
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
当今环境伙伴关系Strategies for Today's Environmental Partnerships
war A conflict or a state of hostility between two or more parties, nations or states, in which armed forces or military operations are used (两个或两个以上的当事人、民族或国家间的冲突或敌对状态,在其中会使用军队或军事行动。)
争受害者war victim A person that suffers from the destructive action undertaken as a result of an armed conflict between two or more parties, particularly death, injury, hardship, loss of property or dislocation (因为两方或多方的武装冲突而遭受到破坏性损失的人。尤其是遭遇死亡、受伤、困苦、财产损失或混乱。)
争残留物的处置disposal of warfare materials Disposal of the material remnants of war, which can seriously impede development and cause injuries and the loss of lives and property. The disposal of warfare waste is problematic because it can be highly dangerous, toxic, long-living and requires the utilization of specific and sophisticated technologies, particularly in the case of mines and unexploded bombs which have been left on the war territories (战争残留物质的处理,这些物质能严重妨碍发展并引起生命财产的伤害与损失。 处理战争残余物是一个很难解决的问题,因为这些物质具有高度危险性、毒性、持久性,并且必须利用特殊而复杂的技术,尤其是当有地雷和未爆弹遗弃在战区时。)
替代能源略专题讨论会Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies
环境environmental warfare The direct manipulation or destruction of ecological resources as either a political threat or for actual military advantage (对生态资源进行直接破坏或者操纵,用于政治威胁或为了实际军事优势。)