
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
主核实汇文件primary verification summary file
井下流量total flowrate downhole
井下遥测线downhole telemetry bus
伽马计数gross-count gamma-ray
线显示unibus display
线缓冲器unibus buffer
原油体积bulk volume oil
磁共振成像测井输出曲线可动流体体积bulk volume movable
国际频率master international frequency list
多层线laminar bus
套管接箍定位器底界深度casing collar locator total depth bottom
密度— 磁共振法气校正后孔隙度density-magnetic resonance gas-corrected total porosity
密度— 磁共振法气校正后孔隙度DMR gas-corrected total porosity
岩心孔隙度total core porosity
岩心穿深total core penetration
岩石体积bulk rock volume
归一化的加权误差平方normalized Weighted sum of square of the errors
归一化的加权误差平方normalized WSSE
中子计数器gross neutron counter
产出生产时间total producing time
场磁测激发极化total field, magnetic metric induced polarization
场磁测电阻率total field, magnetic metric resistivity
垂直深度total vertical depth
声压级overall sound pressure level
孔隙度测量total porosity measurement
张力total tension
数据gross data
时间total time
测量深度total measured depth
电子量total electron content
电路断路器general circuit breaker
电阻overall resistance
的井筒容积total borehole volume
磁异常强度total intensity magnetic anomaly
线一成组多路解编器highway-to-group demultiplexer
结合能total binding energy
计数total count
计数率total counts
谱密度total spectral density
速度total velocity
射孔弹靶度total target penetration
所选近探测器的计数total selected near counts
所选远探测计数total selected far counts
指针读数total indicator reading
束缚水体积bulk volume water irreducible
束缚水体积下限值cut-off bulk volume of irreducible (water)
束缚流体体积bulk volume irreducible fluid
残余能谱spectral bulk volume irreducible
毛管体积bulk-volume capillary
水的体积bulk water volume
测井深度log total depth
测井仪测量深度logger's total depth
测前刻度汇summary before log calibration
测前刻度汇before calibration summary
测前刻度汇文件before log calibration summary file
测前检査汇文件before log verification summary file
测后刻度汇summary after log calibration
现场刻度值total field calibration
由声波传播时间得到的时间total time from acoustic travel time
由声波传播时间得到的时间total time from AC
电缆cable assembly
砂岩体积bulk volume sandstone
磁共振成像测井一孔隙度C系列magnetic resonance imaging log, series C-total porosity
磁共振成像测井确定的束缚水体积magnetic resonance imaging logging determined bulk volume irreducible
磁共振成像测井确定的束缚水体积MRIL determined bulk volume irreducible
组合式磁共振孔隙度total combinable magnetic resonance porosity
组合式磁共振孔隙度total CMR porosity
自旋边带压制total suppression of spinning sideband
自然电位回路电动势total potential of spontaneous potential
计算的体积total calculated volume
参数lumped parameter
参数电路lumped circuit
非弹性计数率inelastic total count-rate
靶的穿透深度total target penetration
频率偏移total frequency deviation