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与蝗虫和蚱蜢侵袭特别是在非洲作斗争国际International Strategy for the Fight against Locust and Grasshopper Infestation, particularly in Africa
世界气候影响评估及对策略计划World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme
世界粮食安全与气候变化及生物能源挑宣言Declaration on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
世界粮食安全:气候变化和生物能源的挑World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑》非正式开放性联络小组Informal Open-ended Contact Group of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑》非正式开放性联络小组Informal Open-ended Contact Group
为制定并实施全球渔船、冷藏运输船和补给船记录确立架构和略技术磋商会Technical Consultation to Identify a Structure and Strategy for the Development and Implementation of the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels
人力资源略、政策及规划科HR Strategy, Policy and Planning Branch
人力资源略、政策及规划科Human Resources Strategy, Policy and Planning Branch
人力资源管理略和政策框架HR Framework
人力资源管理略和政策框架Corporate Human Resources Strategy
人力资源管理略和政策框架HR Strategy and Policy Framework
人力资源管理略和政策框架Human Resources Management Strategy
人力资源管理略和政策框架HR Strategic Framework
人力资源管理略和政策框架HR Strategic Framework and Action Plan
人力资源管理略和政策框架Human Resources Strategic Framework and Action Plan 2010-11
人力资源管理略和政策框架Human Resources Management Strategy and Policy Framework
供资略特设咨询委员会Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on the Funding Strategy
保护地中海环境略和行动计划Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterranean
全球略指导委员会Global Coordinator
全球家畜遗传资源管理Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources
全球生物多样性Global Biodiversity Strategy
全球粮食安全和营养政策及略论坛FSN Forum
全球粮食安全和营养政策及略论坛Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition Policies and Strategies
关于应对高粮价和农业发展挑的宣言Declaration on Responding to the Challenges of High Food Prices and Agriculture Development
关于粮农组织面临的略挑战的研讨会Seminar on Strategic Challenges of the Organization
农业和农村统计工作全球Global Strategy
农业和农村统计工作全球Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics
制定全球家畜遗传资源略专家组Panel of Experts on the Development of the Global Strategy for Farm Animal Genetic Resources
制定动物育种略制定准则Guidelines for Establishing Animal Breeding Strategies
制定《国际植保公约》能力建设略开放性工作组Open-ended Working Group for the Development of an IPPC Capacity Building Strategy
加强火管理国际合作Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation on Fire Management
动物育种略制定准则Guidelines for Establishing Animal Breeding Strategies
发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑的选择与机遇International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Agro-industry to Face the Challenges of Food Insecurity and Climate Change
发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑的选择与机遇International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries
团结起来, 胜饥饿United Against Hunger
国别略大纲Country Strategy Outline
国家略纲要Country Strategy Outline
国家动物遗传资源略和行动计划编制准则Guidelines for the Preparation of National Strategies and Action Plans for Animal Genetic Resources
国际减灾United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
国际减灾International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
国际化学品管理的略方针Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
国际发展International Development Strategy
国际林火管理International Fire Management Strategy
国际林火管理Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation in Wildland Fire Management
土地改革和农村发展国际会议:振兴农村社区的新挑和方案International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
土地改革和农村发展国际会议:振兴农村社区的新挑和方案International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development: New challenges and options for revitalizing rural communities
地中海水产养殖营销Strategy for Marketing and Promotion of Mediterranean Aquaculture
2014-2019年食品法典委员会略计划Strategic Plan 2014-2019
2014-2019年食品法典委员会略计划Codex Strategic Plan 2014-2019
2014-2019年食品法典委员会略计划Codex Alimentarius Commission Strategic Plan 2014-2019
略及规划官员企业风险管理Strategy and Planning Officer Enterprise Risk Management
略及财务计划Strategic and Financial Plan
略小组Strategy Team
略小组组长Strategy Team Leader
略/监测官员Strategy/Monitoring Officer
略规划Strategic Planning
略、规划及资源管理办公室 – 联合收入Office of Strategy, Planning and Resources Management - Corporate Income
略规划和技术援助非正式工作组Informal Working Group on Technical Assistance
略规划和技术援助非正式工作组Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance
胜饥饿国家联盟National Alliance
胜饥饿国家联盟National Alliance Against Hunger
胜饥饿国家联盟一般原则和初步准则General Principles and Initial Guidelines for National Alliances against Hunger
胜饥饿国际联盟International Alliance Against Hunger
胜饥饿国际联盟秘书处International Alliance Against Hunger Secretariat
招聘略组Recruitment Strategy Unit
提供有关食品安全科学建议的Strategy for the Provision of Scientific Advice for Food Safety
改进捕捞渔业状况和趋势信息Strategy for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries
改进水产养殖状况和趋势信息Strategy for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Aquaculture
林业略计划Strategic Plan for Forestry
植物营养略、经济及后勤组Strategies, Economics and Logistics of Plant Nutrients Group
水和粮食挑计划Challenge Program on Water and Food
渔业部门人力开发略框架Strategic Framework on Human Capacity Development in Fisheries
知识管理Knowledge Management Strategy
粮农组织2000-2015年略框架Strategic Framework for FAO 2000-2015
粮农组织森林和林业Strategy for Forests and Forestry
粮农组织森林和林业FAO Strategy for Forests and Forestry
粮农组织:革新图变的挑FAO: The Challenge of Renewal
职业足球声援胜饥饿运动Professional Football against Hunger Solidarity Campaign
膳食、体育活动及健康全球Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
资源及略伙伴关系组Resources and Strategic Partnerships Unit
跨组织问题处理Strategies to Address Cross-organizational Issues
逐步控制高致病性禽流感全球Global Strategy for the Progressive Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
采购略及监督Procurement Strategy and Monitoring
采购略及监督管员Procurement Strategy and Monitoring Officer
集体粮食Collective for Food Strategies
非洲农业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑Ministerial Conference on Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: the Challenges of Climate Change
非洲农业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑Sirte Water and Energy Conference