
Terms containing 成品 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一件精致的成品neat piece of work
tech.一次烧成的制品single fired ware
tech.一次烧成的制品once-fired ware
busin.不可比产品成本incomparable product cost
securit.不可比产品成本cost of non-comparable products
busin.不合格产品成本unsatisfactory product costs
busin.不合格品成本cost of defective work
tech.不好看的成品Hag's tooth
tech.不归属产品成本non-inventoriable cost
tech.不成型的耐火制品unshaped refractory product
agric.不成对样品unpaired sample
tech.丙烯成品propylene product
busin.中位构成商品commodity of average composition
tech.主要成品major item
busin.主要产品单位成本表statement of unit cost of major products
avia.产品到组件产品成本product to unit product cost
tech.产品单位成本unit cost of products
tech.产品垃圾成本费product disposal charges
tech.产品成本cost of goods manufactured
shipb.产品成本核算product cost accounting
tech.产品成本比较表comparative statement of product cost
avia.产品支援部成本/计划控制系统product support division cost/schedule control system
avia.产品集成product integration
avia.〔客〕产品飞机测试完成合格证production aircraft test completion certificate
busin.估计抵押品成本estimated cost of guaranties
gen.使成为牺牲品put upon
agric.促成栽培品种forcing variety
gen.全国混凝土制成品协会National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
agric.农产品和家畜的生产成本production costs of agricultural products and livestock
avia.冷加工成品cold finished steel
tech.冷成型制品cold formed product
shipb.出口成品油运输船export petroleum products tanker
tech.出口商品换汇成本exchange-based cost for the export of products
gen.初级产品和制成品primary commodities and manufactured goods
busin.成品ready-made cargo
busin.成品make goods
busin.成品finished commodity
busin.成品fabricated goods
busin.成品complete products
busin.成品manufactured articles
busin.成品finish stock
busin.成品final goods
shipb.成品finished products
busin.成品finish product
busin.成品ready-made commodity
busin.成品products manufactures
busin.成品ready-made product
shipb.成品周转turnover of finished products
busin.成品周转率finished stock turnover
tech.成品周转率turnover of finished goods
busin.成品存量inventory of finished goods
busin.成品市场market for manufactures
busin.成品库存manufactured inventory
busin.成品库存inventory of finished goods
busin.成品库存finish goods stock
busin.成品库存销售比率inventory ratio of finished goods to sale
busin.成品成本finish cost
busin.成品成本产品成本cost of good manufactured
busin.成品成本明细表schedule of cost of goods manufactured
busin.成品成本明细表schedule of cost of finished products
busin.成品成本表statement of cost of goods manufactured
busin.成品成本计算表statement of the cost of goods manufactured
busin.成品成本预算cost of goods manufactured budget
busin.成品明细表schedule of finished products
busin.成品明细表schedule of finished goods
busin.成品标准成本finish goods standard cost
busin.成品的销售sale of finished goods
busin.成品盘存inventory of finished goods
busin.成品贸易额value of trade in manufacture
busin.成品销售成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
tech.成品预计成本predicted cost goods manufactured
busin.成品预计成本计算书statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.成品预计成本计算表statement of the budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成商品finished market product
busin.制造品成本cost of manufactured goods
tech.副产品成本by-product cost
tech.副产品成本补偿by-product recoveries
tech.副产品成本计算by-product costing
tech.化学半成品chemical intermediate
nautic., tech.化学品/成品油船chemical/product oil tanker
tech.成品virgin material
tech.成品semi-finished product
shipb.成品half blank
nautic., tech.成品semifinished material, semifinished product
agric.成品semiproduct (semiproducere)
busin.成品half finished goods
agric.成品raw product
ecol.成品crude product
nautic., tech.成品semifinished item
tech.成品保管in-process storage
tech.成品储备semi-finished inventory
shipb.成品成本cost of semiproducts
tech.成品扎材semi-finished metal
tech.成品木材half-wrought timber
tech.成品标准semi-finished product standard
tech.成品检验分类preforming screen
shipb.成品管理half-finished products management
tech.成品rerolled steel
shipb.半制成品semimanufactured goods
tech.半制成品semi-finished product
tech.半制成品crude product
ecol.半制成品semi-manufactured material
tech.半制成品存量intermediate inventory
tech.单位成品回收unitary product
tech.单位成品推销费salable expenses by unit product
tech.单位产品成本unit cost
tech.单位产品成本的审计audit of cost per product
nautic., tech.原油/成品油油船crude oil/product carrier
gen.变成玩弄品become a football of
tech.可供销售的商品成本cost of goods available for sale
tech.可比产品成本cost of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低任务cost reduction target on comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低额reduced cost of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低额reduced amount of cost of comparable products
busin.成品composite product
busin.合成产品synthetic products
busin.合成代用品synthetic substitutes
tech.合成建筑制品synthetical constructional product
tech.合成建筑制品synthetic construction product
tech.合成建筑制成建材产品synthetical building product
tech.合成建筑制成建材产品synthetic building product
tech.合成建筑用品synthetical structural product
tech.合成建筑用品synthetic structural product
gen.合成有机化学产品制造业协会Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers' Association
tech.合成树脂成品synthetical resin product
tech.合成树脂成品synthetic resin product
tech.合成树脂产品synthetical resin product
tech.合成树脂产品synthetic resin product
tech.合成结构制品synthetical structural product
tech.合成结构制品synthetic structural product
agric.同源四倍体合成品autotetraploid synthetic variety
adv.品牌成长指数brand development index
adv.品牌经验成本cost per brand experience
agric.品种成熟度varietal maturity
agric.品种组成varietal composition
agric.品系育成strain building
tech.品质成本cost of quality
agric.品质成熟度qualitative maturity
agric.品质构成因素quality component
adv.售出商品成本cost of goods sold
busin.商品产品成本表cost sheet of commodity products
busin.商品产销成本表statement of cost of goods manufactured and sold
busin.商品制造成本manufacturing cost of commodity products
busin.商品化科研成果commercializing research results
busin.商品成本commodity cost
tech.商品成本cost of goods
busin.商品成本高于销售价的差距negative spread
horticult.商品成熟度commercial maturity
agric.商品成熟采收期{园艺}commercial picking stage of ripeness
tech.商品构成commodity composition
busin.商品流通成本cost of commodity circulation
busin.商品流通成本cost in commodity circulation
busin.商品流通成本commodity distribution cost
busin.商品流通成本commodity circulation cost
busin.商品流通成本控制commodity circulation cost control
busin.商品流通构成commodity circulation structure
busin.商品生产成本表statement of commodity production cost
busin.商品运输成本commodity transport cost
tech.商品采购成本merchandise procurement cost
busin.商品销售总成本gross cost of merchandise sold
busin.在制品成本work-in-process cost
busin.在制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
gen.塑料制品成形压力plastic moulding press
busin.备品成本spares costs
busin.备销品成本cost of goods available for sales
tech.备销商品成本cost of goods available for sale
tech.外购产品成本order-getting cost
busin.外购半成品semi-product purchased
busin.外部制成品加工费processing expense arising from outside manufacture
busin.多种产品成本制multiple product cost system
tech.大理石装饰的成品marble ornamental finish
avia.成品finished product
avia.成品final product
tech.巨型成品油轮very large product carrier
securit.已纳人产品的间接成本absorbed overhead
busin.市场成熟产品market ripe
avia.平均单个产品成本average unit procurement cost
tech.平板玻璃半成品rough plate blank
tech.库存产成品manufactured inventories
tech.库存自制半成品self-manufactured semi-finished products in stock
tech.废品净成本net spoilage cost
tech.废品成本cost of spoiled goods
tech.建筑装修用玻璃成品architectural glass article
tech.成品ready-made articles
tech.成品make-up articles
busin.成品finish stock
busin.成品final products
tech.成品finished product
tech.成品shop primed
gen.成品ultimated product
busin.成品交库到期日due in finished stock
busin.成品仓库finish goods warehouse
busin.成品仓库finished-goods warehouse
tech.成品仓库stocking yard
tech.成品仓库finished goods warehouse
busin.成品finished pieces
avia.成品finished product (根据装配件替换程序《QP-3024-MP-013》定义,成品件指外部 (国外)供应商提供的机载系统成品或结构件,如波音水平安定面由 BTC 提供复合壁板成品件)
busin.成品价格指数finished goods index
tech.成品侧边皮革finished side leather
tech.成品保管product stored
tech.成品停留机finished product looper
tech.成品储库finished storage silo
tech.成品冠桩manufactured dowel
tech.成品出口product outlet
tech.成品出口discharge hole
tech.成品分析check analysis
busin.成品分类登记表finished-goods ledger sheet
busin.成品分类账finished product ledger
busin.成品分类账finished stock ledger
busin.成品分类账finished-goods ledger
busin.成品利润损失loss of profits on finish products
tech.成品前孔leader pass
tech.成品前机座的轧辊leader rolls
tech.成品卸料口product discharge door
tech.成品商品finished market product
busin.成品存货分类账finished-goods inventory ledger
busin.成品存货账finished stock account
busin.成品存货账finished-goods inventory account
busin.成品存销比stock-sales ratio of finished goods
tech.成品尺寸standard size
tech.成品尺寸size of end product
agric.成品尺寸finished measure
gen.成品最终尺寸finished size
tech.成品finished fabric
tech.成品年产值annual values of products
busin.成品年未余额finished goods, Dec. 31
tech.成品shipping department
tech.成品product store house
tech.成品finished product storage
tech.成品final product storage
busin.成品库存finished goods inventory
busin.成品库存finish products inventory
tech.成品总产量total products
busin.成品成本finished product cost
tech.成品成本cost of products
busin.成品成本差异finished product cost variance
adv.成品招贴stock poster
tech.成品推销费salable expenditures of product
tech.成品收率product yield
tech.成品收集器product collector
avia.成品文件end item documentation
tech.成品无缝冠manufactured seamless crown
busin.成品明细分类账finished goods subsidiary ledger
busin.成品标准成本finished stock standard cost
busin.成品标准成本finished-goods standard cost
avia.成品标记end item designator
tech.成品检验inspection after construction
busin.成品检验finish product inspection
avia.成品检验product inspection
tech.成品检验员spot checker
tech.成品检验员final examiner
tech.成品finished water
tech.成品水泥finished cement
tech.成品refined oil product
shipb.成品petroleum products
tech.成品油码头oil product terminal
tech.成品油码头oil product quay
tech.成品油罐product tank
nautic., tech.成品油船product tankers
nautic., tech.成品油船product carrier
tech.成品油轮product tanker
tech.成品油轮product oil carrier
tech.成品油轮oil-product ship
shipb.成品油运输船petroleum products tanker
tech.成品泡沫performed foam (材料)
busin.成品流动资金current fund for finished product
tech.成品流道passage for product
tech.成品混凝土运送车ready-mix truck
tech.成品混凝土运送车ready-mixed truck
avia.成品版设备布置图production plot plan
shipb.成品rate of finished product
comp.成品率公式yield formula
agric.成品率提高yield enhancement
agric.成品率改进yield improvement
agric.成品率梯度yield gradient
tech.成品玻璃finished glass
tech.成品生产法bulk method
securit.成品off the shelf
tech.成品的性能end property
busin.成品盘存finished product inventory
busin.成品盘存finish products inventory
tech.成品盘存制balance of stock system
tech.成品碱储caustic product storage tank
tech.成品碱泵caustic product pump
tech.成品磨机finish grinding mill
busin.成品等级grade of finish
shipb.成品管理finished products management
adv.成品艺术stock art
adv.成品艺术syndicated art
adv.成品艺术standard art
tech.成品finished bag
avia.成品设计阶段production design phase
tech.成品试验manufacture test
avia.成品说明end item description
busin.成品finished product account
busin.成品finished-goods account
busin.成品质量end product quality
tech.成品质量检査quality inspection of finished products
busin.成品资金finished goods funds
busin.成品资金分析analysis of finished product funds
busin.成品complete body unit
tech.成品轧材的标准长度commercial stock length
tech.成品轧材长度commercial stock length
tech.成品输送机finished product conveyer (粉碎过筛线设备)
tech.成品输送机finished product conveyor (粉碎过筛线设备)
tech.成品输送机finished grade conveyer (粉碎过筛线设备)
tech.成品透镜finished lens
tech.成品道次final pass
tech.成品鉴定end result
tech.成品钢缆made-up cable (预应力混凝土用)
busin.成品销售sales of finished products
busin.成品销售sales of finished goods
busin.成品销售收益income from sale of finished products
busin.成品销路outlet for finished goods
tech.成品factory-made door
tech.成品finishing room
tech.成品集料finished aggregate
tech.成型产品moulded product
tech.成型产品molded product
busin.成套产品whole set of products
ecol.成对品种species pair
ecol.成对品种sibling species
agric.成对样品paired samples
busin.成对样品平均数paired sample means
busin.成批产品标准试验production type test
busin.成本与产品关系基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
busin.成本会计中产品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
sport., med.成碱性食品base-forming food
sport., cloth.我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand
tech.扁钢半成品flat semi-finished product
gen.把没有什么价值的废物变成工业品transform wastes of little worth into industrial products
gen.拆开产品可能会对它造成损坏,并使您失去保修权利Attempt to disassemble the product can damage it and void your warranty
avia.按合同生产出的成品contract end item
shipb.提成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished product
shipb.提成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished products
tech.新制成品fresh product
tech.新制成品freshly made product
tech.新制成的产品newly-made products
agric.新育成品newly bred variety
agric.新育成品种公开推广release of newly bred variety
agric.最晚成熟品种last maturing variety
tech.最终成品final product
tech.最终成品断面finished product section
busin.有单件备货供应的成套商品open stock
busin.期初半成品盘存inventory of semi-finished products at the beginning of the period
busin.期初库存在制品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
busin.期末半成品盘存inventory of semi-finished products at the end of the period
busin.期末库存在制品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
tech.成品unfinished work
tech.成品unfinished product
busin.未经加工而装运的商品成本cost of goods shipped in the same condition as received
busin.本国制成品domestic manufacture
busin.本期成品成本cost of product finished in current period
busin.本期产品成本current period product cost
tech.本期产品成本current product cost
busin.杂项制成品miscellaneous manufacture
tech.柏油成品屋面材料tar prepared roofing
gen.柜台服务员用勺子舀岀少许苏门答腊咖啡豆,磨成粉,倒入滴滤式咖啡壶的滤格,浇下热水,冲一杯咖啡供我品尝The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product
tech.氯氧化镁地板成品magnesium oxychloride tile flooring finish
tech.氯氧化镁地板成品magnesium oxychloride tile floor finish
tech.水泥成品finished cement
tech.油墨半成品ink intermediate
tech.浇注成形耐火制品castable refractory
gen.消耗品是用于生产过程而又不转化成产品成分的各种物料supplies are materials used in the production process but which do not become a part of the product
tech.成品burned product
tech.成品burnt ware
avia.烧成制品burnt product
tech.热轧成品薄板hot-rolled finished sheet
tech.照来样制成样品counter sample
tech.熔铸耐火材料成品fusion-cast refractory product
tech.燃料油成品fuel oil product
tech.现存制成品finished goods on hand
tech.现成制品ready-made goods
tech.现成食品fast foods
tech.现成食品convenience foods
tech.玻璃成品glass yield
tech.玻璃制品的热成形hot work
busin.生产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished products
busin.生产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished goods
horticult.用红藻制成的类似紫菜的食品laver bread
busin.由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost
busin.电路成品合格circuit yield
tech.粉料成品fine powder product
tech.粉料成品收集器fine product collector
tech.粉末制品成型压力机powder metal press
tech.粗加工制成品roughly processed product
tech.粗粒成品coarse product
tech.粗糙表面成品rough surface finish
tech.精加工制成品highly wrought goods
tech.结晶成品crystal product
sport.美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
tech.联产品成本joint cost
tech.联产品成本joint product cost
tech.联产品成本combined cost
tech.联产品成本分摊法joint product costing
tech.联产品成本计算joint products costing
agric.成品bred variety
agric.成品种登记registration of improved variety
agric.成品种退化deterioration of improved variety
agric.成品improved line
avia.航空电子设备半成品车间avionics intermediate shop
tech.船舶成套产品marine complete product
comp.name.英国合成树脂制品公司British Resin Product Ltd.
tech.萜品烯一顺丁烯二酸酐加成物terpinene maleic anhydride adduct
tech.萜品烯顺丁烯二酸酐加成物maleic anhydride terpinene adduct
tech.衬碳模成型的制品paste mould ware
tech.衬碳模成型的制品paste mold ware
tech.装配式成品fabricated product
tech.装配式成品assembled product
shipb.购买成品油运输船purchase petroleum products tanker
busin.购入半成品semi-finished product purchased
busin.购进商品成本cost of goods purchased
tech.超大型成品油船ultra-large product carrier
tech.轧制成品rolled article
tech.轧制成品mill product
tech.轻质成品clean petroleum product
shipb.进出口商品构成composition of exports and imports
tech.采购的成品材料purchased finished materials
tech.金属制成品metal build-up
gen.铁氧体磁芯半成品"green" ferrite toroid
tech.铸件成品检查仪casting analyser
busin.销售产品制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
busin.销售产品的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
tech.防水成品waterproofing product
avia.集成综合产品团队integrated product team
avia.集成产品小组integrated product team
avia.集成产品开发integrated product definition
tech.零配件半成品half-finished part
tech.非成套的零售商品open stock
avia.项目成品program end item
tech.预成型制品preformed shaped
avia.飞机集成产品组airplane aircraft integration product team
avia.飞机集成产品组aircraft airplane integration product team
tech.食品组成food composition
gen.黑咖啡是不添加任何成分的咖啡,黑咖啡带来的是品味咖啡的原始感受Black coffee doesn't have any modification and it brings you the original taste of coffee
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