
Terms for subject Aviation containing 战术 | all forms | in specified order only
三军战术通信tri-service tactical communication
三军战术通信保密通话系统Tenley (美国国家保密局)
专用战术飞行器individual tactical air vehicle
中央战术与试验组织Central Tactics and Trials Organization
中央战术系统central tactical system
人工操纵的先进战术攻击系统advanced tactical attack manned system
作战飞机技术combat aircraft technology
作战飞行与战术模拟器operational flight and tactics simulator
便携式战术飞机引导设备portable tactical aircraft guidance
先进战术低空拦阻系统advanced tactical low arresting system
先进战术作战模型advanced tactical combat model
先进战术战斗机advanced tactical fighter
先进战术战斗机任务分析advanced tactical fighter mission analysis
先进战术支援advanced tactical support
先进战术支援系统advanced tactical support system
先进战术攻击战斗机advanced tactical strike fighter
先进战术机载侦察系统advanced tactical airborne reconnaissance system
先进战术激光雷达导引头advanced tactical LADAR seeker
先进战术瞄准技术advanced tactical targeting technology
先进战术空中作战系统advanced tactical air warfare system
先进战术空中侦察系统advanced tactical air reconnaissance system
先进战术空中侦察系统advanced tactical air-reconnaissance system
先进战术空中武器系统advanced tactical air weapon system
先进战术空军中央指挥部advanced tactical air command central
先进战术运输任务分析advanced tactical transport mission analysis
先进战术运输机advanced tactical transport
先进战术运输机任务分析advanced tactical transport mission analysis
先进战术防空系统advanced tactical air defence system
先进战术雷达advanced tactical radar
先进战术雷达计划advanced tactical radar program
先进战术飞机advanced tactical aircraft
先进战术飞机保护系统advanced tactical aircraft protection system
先进战术飞机系统advanced tactical aircraft system
先进战斗技术拦截机advanced fighter technology interceptor
先进战斗机技术综合advanced fighter technology integration
先进战斗机技术集成advanced fighter technology integrated
先进技术战术运输机advanced technology tactical transport
先进技术对地攻击战斗机advanced technology ground attack fighter
先进技术战斗机advanced technology combat aircraft
先进技术轻型战斗机advanced technology light fighter
先进教练机/战术飞机advanced trainer/tactical aircraft
先进有人驾驶战术飞机advanced manned tactical aircraft
先进的战术攻击系统任务分析advanced tactical attack system mission analysis
先进的战术电子战系统advanced tactical electronic warfare system
先进的战术空军指挥与控制系统advanced tactical air command and control system
先进野战炮兵战术数据系统advanced field artillery tactical data system
先进防务区外发射战术导弹advanced tactical standoff missile
全天候战术攻击系统all-weather tactical strike system
全机动战术空军all-mobile tactical air force
共用事业战术运输飞机系统utility tactical transport aircraft system
军团战术corps tactical zone
军用多用途战术卫星系统ordnance multiple-purpose tactical satellite system
军用战略和战术中转站military strategic and tactical relay
初步战术preliminary tactical technical economical requirement
前方地区战术激光系统forward area laser tactical system
北大西洋公约组织战术战斗机和武器训练中心NATO tactical fighter and weapons training centre
北约战术战斗机和武器训练中心NATO tactical fighter and weapons training centre
北美防空司令部战术自动话务网系统Norad tactical Autovon system
单信道目标战术终端single channel objective tactical terminal
双机夹心战术Double Sandwich
双机夹攻战术Hares and Hounds
战术弹道导弹anti tactical ballistic missile
战术空中运航导弹anti-tactical air cruise missile
反潜战术数据系统antisubmarine warfare tactical data system
后续战术侦察系统follow on tactical reconnaissance system
地中海盟军战术空军Mediterranean allied tactical air force
地面战术分析ground tactical analysis
地面战术空中控制器ground tactical air controller
垂直起降战术无人机VTOL tactical unmanned aerial vehicle
“塔康"战术空中导航tactical air navigation (一种工作在特高频 (UHF )波段的无线电导航设备。可以提供相对于台站的斜距和方位信息,通常用在军事上。飞机设备向地面应答机发出询问信号,通过测量收发信号的时间差得到斜距并通过相位比较法测量相对飞机的磁方位。这可通过调制信标台发射的脉冲来完成。因为地面信标台传来的信号持续存在,所以方位和距离信息可持续获得。“塔康”设备也允许飞机从另一架也装有固定的不同频率工作的“塔康”的飞机来获得距离。频率选择可通过预设频道号"1〜126”实现)
增强型战术战斗机enhanced tactical fighter
多任务先进战术终端multimission advanced tactical terminal
多功能信息分发系统/联合战术无线电系统multifunctional information distribution system/joint tactical radio system
多普勒甚高频无线电信标/战术空中导航Doppler very high frequency radio/tactical air navigation
多用途战术导航系统multiple user tactical navigation system
大气战术数据系统air tactical data system
威胁区域战术threat area tactics
实验性战术导弹tactical missile, experimental
小型战术空中机动平台small tactical aerial mobility platform
小型战术飞机炮塔minimum tactical aircraft turret
引导战术vectored tactics
战区导弹防御战术弹药箱theater missile defense
战斗区域战术方案battle area tactical scenario
战斗区域战术模拟battle area tactical simulation
战斗机战术联队fighter tactical wing
战斗机技术验证程序fighter technology demonstration program
战术一次性无人机系统tactical expendable drone system
战术仪表着陆系统tactical instrument landing system
战术任务tactical mission
战术任务数据tactical mission data
战术任务模拟器tactical mission simulation
战术任务飞行tactical sortie
战术低空飞行tactical low level flight
战术体系tactical system
战术作战指挥室tactical operations room
战术作战飞行训练装置tactical operational flight trainer
战术使用评定tactical evaluation
战术供应联队tactical supply wing
战术侦察中队tactical reconnaissance squadron
战术侦察/情报tactical reconnaissance/intelligence
战术侦察研究验证系统tactical reconnaissance exploit demonstration system
战术侦察联队tactical reconnaissance wing
战术保密数据通信tactical secure data communications
战术信息tactical information
战术信息交换系统tactical data information exchange system
战术信息交换系统tactical information exchange sytem
战术信息处理与破译系统tactical information processing and interpretation system
战术信息处理和判读tactical information processing and interpretation
战术信息处理和判读系统tactical information processing and interpretation system
战术信息数据链子系统tactical information data link subsystem
战术信息数据链系统tactical information data link system
战术信息管理tactical information management
战术信标台tactical beacon
战术决议tactical resolution
战术分队tactical unit
战术判断显示器tactical evaluation display
战术制导子导弹tactical guided submissile
战术制空任务tactical control mission
战术制空指挥官tactical control officer
战术区通信tactical communications
战术协调员tactical coordinator
战术反弹道导弹tactical anti ballistic missile
战术告警系统tactical alerting system
战术地图tactical map
战术地形数据tactical terrain data
战术培训组tactical training group
战术增强合成孔径雷达tactical enhanced synthetic aperture radar
战术多功能阵列雷达tactical multifunctional array radar
战术多用途无人机tactical unmanned multipurpose air vehicle
战术姿态意识tactical situation awareness
战术子母弹箱theater missile defense
战术寻的与警告系统tactical homing and warning system
战术导弹惯性基准平台tactical missile inertial reference plat-tactical plot forms
战术导弹控制器系统tactical missile controller system
战术导弹模拟装置tactical missile electrical simulator
战术导弹记录系统tactical missile record system
战术导航卫星tactical navigation satellite
战术导航显示系统tactical navigational display system
战术导航系统tactical navigation system
战术小型晶体振荡器tactical miniature crystal oscillator
战术应用和概念发展technical applications and concept development
战术弹药保险研究tactical munitions safety study
战术弹药箱tactical munition dispenser
战术弹道导弹tactical ballistic missiles
战术归航和报警系统tactical homing and warning system
战术快速存取处理系统tactical rapid access processing system
战术态势显示器tactical situation display
战术情况姿态显示器tactical situation display indicator
战术情报与相关活动tactical intelligence and related activities
战术情报中队tactical intelligence squadron
战术情报交换系统tactical information exchange system
战术情报显示tactical information display
战术情景姿态显示tactical situation display
战术惯性制导与增程tactical inertial guidance and extended range
战术成本评审tactical cost review
战术战斗区tactical battle area
战术战斗控制设施tactical combat control facility
战术战斗机tactical fighter
战术战斗机中队tactical fighter squadron
战术战斗机大队tactical fighter group
战术战斗机大队tactical fighter goup
战术战斗机技术备选方案tactical fighter technology alternatives
战术战斗机武器中心tactical fighter weapons center
战术战斗机电子作战tactical fighter electronic combat
战术战斗机联队tactical fighter wing
战术战斗机训练中队tactical fighter training squadron
战术战斗机配备弹药tactical fighter dispensing munition
战术战斗训练中队tactical fight training squadron
战术战术轰炸比赛tactical bombing competition
战术批准示范technical approval demonstration
战术批量空中提交系统mass tactical aerial delivery system
战术、技术与操作程序tactics, techniques and procedures
战术报警和攻击评估tactical warning and attack assessment
战术拖曳声呐阵列系统tactical towed array sonar system
战术拦击导弹interceptor tactical missile
战术指挥控制中心tactical control center
战术指挥与控制系统tactical command and control system
战术指挥与控制联合互通系统joint interoperability of tactical command control systems
战术指挥和控制系统tactical command and control system
战术指挥系统tactical command system
战术控制制空权的tactical control
战术控制tactical control
战术控制与导航tactical control and navigation
战术控制中队tactical control squadron
战术控制侦察系统tactical control surveillance system
战术控制台tactical control console
战术控制飞行tactical control flight
战术推进tactical propulsion
战术操作程序tactical operating procedures
战术操作程序tactical operating procedure
战术支援小型机场short airfield for tactical support
战术支援小型机场small airfield for tactical support (美国海军陆战队)
战术支援炸弹tactical support bomb
战术支援联队tactical supply wing
战术支援联队tactical support wing
战术、攻击与侦察tactical strike reconnaissance
战术攻击/侦察tactical strike/reconnaissance
战术攻击战斗机tactical strike flight
战术攻击战斗机tactical strike fighter
战术攻击武器tactical assault weapon
战术攻击系统tactical strike system
战术攻击雷达和导航tactical attack radar and navigation
战术数字信息数据链tactical digital information link
战术数字信息链路tactical digital information link
战术数据发送系统tactical data delivery system
战术数据输人tactical data entry
战术无人机tactical unmanned air vehicle
战术无人机中队technical drone squadron
战术无人机中队tactical drone squadron
战术无人机系统tactical unmanned aircraft system
战术无人机雷达tactical unmanned air vehicle radar
战术无线电通信系统tactical radio communications system
战术显示系统tactical display system
战术机动tactical maneuver
战术机场事故营救tactical airfield crash rescue
战术机场加油系统tactical airfield fuel dispensing system
战术机场攻击导弹tactical airfield attack missile
战术机载侦察与电子战支援tactical airborne reconnaissance and electronic warfare support
战术机载信号利用系统tactical airborne signal exploitation system
战术机载指令和控制系统tactical airborne command and control system
战术机载激光指示器tactical airborne laser designator
战术机载罗兰导航系统tactical airborne LORAN navigation system
战术标图tactical plot
战术核导弹tactical nuclear missile
战术武器分配器tactical munition dispenser
直升机的战术武器转塔tactical armament turret
战术武器部队tactical weapons unit
战术武器部队tactical weapons unit
战术歼击机战斗机配备弹药tactical fighter dispensing munition
战术气象情报系统tactical weather intelligence system
战术激光束记录仪tactical laser beam recorder
战术激光束记录装置tactical laser beam recorder
战术激光雷达引导头tactical LADAR seeker
战术火控网络tactical fire control network
战术燃油分配系统tactical fuel dispensing system
战术甚高频全向信标very high frequency omnibearing range tactical
战术生命支援系统tactical life support system
战术电子侦察tactical electronics reconnaissance (设备)
战术电子告警系统tactical electronic warning system
战术电子定位与瞄准系统tactical electronic locating and targeting system
战术电子战系统中间测试设备TEWS intermediate test equipment
战术电子设备系统模拟器tactical avionics system simulator
战术目标照射tactical target illumination
战术瞄准系统训练模拟器tactical sight system training simulator
战术瞄准网络技术tactical targeting network technology
战术研究tactical evaluation
战术研究域评估tactics development and evaluation
战术研究演示验证系统tactical reconnaissance exploit demonstration system
战术空中作战模拟tactical air combat simulation
战术空中作战管理系统tactical air battle management system
战术空中侦察及电子战支援tactical air reconnaissance and electronic warfare support (无人机)
战术空中侦察系统研究study of tactical aerial reconnaissance system
战术空中协调员tactical air coordinator
战术空中发射巡航导弹tactical air launched cruise missile
战术空中发射引诱tactical air launched decoy
甚高频战术空中导航系统ultra-high frequency tactical air navigation
战术空中导航设备tactical air navigation (system)
战术空中情报系统tactical air intelligence system
战术空中指挥作战中心tactical air control center operations
战术空中指挥控制专家tactical air command and control specialist
战术空中指挥控制系统tactical air command control system
战术空中控制中队tactical air control squadron
战术空中控制系统改进tactical air control system improvements
战术空中控制联队tactical air control wing
战术空中支援中队tactical air support squadron
战术空中支援申请tactical air request
战术空中攻击部队tactical air strike force
战术空中雷达信号处理器tactical air radar signal processor
战术空军tactical air
战术空军tactical air commands
战术空军Commande Aerienne Tactique
战术空军中心tactical air center
战术空军作战中心tactical air operation center
战术空军作战中心tactical air operations center
战术空军作战系统tactical air operation system
战术空军制导系统tactical air guidance systems
战术空军司令部tactical air force head quarters
战术空军司令部air technical command
战术空军基地tactical air force base
战术空军基地天气情报传播系统tactical air base weather dissemination system
战术空军基地天气要素tactical air base weather element
战术空军大队tactical air group
战术空军情报中心technical air intelligence center
战术空军情报系统tactical air intelligence system
战术空军指导中心tactical air direction center
战术空军指挥控制专家tactical air command and control specialist
战术空军指挥站tactical air direction post
战术空军控制大队tactical air control group
战术空军控制系统tactical air control system
战术空军支援小队tactical air support element
战术空军武器控制系统tactical air weapons control system
战术空军气象服务tactical air force weather service
战术空军空中协调员tactical air coordinator
战术空军空中控制联队tactical air control wing
战术空军管制人员tactical air controller
战术空军系统工程组tactical air force systems engineering group
战术空军综合信息系统tactical air force integrated information system
战术空军雷达信号处理器tactical air radar signal processor
战术空勤人员战斗训练系统tactical aircrew combat training system
战术空对面导弹tactical air-to-surface missile
战术空对面系统tactical air-to-surface system
战术空战中心tactical air warfare center
战术空战战斗机分析fighter analysis tactical air combat
战术空战控制装置tactical combat control facility
战术空运中心tactical airlift center
战术空运中队tactical airlift squadron
战术空运大队tactical aircraft group
战术空运大队tactical airlift group
战术突击供应运输机tactical assault supply transport
战术管理器tactical manager
战术系统动力评估propulsion assessment for tactical system
战术红外凝视系统tactical infra-red staring system
战术综合任务计划站tactical integrated mission planning station
战术综合飞行指示系统tactical integrated flight system
战术自动任务计划系统tactical automated mission planning system
战术自动数字转换开关tactical automatic digital switch
战术航空兵tactical air force
战术航空兵tactical air
战术航空兵指挥中心tactical air command center
战术航空兵系统工程组Tactical Air Force Systems Engineering Group
战术航空医疗后送tactical aeromedical evacuation
战术航空司令部和导航系统tactical air command and navigation system
战术航空武器控制系统tactical air weapons control system
战术航空电子低空导航和攻击系统tactical avionics low-level navigation and strike system
战术航空电子系统tactical avionics system
战术范围记录器tactical range recorder
战术观察员tactical observer
战术警告系统tactical warning system
战术计算机自动计划tactical computer automation plan
战术记录空中交通电传打字机tactical-record traffic tele-typewriter
战术评估tactical evaluation
战术评估与监控系统tactical evaluation and monitoring system
战术评估显示器tactical evaluation display
战术评定及监控系统tactical evaluation and monitoring system
战术轰炸tactical bomb line
战术轰炸安全线tactical bomb line
战术轰炸机大队tactical bomb group
战术轰炸机联队tactical bomb wing
战术轰炸比赛tactical bombing competition
战术轰炸线tactical bomb line
战术运输直升机tactical transport helicopter
战术进场和着陆雷达tactical approach and landing radar
战术通信卫星tactical communication satellites
战术通信卫星程序tactical communications satellite program
战术通信干扰tactical communication jamming
战术通信控制设施tactical communications control facility
战术通信管理系统tactical communication management system
战术通用数据链tactical common data link
战术部队command tactical (USN, 美国海军)
战术部队的运输tactical troop transport
战术防空tactical air defense
战术防空警报系统tactical air defense alerting system
战术陆上攻击导弹tactical land attack missile
战术隐形飞机tactical stealth aircraft
战术隐身飞机tactical stealth aircraft
战术雷达与导航tactical radar and navigation
战术雷达和导航tactical radar and navigation
战术雷达威胁发生器tactical radar threat generator
战术雷达控制仪radar tactical control instrument
战术预警系统tactical early warning system
战术领航tactical navigation
战术频率管理系统tactical frequency management system
战术飞机tactical aircraft
战术飞机位置测定报告与控制position location reporting and control of tactical aircraft
战术飞机司令部和指挥官tactical aircraft command and control officer
战术飞机掩体tactical aircraft shelter
战术飞机支援模型tactical aircraft support model
战术飞机现代化modernization of tactical airlift
战术飞机生命保障系统tactical life support system
战术飞机空中侦察吊舱系统tactical aircraft reconnaissance pod system
战术飞机训练系统tactical aircraft training system
战术飞行管理系统tactical flight management system
战术高空突防飞机tactical high-altitude penetrator
战术高能激光武器tactical high energy laser
扇形战术空中导航sector tactical air navigation
手提式战术雷达hand held tactical radar
技术战略ogy strategy
技术挑战technical challenge
指挥官战术显示系统commanding officer's tactical display system
携带核武器的战术飞机atomic weapon carrying tactical aircraft
改进的战术空中发射引诱improved tactical air launcher decoy
改进的联合战术信息分配系统enhanced JTIDS
数字战术系统雷达digital tactical system radar (美国机载雷达 APS-128的改进型)
数字战术自动控制digital tactical automatic control
数字式战术飞机控制digital tactical aircraft control (美国空军)
战术战斗机new tactical fighter
普通战术电缆的替代器tactical generic cable replacement
普通战术电缆的替代物tactical generic cable replacement
最终战术技术经济需求final tactical technical economical requirement
未来战术战斗机future tactical combat
未来战术战斗飞机future tactical combat aircraft
机上战术数据系统airborne tactical data system
机动式战术高能激光器mobile tactical high energy laser
机动式综合战术终端mobile integrated tactical terminal
机载战术信息管理系统airborne tactical information manage-ment system
机载战术指挥系统airborne tactical command system
机载战术数据系统airborne tactical data system
机载战术电子战系统airborne tactical electronics warfare system
机载战术罗兰近距导航系统tactical airborne Loran system
机载战术记录设备tactical airborne recoding package
机载战略战术侦察设备strategic and tactical airborne reconnaissance
模式战术导弹modular tactical missile
模拟战术空中作战的机动能力增强系统maneuverability augmentation system for tactical air combat simulation
欧洲信息技术研究的战略计划European Strategic Programme for Research Into Information Technology
欧洲研究信息技术的战略计划European strategic programme for research into information technology
欧洲通用战术运输机系统European utility tactical transport aircraft system
武器战术练习器weapon tactics trainer
武器与战术教员weapon and tactic instructor
武器及战术教员weapon and tactics instructor
洛克希德・马丁战术飞机系统Lockheed Martin tactical aircraft systems
洛克希德飞机公司先进的战术飞机发展中心Lockheed Advanced Tactical Fighter Development Center
海上作战战术空中支援tactical air support for maritime operations
海军战术指挥支援系统naval tactical command support system
海军战术系统marine tactical system
海军战术资料数据系统naval tactical data system
海军先进战术战斗机navy advanced tactical flight
海军航空战术数据系统naval air tactical data system
海军航空兵战术观察员naval aviation observe, tactical
海军陆战队战术空中控制系统marine tactical air control system
海军陆战队航空兵武器及战术中队marine aviation weapons and tactics squadron
海军陆战队航空技术学校marine corps aviation technical school
海军高级战术指挥与控制系统advanced navy tactical command and control system
燃油与传感器战术fuel and sensor tactical
甚高频全向信标战术空中导航very high frequency omnidirectional range tactical air navigation
白天应用的战术day applied tactics
盟军战术作战中心Allied Tactical Operations Center
盟军战术作战中心allied tactical operations centers (北约)
盟军战术空军allied tactical air force
空中战术干扰或攻击tactical airborne countermeasure or strike
空中战术干扰或突击tactical airborne countermeasure or strike
空中战术数据系统air-tactical data system
空中发射巡航导弹/战术air launched cruise missile/tactical
空中发射的战术巡航导弹tactical air-launched cruise missile
空中导航战术控制系统air navigation tactical control system
空军战术战斗机air force tactical fighter aircraft
空军战术控制军官air tactical control officer
空军战术控制操作员air tactical control operator
空军战术空中司令部air force tactical air command
空勤战术军官airborne tactical officer
空勤组电子战战术设施aircraft electronic warfare tactics facility
空战战术air combat tactics
简易战术空军进场航站设备simplified tactical approach and terminal equipment
终止威胁区域战术terminate threat area tactical
“罗兰"远程和战术导航long range and tactical navigation
美国战术空军司令部指挥官commander, tactical air command
美国战略与战术空军United States Strategic and Tactical Air Force
美国战略与战术空军United States Strategic and Tactical Air Forces
联合战术信息分布系统joint tactical information distribution system
联合战术信息分配系统joint tactical information distribution system
联合战术信息发布系统joint tactical information distribution system
联合战术信息管理系统joint tactical information management system
联合战术信息系统joint tactical information system
联合战术可调数据系统joint tactical interoperable data system
联合战术巡航导弹joint tactical cruse missile
联合战术指挥控制系统备件互用性joint interoperability of tactical command and control system
联合战术空中控制员joint tactical air controller
联合战术综合显示系统joint tactical integrated display system (飞机自身设备的信息与来自空中预警控制系统 (AWACS )、地面站、舰船或其他任何传感器的信息相组合的战术显示系统)
联合战术综合显示系统航空平台网络管理系统JTIDS air platform network management system
脱离战术breakout (双机夹心战术中,攻击长机突然脱离队形,迫使防御僚机处于为难境地)
航宇防御战术空军司令部aerospace defense tactical air command
航空武器系统研究部战术系统处aeronautical systems division deputy for tactical systems
航空武器系统研究部先进战术战斗机项目办公室aeronautical systems division advanced tactical fighter system program office
行动敏捷的战术教练机action speed tactical trainer
被动反潜战术passive anti-submarine tactics
计算机战术系统computerized tactical system
试验性战术弹道导弹tactical ballistic missile experimental
试验性战术轰炸机tactical bomb, experimental
超声速战术电子侦察系统supersonic tactical electronic reconnaissance system
超声速战术飞机构型supersonic tactical aircraft configuration
超高速战术航空火箭hypervelocity aircraft rocket tactical
超高频战术空中导航设备ultra-high frequency tactical air navigation aid
轻型战术运输机light tactical transport
轻型战术运输机系统light tactical transport aircraft system
轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统light attack tactical navigation and bombing system
轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统light-attack tactical navigation and bombing system
迅速移动战术雷达highly mobile tactical radar
近距作战战术训练器close combat tactical trainer
远程和战术导航系统long range and tactical navigation system
通用战术运输机utility tactical transport
通用战术运输机系统utility tactical transport aircraft system
重型战术运输机heavy tactical transport
重型战术飞机heavy tactical aircraft
防御性空战战术试验defensive air combat tactics test
防空战术程序air defense technology program
防空战术空军司令部air defense tactical air command
防空战管理技术air defense battle management technology
陆军战术作战中心army tactical operations center
陆军战术数据系统Army Tactical Data System
陆军战术计算机系统army tactical computer system
陆军航空兵战术学校army air corps tactical school
陆军航空勤务战术学校army air service tactic school
美国陆军航空勤务队战术学校army air service tactic school
战术导弹non-tactical missile
预先战术侦察advanced tactical recce
飞机战术空战指挥系统aircraft tactical air battle command system
飞机与人员战术返回tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel
驾驶训练和飞行战术训练装置weapon system trainer
高技术战斗机发动机advanced technology fighter engine
高能量激光战术空中防御系统high energy laser tactical air defense system
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