
Terms for subject Military containing | all forms
且行且running fight
方法fighting method
武器系统适用性operational suitability
空中支援部队tactical unit
加人斗队形form up
"十字军士""Crusader" (F—8战斗机(美))
"厌""Warspite" (号战列舰、核潜艇(英))
be in the field
处于备状态in fighting trim
大兵团major tactics
大兵团grand tactics
实弹斗演习combat practice
"士""Barouder" (战斗机(法))
"斗""Battle" (号驱逐舰(英))
"斗""Battle" (轰炸机(英))
斗人员combat crew
斗力fighting power
斗力combat effectiveness
斗半径tactical radius
斗队形fighting formation
"斧""Tomahawk" (战斗机(英))
"斧""Tomahawk" (舰载巡航导弹(美))
"斧""Battleaxe" (号驱逐舰、护卫舰(英))
"术家""Tactician" (号潜艇(英))
术演习tactical exercise
略与战术strategy and tactics
略任务strategic mission
略要点key point
线fighting line
win the battle
"袍""Tabard" (号潜艇(英))
lose the battle
Combat car
"鹰""Warhawk" (P-40 战斗机(美))
naval engagement
游击partisan warfare
air battle
air action
"空中士""Skywarrior" (A-3攻击机(美))
继续作比赛hold the field
"自由士""Freedom Fighter" (〔F--5A〕战斗机(美))
舰至岸的登陆作ship-to-shore operation
运动mobile warfare
运动war of movement
追击running fight
field army
部队field forces