
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去做生意的那个地方的当地A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business
上周我们访问你公司时,受到热招待特此表示感谢We express our thanks for being hospitably received by you when we were visiting your company last week
不利an unfavourable condition
不利的市场况使那家公司倒闭The unfavourable market situation closed down that company
不包括农业的就业employment excluding agriculture
不变经济stationary economy
不完全incomplete information
不良an unfavourable condition
不良unfavorable condition
不许把此项报提供给任何未经认可的人员The information is not allowed to supply to any unauthorized persons
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
世界市场的况需要进行周密的分析The situation in the world market needs close analyzing
业务business background
业务完成the operation effected
一件接一件发生One event succeeded another
事先的ex ante information
事实和event and condition
互换信用credit interchange
交换报的道德公约Code of Ethics for the Exchange of Information
交换价格报组织open price association
交易所的外行street prices
交流exchange of information
方面的成功沟通human side successful communication
他们会随时告知我们况的变化They will keep us informed of any change in the situation
他们对可能的地点和其他况作了一番调査They made an investigation into the possible location and other conditions
他们想利用当前市场况,以高价出售货物They are trying to take advantage of the present market conditions to sell at high prices
他们正在找一份股票交易所的行They are seeking a quotation on the stock exchange
他把与合同上所指明的条件不同的实际况迅速通知他的主任He promptly notified his director of the real conditions differing from those indicated in this contract
以当前的市场况为根据the base on the ruling market
以现在的as far as it goes
价格行quotation of price
价格行price quotation
任何外国人不得在建立合资企业的幌子下收集同我国家安全有关的No foreigners are allowed to collect any information concerning our national security under the cover of setting up joint ventures
企业经济business sentiment
会计an accountable condition
会费缴纳status of contribution
住宅况主要指标summary of housing conditions
住房空闲况调查vacancy survey
你不应做任何足以造成撤销这类许可证的事You shall not do anything that causes revocation of any such permits
你对国际市场行的分析是对的You are right when you analyse the market situation in the world
你方应尽快向我方提供机密性质的You should supply us information of confidential nature as soon as you can
你方应担保不把我方所提供的任何报泄露给他人You shall guarantee not to reveal any information we furnished to someone else
使…了解市场情况acquaint with the market condition
修订后的工作况评审revised appraisal
假使其他形相同ceteris paribus
健全的a healthy condition
偶然adventitious circumstances
全国证券交易商协会自动行National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
公司业务的全部经营况由公司的经理进行监督The whole operation of the company's business is supervised by the company's manager
公司知corporation "insider"
关于我们的业务和财务况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo
关于我方信用况,请向伦敦商业银行股份有限公司查询We refer you to the Mercantile Bank of London, Ltd. as to our credit standing
关于笔方的业务况和财务情况,请向中国银行北京总行查询As to our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our bank, the Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing
兹随函附上小册子和价目单各一份,便于你方了解我公司出口货物的We enclose a brochure and a price list to give you a general idea of the goods available for export
兹随函附寄说明书及价目单一份,给你方介绍该货详细To give you detailed information of the goods, we enclose a brochure and a price list
inside information
内部inside information
农业中的纯粹竞争purely competitive conditions in agriculture
农业生产integration performance
公告ice bulletin
准确precise information
准确exact information
减轻处罚mitigate the circumstance
分期收款况下营业收入的收款实现确定法cash collection basis of revenue recognition for installment receivable
利润改善计划与执行况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
制造业的就业employment in manufacturing
包装packing condition
区别不同distinguish among differing cases
协会于上周公布了其成员的收入The association published the incomes of its members last week
卸货数量质量和其他况清单outturn report
双方同意向各自的对方推广其技术报和技术数据Each party agrees to extend to the other party know-how and technical data
双方在有第三者出席的况下签署了合同Both parties have signed the contract in the presence of the third person
反馈信息feedback information
发展中国家中况最差的国家least favoured of developing countries
发票包含一笔交易的全部详Invoices contain all the details of a deal
叙述性descriptive information
可贷资金的供需况决定利率论demand for and supply of loanable funds theory of interest rate
可酌处置的支出discretionary expenditure
合伙况证明partnership certificate
罢工a sympathetic strike
罢工sympathy strike
罢工secondary strike
罢工sympathetic strike
business condition
循环business cycle
测变表a business barometer
资料business indications
预测the forecast of business condition
商业commercial intelligence
商业business intelligence
商业行研究sales research
商品condition of product
美国咨文union message
美国国外技术报局Foreign Technical Intelligence Office
国家况说明书世界粮食计划署country fact sheet WFP
国家预算执行implementation of the state budget
国际报新秩序new international order
国际市场紧张the tension of international market
国际收支external payments position
在不必逐出让与人的况下,受让人有权使用及占有此房产The grantee has the right to use and occupy the premises without eviction of the grantor
在不确定况下under uncertainty condition
在任何况下,付款条件应由销售公司来决定The payment terms shall in all eases be determined by the sales company
在出现危及生命和财产的紧急况时,承包商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
在发生空舱、滞期或罚款的况下,该公司承担由此引起的损失The company bears the losses thus incurred in the case of dead freight, demurrage or fines
在天气允许况下weather permitting
在此况下,他们采取措施补救由地震造成的损失In this case, they took measures to remedy such damage by earthquake
在此况下,我方愿意用B替代A,每件予以一美分的差价补贴In this case, we prefer to replace A with B at a difference of $0.01 per piece in your favour
在此况下,董事会不得不取消从那家外国公司进口原料的决定Tn this case the board of directors has to reverse its decision on importing materials from that foreign company
在此种况下,公司应立即停止营业,进行清理Under such circumstances, the corporation shall discontinue its business and make immediate liquidation
在现实况下,最好等等再说Under existing conditions, it would be better to wait and see
在确定况下under certainty condition
在缺少…的情况in default of...
在被告缺席的况下作出的仲裁裁决award rendered in the absence of the respondent
在这种况下under the circumstances
在这种况下,本公司别无选择,只好拒绝贵方善意的报价Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer
在这种况下,若同意你方签订此合同的要求,将招致我方很大损失In this circumstance it would cause us a great loss if we were to accede to your request for signing this contract
在这种况下,贵方应对此次破碎案承担责任Under such circumstances, you are held responsible for the breakage
在这种况下,需要律师来解决你方同债权人的债务争端Under such circumstances an attorney is needed to compound your debts with your creditor
在这种特殊况中in this particular case
外包装external condition of packing
外币资金况表statement of showing status of foreign funds
外汇的全面overall position of exchange (地位)
外汇行exchange price quotation
外界state of nature
如别无其他ceteris paribus
如果发生下述况,授予贵公司的专营许可证即成为非专营许可证…The exclusive license granted to your company will become non-exclusive when the following conditions occur...
如没有其他况,明天装运此货The goods will be shipped tomorrow if nothing prevents
完全complete information
宏观经济平均执行average macroeconomic performance
数据factual data
调査factual survey
调査a factual survey
实际practical situation
实际actual state of affairs
实际完成actual performance
审查案的是非曲直review of the merits
家庭经济况调查means test
对于变化况的适应性the adaptability to changing
对基层况作调査研究investigate conditions at the grass roots
对…表示同情be sympathetic with
小行the split quotation
就业况调査employment survey
工作work performance
工作the work performance
工作完成况评价performance evaluation
工厂设备利用况预算plant utilization budget
已发出计算机部件的购买定单,部件详见所附定单A purchase order has been issued for the calculating machine parts as described on the enclosed order sheet
市场the tone of the market
市场state of market
市场况的恢复market recovery
市场况评论market letter
市场价格tone of the market
市场供销行tone of the market
市场萧条使他们绪低落The falling market set them in low spirits
市场行market price
市场行the tone of the market
市场行松动easiness of market condition
希望desired state of affairs
年价格波动yearly price fluctuations
应将一切实际况、数据及资料随同投标文件一起提交The bid documentation should be submitted together with all the facts, data and materials
建筑公司同意让业主经常了解有关施工的进展The building company agrees to keep the owner informed of any developments relating to the construction
当然的事a matter of course
影响股票行ring the market
总的财务total financial picture
总经理概述公司第一季度的销售The general manager gave a summary of sales in his company for the first quarter of the year
急需况下的代理representation in case of (need)
况分析situation analysis
况报告situation report
况记录簿position book
况证明circumstantial evidence
况评估estimate of the situation
况说明书a fact sheet
况通讯communication for intelligence
感培训方法affective approach to training
感阶段affective stage
报交流information flows
报分类器information separator
报卫星通讯informational satellite communication
报工作information activities
报数量information quantity
报贮存information storage
报资料information documents (文件)
报需求information requirement
绪的冲突emotion conflict
绪的激动emotion conflict
节严重ease of gross violation
节严重的cases of gross violation
影响法则law of effect
的逻辑logic of sentiment
成本cost information
成本及经济报系统cost and economic information system
成本和经济报系统cost and economic information system
我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的况当作一次违反合同的行为We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们不缺当前市场况的资料We are not lacking in information on the current market situation
我们从事合法的行业,做合法的事We engage in a lawful trade and perform lawful practices
我们会将市场变动况随时通知我们的经销商We will keep our distributors advised from time to time of the market changes
我们将报道磋商的进展We shall report on the progress of the negotiations
我们已把有关这次谈判的全部况通报给有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我同意对一切况严守秘密I agree to hold strictly confidential all information
我方同意你方关于整个市场行的分析,但有些保留We agree on your analysis about the whole situation of the market, but with some reservations
房屋维修造价报公司The building maintenance cost information service Ltd
所有这些况自然对工厂的可操作性和安全有影响All these circumstances will certainly affect the operability and safety of the works
财政计划 执行performance report
扮成顾客探听同行同业行的人comparison shopper
承包人履行合同况评价contractor performance evaluation
承包商应该熟悉现场上一切与施工有关的The contractor should be familiar with all conditions on the site which relate to the performance of the works
承蒙热欢迎和款待我方经理,不胜感激Thank you for the warm welcome and hospitality you extended to our manager
技术报的检索retrieval of technological information
抑制感dam up one's feeling
报价, 行quotation
按交货实际况支付quantum meruit (as much as he has earned)
按行定价quotation pricing
推测estimate of the situation
支付the payout status
收缩的经济contracting economy
改善业务的mend one's market
政府已批准改善运输况的建议The government has ratified the proposal to improve transportation
易受害vulnerability profile
最初initial state
最可能most likely situation
最坏况偏差worse case difference
最坏的the worst-case scenario
最近up-to-date information
有关交货详,请与香港米德贝格有限公司接洽For detailed delivery instructions, please approach Middleburg Ltd., Hongkong
有关交货详,请再和他们联系For detailed delivery instructions, please approach them again
本合同的作废是由于没有预料的况所造成的The abrogation of the contract was due to unforeseen circumstances
条约证明的casus foederis
査对市场行check the market
校正价格的不适应bring price to line
根据as rearrangement as
根据节轻重in accordance with the seriousness of the case.
根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时给我方提供一切详和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
根据法院判决银行才能提供的该行客户帐户bank disclosure
根据法院判决银行才能提的该行客户账户bank disclosure
details of a ease
案件实fact of legal case
检视窗口封闭况后after hatch
正是根据该况的性质ipso facto
每个职员对有关新产品的一切况必须严守秘密Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product
每期折旧后财产condition per cent
比较性和预测性comparative and predictive information
风俗attitude and custom of the public
汇兑行exchange quotation
法院作出"案不明拒绝受理"的裁定bring in a finding of non liquet
流动current position
海外销售部经理向上司扼要报告了其部门当年进展The overseas sales manager briefed his superior on annual progress of his department
灵活的flexible situation
握手a cordial shake
熟悉内的预测者inside dopester
物价行price information
特殊special ease
环境state of the environment
现场报价行spot price quotation
现金cash position
现金money position
生产condition of production
生产production information
由于第三方的介入,事变得更复杂了Because of the interference from the third party, things became more complicated
…的行情market quotation on...
皇家测量师学会房屋造价报所the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Building Cost Information Service
盗窃偷听秘密商业steal secret commercial information
盗窃国家经济steal economic information from government sources
相同条件same case
人的交易insider deal
科研报服务部research information service
秘密inside dope
管理报系统management information system
经济economic information
经济state of economy
经济state of business
经济economic condition
经济况的健全程度economic health
经济况统计business statistics
经济况调查needs test
经济况调查a means test
经济况调查need test
经济况调査needs test
经济state of business
经营管理报系统management information system
给予同understand (或谅解等)
绝对最坏absolute worst case
统计和市场报图书馆statistics and market intelligence
缓交税款况下的首年税款first-year taxes
缺货行famine price
美国报署United States Information Agency
考虑到目前的形,我们已作了很大让步In view of the present situation we have made much concession
考虑到目前的市场况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
联合报査询与检索系统Joint Information Search and Retrieval System
股东况调査census of shareowners
股票上市的最新red tip on the stock market
股票涨落advance balance line
股票行stock market quotation
股票行回升后再下跌the relapse of the stock market
交易所里股票行看涨bullish tendency
股票行看跌the bearish tendency
股票行the share list
胡桃运到时况良好,我们很满意We are very satisfied with the walnuts which were shipped in good condition
航运shipping intelligence
棉花、大米、小麦quotation for (cotton, rice, wheat)
market situation
quotation (表)
market condition
business condition
下降至最低点the bottom falling
易起波动的商品sensitive item
显示符号ticker symbols
看跌的人士short interest
趋势tone of the market
补充complementary information
要知详,请査阅附件明细表For further details, please refer to the attached schedule
规范性the normative information
计划完成况图a graph of fulfillment of plan
证券交易经济人行board room
证券市场行猛跌downward plunge of the stock market
证券持有额的分布distribution of holdings
该主任的报告总结了上月他那个部门的工作进展The report of the director summarized the progress of his department last month
该通道不得阻塞,以防发生紧急The passage can not be obstructed in case of emergencies
电报full details cable
请向北京中国银行总行査询我公司信用We may refer you to Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing for inquiry of our credit status
请告详,以免我方受到误导Please give us full particulars lest we should be wrongly guided
请将交货的准备况告知我方Please report the status of delivery
请详告有关价格和质量的况,不胜感激Full information as to prices and quality would be appreciated
调查go over the ground
财务况变动表statement of changes in financial position
账目position of account
货物分舱hatch distribution of cargo
贷款偿还loan repayment performance
美国的贸易报中心Trade Information Center
资本不能移动的capital immobility case
资本自由移动的capital mobility case
资金头寸fund position
路透商品行指数Reuters Index
路透商品行指数Reuter's Index
运输完成执行transport performance
这是一件极其紧迫的事It is of the utmost urgency
这次发生的事是由于人力不可抗的原因造成的This happening has been caused by force majeure
这笔订货对我公司的未来业务很重要,因为本公司的有赖于它的完成This order is important for our company's future, because our business depends on it
这项租金是根据当前的市场况而定的The rent is based on the current market
进展况年度报吿yearly progress report
进展况报告progress report
进度况年度报告yearly progress report
退货况的分析field return analysis
适应当前fit existing condition
递减成本况下marginal cost pricing dilemma with decreasing cost conditions
遇到任何这种紧急况时,缔约的任何一方可随时终止本协议Either party can terminate this agreement upon the occurrence of any of such emergencies
遇有任何取消订货或退货,划账或反索赔的况,应向总公司报告Any revocation or return of goods, set off or counterclaim shall be reported to the head office
遇有侵犯…方面的专利权情况,卖方应向买方负责In the event of infringement of any patent in, the seller shall be liable to the buyer
遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
道德操论theory of moral sentiments
美国 道氏股票行浮动论Dow theory
道琼斯商品行指数Dow Jones Commodity Index
道琼斯商品行指数及股票价格指数Dow Jones Index
exercise discretion in light of the circumstances
处理act at one's discretion
处理act at one's direction
重大事a matter of significance
金融业务况表statement of financial operations
销售market information
销售经理可以提供你亚洲业务的况及数据The sales director can give you the facts and figures about the Asian operation
难以预料的unforeseen circumstances
非常an extraordinary case
非常deadly condition
非常况下加快折旧the emergency amortization
非纯粹竞争non purely competitive conditions
预计预算执行budgeted performance
首先,建筑师应解释合同条件,并就执行况进行裁决In the first instance n., the architect shall interpret the conditions of the contract and judge its performance