
以资产调整作为防止收购的手段assets adjustment as a takeover defense
会计做手脚window dressing
会计程序/手续accounting procedure
低价打人市场的手法penetration pricing
作为融资手段的债务与权益互换debt-equity swap as financing technique
信息手册information book
信贷手段credit facility
修正后的过手结构modified pass-through
修正型过手证券modified pass-through
修正的过手证券modified pass-through securities
倒手买卖在交易所中同时买进和卖出同一商品或证券以获利的交易round transaction
倒手买卖成本round trip transaction costs
倒手交易round trip transaction
先下手为强early mover advantage
先下手者优势first-mover advantage
公司手册companies handbook
内部合规手册internal compliance manuals
出纳员手边之款till money
利润手续费profit commission
前手prior party
办理放弃权益手续费handling charge for unclaimed entitlements
办理注销登记手续go through the formalities for the nullification of registration
单一手交易股数single board lot
占用资金的手法隐蔽化大股东占用上市公司资金的手法invisibility of capital occupation method
去掉繁琐手续cut red tape
发行手续费issuance commission charge
取消前手所有权cancellation of previous holder's ownership
变更的过手证券modified pass-through securities
变相过手fully modified pass-through
变相过手证券fully modified pass-through securities
可由购买者接手的贷款assumable mortgage
合并手续amalgamation procedure
后手subsequent party
在手鸟理论bird in hand theory
在股票交易中失手catch a cold
多手交易multiple round lots
大手交易商large trader
大手交易设施block trade facility
大手成交large transaction
证券交易中的 失手率job failure rate
存取手段access device
完全改变的过手证券fully modified pass-through securities
审批手续procedures of examination and approval
对手不履行合同的违约风险counterparty risk
对手代理rival agency
对手经纪商contra broker
履行备案手续have to be registered with the agency approving
左手方牌价left-hand side
市场老手market maven
市场重组融资创新手段innovation of market restructuring and financing
带手机和笔记本电脑赴现场工作的人remote office home office
常规转手证券conventional pass through
弱手无强大资金支持的投资者weak hands
strong or weak hands
成本计算手册cost manual
成熟的风险控制手段mature risk control means
手中无现款money out of hand
手册/指南handbooks/ guidebooks
手头on hand
手头现金ready cash/ money
手头现金支付将来债务的现款dry powder
手头现金cash in hand
手头的in hand
手头紧无资金投资cold in hand
手头股票stock in hand
手挽手arm in arm
手提保险箱cash box
手续费loading charge
手续费search fee
手续费commission fees
手语早期美国证券交易所的经纪人传递报价和执行情况的一套手势hand signals
托收手续费collecting/collection commission
承兑手续费acceptance fee
承担办理产权转移手续undertake the transfer procedures for property rights
承诺书手续费commitment letter fees
把债务脱手hive down
投资新手novice investor
投资新手aunt millie investor
抢先出手深知客户动向,经纪人利用大单对市场影响,为自己炒股谋利tape racing
抵押贷款过手证券互换/掉期mortgage pass-through security swaps
抵押转手债券mortgage pay-through bonds
抵押过手证券mortgage pass-through security
按换手率比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by turnover rate
按脱手价格计价exit price valuation
换手率churning ratio
换手速度rate of change
换手量share turnover
掉手率severe hand rate
接手专门经营权granting of franchise
撒手不管的投资者hands-off investor
撤销前手持有cancellation of previous holdings
撤销前手操作cancellation of previous holdings
操盘手market manipulator
操纵手法manipulation twists
收购竞争对手buying the competition
收购股权手续费handling fee for tender offering
整手full lot
整手交易单价的整倍数normal trading unit
整手normal trading unit
整手round lot
整手even lot
整手交易round lot trading
整手交易人round lotter
整手交易者round lofter
整手保证金买卖比round lot margin buy-sell ratio
整手卖空/补进比率round lot short/ cover ratio
整手委托round lot order
整手散股混合交易交易份额既有整手交易又有零散股交易mixed lot
整手现金买卖比率round lot cash buy-sell ratio
整手订单board-lot orders
无手毒丸no hand pill
暂停办理过户登记手续closure of books/register
更加隐蔽的虚假披露手段more subtle means of disclosure
机构过手证券agency pass-through
杀手应用killer application
杀手软件应用高科技给人带来便利,有时也带来麻烦killer application
棘手发行难以销售所承销的证券sticky deal
棘手问题problem child (遇到财务问题的企业)
欺诈性手法fraudulent practice
欺诈手段fraudulent mean
死手条款公司章程上不得更换董事和管理者的条款,是防止被收购的措施dead-hand provision
死手毒丸dead hand poison pill (防止被收购的一种措施,此措施限制新任董事回购毒丸股份,目的是防止企业被收购)
每笔交易100手each deal for 100 lots
注册手续registration process
激进式贷款手法aggressive lending practice
炒股老手长期跟踪分析个股的经纪人stock jockey
烫手证券hot issue
熊手bear hand
特别二手期权二级市场上交易的未到期的场外交易期权special secondhand option
玩弄手段wheeling and dealing
生手green hand
白手起家starting from scratch
监管手段regulatory approach
监管有效手段regulatory teeth
直接前一手immediate prior party
直接过手证券straight pass-through securities
破产法律手续bankruptcy proceedings
私有财产出手策略private property exit strategy
私营部门转手债券private sector pass-through
穆迪普通股手册Moody's handbook of common stocks
空手不持有头寸的状况bare hand
空手套利的人free rider
竞争对手分析示例sample competitor analysis
筹资手段fund raising means
简化审批手续simplifying approval procedures
简化手续simplify procedures
简化手续streamline procedures
简化手续cut red tape
经商新手business beginner
经纪人间转手broker to broker transfer
联手交易syndicated trading
联手交易side-by-side trading
A 股换手率turnover velocity of A share
股票换手stock turn
股票换手率stock turnover
脱手价格exit price
脱手计划exit plan
脱手费exit fee
自愿收购手续费handling fee for voluntary takeover
融资手段financial means
行业杀手把竞争对手赶出市场的公司category killer
被认可的对手recognized counterparty
要价过高失去出手时机overstand one's market
解决麻烦问题的能手trouble shooter
解除汇票上前手的责任discharge of a prior party on a bill
认股权证转换手续费handling fee for warrant conversions
证券交易引诱手法用约定金额交易制造市场流动性好的假象chummy trading
评定印花税额手续费adjudication fee
资金调度手段funding instrument
趁跌出手selling the weakness
转手change hands
转手交易switch trading
转手交易机构投资者大量认购新债券转手卖给投资者going away
转手代理remarketing agent
住房抵押 转手凭证投资者pass-through investor
转手型证券过手证券是一种抵押支付证券,代表投资者对基本资产组合的所有权,来自资产的现金流收人"过手"给投资者以偿付证券的本息,投资者承担基础资产产生的风险,由于以往过手证券对投资者的偿付的不确定性,因此对其进行了修正,设计出修正型过手证券。pass-through security
转手套利round trip
转手套利round tripping
转手套利hard arbitrage
住房抵押转手效应pass-through effect
转手率turnover ratio
转手证券息票利率pass-through coupon rate
边际交易对手marginal pair
住房抵押过手债券利率pass-through rate
过手及再投资型交易pass-through and reinvesting type transaction
住房抵押 过手型证券pass-through security
过手款项transit items
退出机会、脱手机会exit opportunity
透支手段overdraft facility
通过不正当手段招揽证券承销业务solicit securities underwriting business by means of unfair competition
通过手机短信提醒投资者有关股市的风险short message of mobile for reminding investors risks of stocks market
部分修正过手证券partially modified pass-through
采取强制手段推销证券的经纪公司boiler room
采用其他欺诈手段resorting to other fraudulent means
金手铐指待遇优厚的雇用合约,以留住员工golden handcuffs
银行服务费、手续费banker's commission
零手交易odd-lot order
零手卖空比率odd-lot short sales ratio
零手经纪公司odd-lot house
零手股odd shares
非整手交易指令round-lot-plus order
预计脱手价值expected exit value
风险转移手段risk transfer alternative
首席操盘手chief dealer
高压促销手法pressure-selling tactic
高压销售手法pressure-selling tactic