
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
下行downside scenario
两全其美的win-win situation
供应与使用supply and use
减贫战略文件撰写况报告PRSP Preparation Status Report
减贫战略文件进展况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
减贫战略文件进展况报告PRSP Progress Report
出口export performance
到期maturity profile
到期repayment profile
到期maturity structure
到期maturity breakdown
到期maturity distribution
即期行spot quotation
即期行cash price
即期行spot rate
即期行spot price
双赢的win-win situation
反洗钱和打击为恐怖主义融资标准遵守况评估方法Methodology for Assessing Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Standard
在其他条件相同的况下all other things being equal
在所有其他条件 其他各点都相同的况下all other things being equal
如果其他况都一样all other things being equal
介绍fact sheet
市场market sentiment
年度减贫战略文件进展况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
年度减贫战略文件进展况报告PRSP Progress Report
况通报体系system of information notices
况通报体系information notice system IMF, exchange arrangements
报保护information security
执董会况介绍Informal Board Briefing
执董会况介绍Board Briefing
投资者investor sentiment
最近的经济发展Recent Economic Developments IMF background paper
标准与准则执行况报告Report on Implementation of Standards and Codes
标准与准则遵守况报告Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes
模棱两可的borderline case
特别况条款exceptional circumstances clause IMF, access limit
经济economic conditions
经济economic environment
经济economic circumstances
经济运行economic performance
证券组合的变动portfolio reshuffling
证券组合的变动portfolio switching
证券组合的变动portfolio shift
贷款实施况年度报告Annual Report on Portfolio Performance
资本充足capital adequacy
边缘borderline case
而定的支出discretionary spending
而定的政策active policy
而定的政策discretionary policy
而定的政策activist policy
金融报单位financial intelligence unit money laundering
金融报单位的艾格蒙特小组Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units
金融市场最新Financial Markets Update
非正式的执董会况介绍Informal Board Briefing
非正式的执董会况介绍Board Briefing