
Terms for subject Economy containing 手臂 | all forms
一位饱经风霜的水手a seasoned sailor
万能机械手a general-purpose manipulator
万能机械手general-purpose manipulator
不准手摸hands off
不得将宝贵的技术诀窍透露给我们的竞争对手Don't impart the valuable know-how to our rivals
不经手批发商drop shipper
不肯脱手以致失去出售机会overrun one's market
专利检验程序手册Manual of Patent Examining Procedure
丝绸手巾现在新加坡市场上颇受青睐,兹供你方参考For your guidance n., we would inform you that the silk handkerchiefs are now preferred in the Singapore markets
中间手续a mean process
中间手续mesne process
诉讼的中间手续mesne process
临近交货作此变更,确实让我们手足无措Such alteration at the final stage of shipment is indeed confusing to
为鼓励外国投资,注册手续已简化The procedure of register has been simplified for the purpose of encouraging foreign investment
买方对这项业务是新手,一切由你酌办The buyer is a fresh hand at the line and would leave everything to your discretion
二手包装second-hand packing
二手承包商associate contractor
二手的second hand
二手设备second-hand equipment
二手货second hand
二手货商店a thrift shop
二手资料secondary data
交换手段means of exchange
交易手段medium of exchange
产品保证手册products support manual
人境手续immigration procedure
人手不足shortness of hands
从事一种手艺ply a trade
他们发现他们公司的代理商在销售他们竞争对手的产品时,其价格比他们自己的产品还要低廉They discovered than their agent was selling their rival's products at the price even lower that theirs
他们在美国市场上已击败竞争对手They have beat en their rivals in American market
他们对此协议保密,不让所有对手知道They have kept the agreement secret from all their rivals
他们将按通常条件为我们代办一切手续They will then undertake all formalities on our behalf, in accordance with the usual conditions
他们必须承担由于申报手续不完备而造成的延期付款的责任They have to shoulder the responsibility for any delay in payment due to incompleteness of application
他们正在办理必要的手续They are now proceeding with the necessary formalities
他们用欺骗手段得到了两万美元They obtained $20.000 by deceit
他办理了取消抵押品赎回权的法律手续He has proceeded with the foreclosure of mortgage
代收贷款手续费charges on cash delivery packets
代理手续费agent's commission
代销手续费selling commission
以不正当手段所得不义之财misgotten wealth
以政策手段为基础的方法instrument-based approach
价值储藏手段means of the store of value
会计人员手册accountant's handbook
会计原则和手续的变更change in accounting principles and practice
会计手册the manual of accounting
会计的例行手续the mechanics of accounting
会费和手续fees and formalities
低息再贴现手段low-cost rediscount facilities
余款未付的利息或其他附加手续费carrying charges
作业单位代码手册work unit code manual
作业指令手册job instruction manual
你们可以利用竞争对手放松促销的机会You can capitalize on the sluggish sales efforts of your competitors
你方应准备和提供一切必要的图纸、操作手册和其他文件You shall prepare and supply all necessary drawings, operating manuals and other documents
你方须帮助他们办理报关手续You should help them clear goods through customs
佣金、手续费收入账户fee and commission received a/c
保兑手续confirmation commission
在寄售交易中代理商收取的保证手续费guarantee commission
信用管理手段credit control instrument
修改手续费amendment fee
修改手续费the amendment commission
兑付汇票手续费payment commission
兑付汇票的手续费payment commission
兑换手续course of exchange
入境手续entry formalities
入境手续entry procedures
公司设立手续formalities of incorporation
其它审计手续other auditing procedures
农业手工企业agricultural handicrafts enterprise
出入境手续entry and exit procedures
出口手续formalities of export
出口手续export formalities
出境手续exit formalities
出港手续费outward port charge
分保手续reinsurance commission
到手to hand
到手come to hand
前手背书prior endorser
办完例行手续,我们马上电告装船通知After going through the usual procedure n., we will cable you shipment advice immediately
办理手续handle procedures
办理手续go through procedures
,助手helper (helping hand)
劳动手册labour handbook
劳动手段means of labour
募债手续费commission on issue and public offerings
即办报关进口手续immediate transportation entry
可以采取正当的措施和手段来取回属于我方的利润Proper steps and proceedings may be taken for getting back profit due to us
合并手续an amalgamation procedure
合格的水手able-bodied seaman (英:二等水兵; 海:一等水手)
售货手续费sales commission
唯一手段only resource
商业上的竞争对手business rivals
四轮手车four wheel hand trucks
回载货物手续费the address commission
国内政策手段domestic instruments
国外支付手段the foreign means of payment
国外支付手段foreign means of payment
国家核算手段national means of verification
国际收支手册balance of payments manual
国际货运操作手册international cargo manual
在手头on hand
在手头in hand
在手边to hand
在扣除你方应收手续费后,务必将货款贷记我方208号账户Be sure to credit our account No. 208 with the proceeds after deducting your charges
大小修手册overhaul and repair manual
管理4H 头脑、心、手、健康Head, Heart, Hand, Health
如我方报价低于竞争对手,我们就能获得订单We can obtain the order if we underquote our competitors
如果我们想赢得这场竞争,重要的是要了解对手的背景If we want to win the competition, it is important to know the rival s' background
威胁手段the undue influence
安全手册security manual
安装与维修指导手册installation and maintenance guide
安装手册installation handbook
审计手续audit procedure
家庭手工业cottage craft (industry)
家庭手工业cottage industry
家庭手工业household handicrafts
容易到手的钱quick buck
小手工业者small hand
小油田资料手册Oil Patch Directory
展业手续费the acquisition commission
展期手续费extension fee
工作手册a work book
工作手册work book
工场手工业the manipulatory manufacture
工头助手a straw boss
工程实践手册manuals of engineering practice
工程管理手册engineering management manual
工程管理手册engineering administration manual
工程说明手册manual of engineering instructions
左右手图left-and-right-hand chart
广告方式或手段advertising medium
开发信贷应计手续费accrued service on development credit
信用证的开证手续费opening charge
律师着手进行为推销员回收欠款的民事诉讼程序The attorney instituted civil proceedings for the collection of debts by the salesman
得手get hand
忠诚能干的女助手girl Friday
成本、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest
我们佩服你方处理此类问题的熟练的手段We admire your skillful manner in dealing with such problems
我们在对手的销售部有熟人给我们提供有用的信息We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information
我们已经按我方惯例替她代办了一切手续All formalities have already been undertaken on her behalf in accordance with our usual practice
我们希望迅速办理手头的询盘We hope to dispatch the inquiries at hand
我们必须立即着手解决拖了一年之久之事,否则我们的损失更大We must immediately set out to settle this matter, which has been hanging fire for one year or we will suffer even greater loss
我们手头有几间办公室可出租We have several offices on hand to let
我们给仓库增添了 10名部分时间工作制人手We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers
我们认为你方报价不合适,因为这种手提包价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
我厂的产品在性能上与我们竞争对手的产品有很大差别The product made by our factory is quite different in function from that of our rivals
我方专门生产手工艺品,愿与贵方进行这方面的交易Being specialized in the manufacture of handicrafts, we express our desire to trade with you in this line
我的助手将在会上担任口译My assistant will act as interpreter at the meeting
房地产买卖手续费closing cost
手上有擦伤a scrape on the hand
手交手from hand to hand
手册guide book
手册索引页manual index page
手动机a hand machine
手头有钱be in the bucks
手存现金cash on hand
手工manual of operation
手工manual training (训练)
手工业artisan industry
手工业handicraft industry
手工业主the master handicraftsman
手工业主master hand
手工业合作化cooperation of handicraft
手工业合作社handicraft co-operative
手工业工会craft guild
手工业时代a handicraft stage
手工业时代handicraft stage
手工业时代hand period
手工业生产home industry
手工业生产handicraft industry
手工业生产craft industry
手工业经济handicraft economy
手工业者行会craft guild
手工业行会craft guild
手工作业hand work
手工分组法hand-sorting method
手工操作处理程序the manual procedures
手工操纵manual manipulation
手工检查hand inspection
手工自助操作manual self-help
手帕handkerchief (s)
手拣分级货hand picked and selected
手挽着手地arm in arm
手提式打字机a portable typewriter
手提式投注用电脑终端器hand-betting terminal
手提式计算机a portable computer
手术室theatre, theater
手段和目的the means and ends
手段的目的链means-end chain
手纹鉴定verification of handprint
手续法auxiliary law
手续费commission percentages
手续费service chaises
手续费extension fee
手续费及其他费用fees and other charges
手续费收入commission income
手艺工人a graft-man
手车hand truck
扒手cut purse
托收票据手续费collection fees
执行手续executive proceedings
批发手工业wholesale handicraft
承兑手续accepter procedure
承销手续费commission on underwriting
技术细则手册manual of engineering instructions
技术设施更改手续technical facility change procedure
把装运和报关手续委托专业公司办理既省时间又省精力We can save both time and energy by entrusting to specialized company all shipping and customs formalities
投标手续tender procedure
抢手股票a glamour stock
报复手段reprisal (行为)
招标手续tender procedures
插手step in
插手某事have a hand in (sth.)
揽货手续费booking commission
操作员手册operator's handbook
操作和维修手册operation and maintenance manual
操作技术手册operational technical manual
操作指导手册operations directive handbook
操作指导手册handbook of operating instructions
操作系统手册operating system manual
支付手段payment instrument (票据)
收租代理人手续费rental agent commission
政府决定采用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation
政府调査手段diagnostic tools of government
新助手在老板度假时把工作处理得很好The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday
无公文手续的商业贷款open-book amount
无差别曲线着手法indifference curve approach
经济动力 "无形之手""invisible hand"
经济动力无形之手hidden hand
无形之手学说invisible-hand doctrine
无形之手学说亚当•斯密invisible hand doctrine
公众日常手头持有的货币the hand-to-hand money
财产易手change hands
MAPI 更换手册MAPI Replacement Manual
更新手续费renewal commission
替手股the nominee shareholding
最后手段last resource
机器操作手machine operator
材料规格手册materials specification manual
标准手册standard manual
根据合同,我方能对各该项目分别付款,但不保留手续费According to the contract, we can make payment separately for each separate project without retention of a percentage
检验手册inspection manual
检验要求手册a handbook of inspection requirements
棘手的数据soft data
"棘手"的资料the soft data
棘手问题tender subject
棘手问题hot potato
正常审议手续normal audition procedure
正常手续normal procedure
正当的法律手续due process of law
正规手续regular procedures
此定期租约每年可以续租,不需复杂的手续This periodic lease will be renewed from year to year without any complex procedure
水手们把船系住在码头The sailors tied up the ship to the quay
汇兑手续费charge for remittances
汇兑手续费exchange commission
汇款手续费和汇兑差额bank charges and difference in rates of exchange
没收抵押品手续foreclosure proceedings
没有脱手lie on one's hand
流通手段medium of circulation
流通手段instrument of circulation
海关作业和手续customs operation and procedure
海关手续的一致化harmonization of customs procedure
消费者需求的边际效用着手法marginal utility approach to consumer demands
混合手段mixed media
混合手续费佣金mixed commission
潜在的贸易干扰手段potential trade distorting device
烫手钱hot money
热情握手a cordial shake
物质手段physical means
特殊救济手段extraordinary remedies
现场工程维修手册field engineering maintenance manual
现场操作手册field operation handbook
现寄给你指导用户安装空调机的手册一本We are sending you a manual instructing the end-users on the installation of air-conditioners
生存手段means of existence
用手拉起并循序检査underrun (电缆等)
用手指计算finger counting
用最直接的办法办理的手续straight shoot
用高压手段with a high hand
用高压手段with a heavy hand
由于没有手推车或其他搬运工具,我们运送这些包裹非常不方便It is rather inconvenient for us to move all these packages for lack of handcart or other carrying implements
由于计算机出了故障,你只好手工制作保险单You have to make the insurance policy manually because the computer has broken down
申请中止诉讼手续put in a caveat
申请停止手续enter a caveat
申请出口证明手续export certification procedure
电子学术语与符号手册Electronics Glossary and Symbol Panel
供信号追踪用的电子手链electronic bracelet
目标手段链an end means chain
"看不见的手""invisible hand"
着手entering upon
着手一项改革计划inaugurate a scheme of renovation
着手办理这笔订货put this order in band
着手调查institute an inquiry
着手调査institute an investigation
着手进行一项任务tackle a task
石油测量标准手册Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
研究投资的经济法则着手法rule of thumb approaches to investment
禁用手钩use no hooks
积累手段medium of accumulation
竞争对手一下子超过了我们Rivals have a jump over us
第一手材料firsthand material
第一手来源primary sources
第一手货first-hand goods
第一手资料first hand data
第一手资料信息first-hand information
第二手来源secondary source
第二手的second hand
第二手费second-hand cost
简化审批手续simplify the formalities of approval
机械人系统手system hand
索引手册index manual
累积手段medium of accumulation
纯利手续费the profit commission
某人经手by the agency of
经手费用handling charge
经济手册economic handbook
结账手续closing procedure (程序)
维修手册a servicing manual
维修手册maintenance manual
维修手段service aid
维修标准手册maintenance standard book
维护【服务,使用】手册service manual
维护指导手册handbook of maintenance instruction
编目手续catalogue procedure
美国标准试验手册American Standard Test Manual
美国进口商手册Importers Manual USA
老手seasoned hand
老板需要一名得力助手协助工作The boss needs an efficient assistant to work with him
股东手册register of shareholders
背书手续费the endorsement commission
能手accurate calculator
脏污棘手装卸奖金dirty money
船出港手续ship's clearance outwards
船舶出港手续ship's clearance outwards
营业手段business methods
落在竞争对手手中fall into the power of (the competitors)
行会手工业guild hand
解决麻烦问题的能手a trouble shooter
解释需求表列的边际效用着手法marginal utility approach to explanation of demand schedules
解除汇票前手人的责任discharge of a prior party
解除汇票前手的责任discharge of a prior party
计算高手accurate calculator
设计手册design handbook
设计数据手册design data book
设计标准手册design standards manual
访问着手法interview approach
诉讼手续form of action
诉讼手续故意弄错abuse of process
译员协助他办完海关手续The interpreter assisted him in completing the customs formalities
该委员会着手调査股票交易中的不正当行为The committee set out to investigate irregularities in share dealings
请寄给我们一份贵公司的产品手册和价目表Please send us your brochure and price list
谋生手段means of subsistence
财政收入缴存手续depositary receipt procedures
财政收入缴存手续depository receipt procedures
货款手续费commitment fee
货物脱手get off one's hand
质量保证手册quality assurance manual
质量检测手册Inspection Quality Manual
质量管理手册quality control manual
贬低竞争对手的广告稿knocking copy
购买手段means of purchase
购置手段means of purchase
贴现手续费discount commission
贷款手续费commitment chaises
贷款手续费loan charges
贸易手续和单据简化facilitation of trade procedures and documentation
资产购置手续费the acquisition commission
资料数据手册data hand-book
资金手段financial means
赶紧脱手以免多受损失cut a loss
超额利润手续费excess profit commission
转分保手续费the overriding commission
转手change hands (指买卖)
转手买卖change hands
转手交换成switch in (foreign currencies, 外币)
转手交易a switch operation
转手倒卖buy and then resell for exorbitant profit
转手协定switch arrangements
转手批发the instant wholesale
转手掮客a switch dealer
转手支付transfer payments or incomes
转手贸易switch transaction
转手贸易中间人a switch dealer
转手贸易佣金the switching commission
转移风险的手段instrument for shifting of risk
转让手续费transfer fee
转让手续费the transfer commission
转让手续费transfer charge
转递手续费transmission commissions
过度的流通手段的创造excessive liquidity creation
过户手续表transfer commission
过户手续费the transfer commission
这个手提箱得通过海关检查This suitcase has to go through a customs examination
这些合同在我手中The contracts are in my possession
这些技术规格构成这本手册的一个组成部分Such technical specifications are incorporated in this manual as an integral part
进口许可证手续协定agreement on import licensing procedure
逃税手段tax shelter
通常的审计手续normal auditing procedure
通知手续费the advising charge
通过法律手法指定把财产授与settle one's property on (somebody, 某人)
避税手段a tax shelter
采购手段means of purchase
野外【现场】操作手册field operating manual
野外工作手册field manual
金手铐golden handcuffs
金融手段financial instruments
金融政策手段monetary policy instrument
金融调节手段monetary device
银行结算手续协定书banking arrangements on accounting procedure
银行结算手续议定书technical arrangements
销售部正在招聘新助手The marketing department is recruiting new assistants
错失脱手机会overrun one's market
集装箱门锁把手door lock handle
防护手续safeguard procedures
限制性发证手续restrictive licensing procedures
随手流通hand-to-hand circulation
雇佣多余人手labour featherbedding
雇员手册employ hand book
零件和元件手册parts and components manual
非关税手段a non-tariff device
非关税贸易干扰手段non-tariff trade-distortive devices
非法手段illegal practice
非贸易干扰手段nontariff trade distortive devices
领班助手a straw boss