
Terms containing 总行 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.世界银行总裁World Banker
interntl.trade.世界银行集团总裁president of the Bank Group
comp.name.中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局State Administration of Industrial and Commercial of the People's Republic of China
securit.中国人民银行上海总部Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China
fin.中国农业银行总行Head Office of the Agricultural Bank of China
fin.中国银行总行Head Office of the Bank China
el.串行外围设备接口总线serial peripheral interface bus
avia.串行射频控制总线serial RF control bus
multimed.串行总线serial bus
telecom.串行总线协议serial bus protocol
el.串行总线协议第二版本serial bus protocol, second version
auto.串行总线漫游器serial bus traveller
el.串行总线管理器serial bus manager
el.串行接口单元总线SIU bus
space串行数据总线serial data bus
econ.为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
tech.任选并行仪器总线optional parallel instrument bus
busin.先行性指标总指数index of leading indicators
econ.全国各银行贷款总和the all-bank loans
busin.全国各银行贷款总额all-bank loans
tech.公交乘行人次总数total travel passenger/time for mass transit
commer.公司所发行的股票总额capital stock
econ.关于我们的业务和财务情况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo
econ.关于笔方的业务情况和财务情况,请向中国银行北京总行查询As to our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our bank, the Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing
econ.关贸总协定体系的运行简写为FOGSfunctioning of the GATT system
tech.出行总量total sum of trip
econ.到3月10日总共有15份合同没有履行A total of 15 contracts went into default up to March 10
org.name.助理总干事, 世界粮食首脑会议后续行动特别顾问Assistant Director-General/Special Adviser, World Food Summit Follow-up
space北京空间飞行器总体设计部Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering (中国)
interntl.trade.原股份发行总额original issue stock
textile发行总额general issue
busin.发行总额gross circulation
el.可寻址串行总线接口电路addressable serial bus interface circuit
avia.可行性总体估计gross feasibility estimating
proj.manag.向存储器传送地址是经过一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
fin., China国家工商行政管理总局State Administration for Industry & Commerce (简称"国家工商总局",是主管市场监督管理和有关行政执法工作的国务院正部级直属机构)
org.name.国家工商行政管理总局State Administration for Industry and Commerce
China, polit.国家工商行政管理总局State Administration for of Industry and Commerce
IT多总线并行优先级multibus parallel priority
gen.如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
gen.对职业女性来说高跟鞋总是很流行的High heel shoes are always in style for office ladies
econ.工人必须执行总工程师发出的任何涉及该工程事宜的命令和指示The workers shall carry out the chief engineers instructions and directions on any matter touching the works
econ., int. law.工商行政管理总局general administration for industry and commerce
securit.已发行的股本总额outstanding issued share capital
proj.manag.市场执行总监executive marketing director
el.平均总运行费用average total operating cost
mil., air.def.并行互联总线parallel interconnection bus
el.并行内部总线协议parallel internal bus protocol
el.并行存储器-存储器总线parallel memory-to-memory bus
el.并行总线parallel bus
IT并行总线结构concurrent bus architecture
el.并行报警总线parallel alarm bus
el.并行数据总线parallel data bus
el.并行系统总线parallel system bus
auto.弹簧总行total spring travel
IT微控制器串行总线microcontroller serial bus
tech.总代理行general agent
el.总体信息采集与执行报告total information gathering and executive reporting
space总体可行性overall feasibility
busin.总体可行性研究total feasibility study
earth.sc.总体可行性评估gross feasibility estimator
market.总体行销学macro marketing
econ.总供给行为参数aggregate supply behavioral parameters
econ.总、分、支行形式head office-branch form
econ.总分支行形式head office-branch form
securit.总发行股本total issued capital
adv.总发行量total circulation
textile总发行额total amount issued
textile总发行额general issue
econ.总发行额gross circulation
securit.总执行价格aggregate exercise price
el.总执行官chief executive officer
busin.总执行官chief executive officer
fishery总执行率aggregate implementation rate
econ.总支出的行为behavior of total outlay
manag.总统荣颁行政改革奖presidential management improvement awards
tech.总自行total proper motion
tech.银行的总行home office
textile总行home office
interntl.trade.总行home office (head office)
interntl.trade.总行head office
busin.总行general bank
manag.总行head main office
manag.总行main office
archit.银行总行home office
econ.总行parent bank
busin.总行General Office
el.银行总行head office
textile总行main bank
busin.总行与分行账户head office and branches account
proj.manag.总行使价格aggregate exercise price
fin.总行使价格aggregate exercise price (出售或买人期权的行使价格乘以合约金额)
busin.总行分类账head office ledger account
securit.总行分行体制national banking system
fin.总行分行帐户head office and branches account
busin.总行往来账head office general account
busin.总行往来账home office current account
busin.总行往来账head office current account
el.总行政管理费general administrative expense
auto.总行total kilometres
auto.总行total kilometrage
tech.总行total travel
auto.总行total trip length
tech.总行total run
tech.总行程时间total travel time
auto.总行程载重量total trip vehicle-km capacity
econ.总行账户house account
commer.总行驶英里里程miles totally operated
commer.总行驶英里里程total mileage
auto.总行驶里程total kilometres
tech.总行驶里程total mileage
tech.总行驶阻力total motion resistance (车辆)
avia.总装线运行测试FAL operational test
avia.〔客〕总装线运行测试会议FAL operational test meeting
avia.总装线运行试验FAL operational testing
securit.总计发行股票total stock issue
auto.总计行驶千米公里total kilometrage
busin.总运行overall operational cost
el.总运行[工作]费用total operating expense
auto.车辆总运行成本费用total operating cost
tech.总运行成本total operating cost
el.总运行时间total run time
tech.总运行时间total operating time
tech.总运行水头gross operating head
econ.总运行费overall operational cost
commer.总运行费overall operational costs
el.总运行费用total operating expense
el.总运行费用total operating cost
econ.总需求行为参数aggregate demand behavioral parameters
avia.总飞行时间total time of flight
space总飞行时间total flight time
gen.〔途中〕总飞行时间total time enroute
el.总飞行模拟器total in-flight simulator
avia.总飞行轨迹gross flight path (爬高阶段的飞行剖面)
auto.悬架总行total suspension travel
gen.我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms
commer.我方总是履行自己承担的义务We always honour our commitments
adv.执行创作总监executive creative director
econ.执行副总经理the executive vice-president
busin.执行副总经理executive vice-manager
exhib.执行副总裁executive vice-president
IT执行总开销executive overhead
oil执行总裁executive chairman
oil执行总裁chief executive officer
adv.执行总裁executive president
el.扩展体系结构通用串行总线extended architecture universal serial bus
securit.批准股票总发行量authorized amount
econ.按现行价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
corp.gov.授权一次总付旅行blanket travel authorization
proj.manag.控制总线用来控制要执行的操作的种类和顺序The control bus is used to control the sequencing and nature of the operation being performed
UN, tech.提供电子数据处理能力和复制能力,包括必要的软件,以运行所有总部内部的通信和管理,包括必要的数据库electronic data processing and reproduction capability, including necessary software, to run all internal headquarters correspondence and administration, including necessary databases
fin.新发行总额gross net issue
securit.新发行总额gross new issues
tech.旅客旅行总时间total time of passenger's travelling
tech.旅客旅行总时间total time of passenger's traveling
gen.旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1・5%The traveler s checks cost 1.5% of the total amount of purchase
textile时装流行总监fashion merchandise director
avia.最大滑行总重maximum taxi gross weight (量)
avia.最大滑行总重量maximum gross taxi weight
avia.机群发行总结报告fleet issues summary report
avia.每飞行小时的总维修工作量total maintenance effort per flight hour
textile流行总监fashion merchandise director
textile流行总监fashion director
proj.manag.现行总体数字operative aggregate
el.瓦里安总任务实时执行程序Varian omnitask real-time executive
mil., air.def.空中行动总规则air mobility master plan
busin.累积总需求行为参数aggregate demand behavioral parameter
tech.线网乘行人次总数total network travel passenger/time
busin.联邦储备银行汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of condition of all federal reserve banks
securit.A 股发行筹资总额total of A share raised capital
textile股票发行总额total stocks issued
securit.股票发行总额total stock issue
fin.股票总发行额authorized amount
stat.自行更新总量self-renewing aggregate
avia.〔客〕航行器总体设计管理队overall aircraft design management team
econ.船行的船只总数all the shipping afloat
securit.行业总体趋势industry trends broad
busin.行业总工会vertical union
el.行地址转换总线row address transition bus
econ.行政及总务费用administrative and general expenses
econ.行政及总务部门administrative and general service division
manag.行政和总务部门administrative and general services division
busin.行政总务费用administrative and general expenses
busin.行政总务部门administrative and general services division
securit.行政总监chief executive officer
securit.行政总裁chief executive officer
IMF.行政管理总则General Administrative Order
avia.行程总时间total time on route
auto.行驶里程总计表distance totalizer
econ.请向北京中国银行总行査询我公司信用情况We may refer you to Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing for inquiry of our credit status
textile货运总行general freight department
steel.轧线调整设备的提升总行lifting total stroke of pass line adjustment device
el.运行副总工程师vice chief-engineer in charge of operation
IT通用串行总线universal serial bus
sport.电子竞技 通用串行总线universal serial bus
sport.电子竞技通用串行总线universal serial bus
el.通用串行总线事务分析仪USB transaction analyzer
CNC通用串行总线架构universal serial bus
el.通用串行总线设备控制器USB device controller
el.通用串行总线驱动器universal serial bus driver
el.通用串行总线驱动器接口universal serial bus driver interface
gen.遇到这样的好天气,乘船旅行总是使人惬意的A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this
econ.银行准备总金额total bank reserve
textile银行准备金总额total bank reserve
proj.manag.银行同业拆人净额总值total net interbank borrowing
busin.银行客户提款总额bank debits
econ.银行总括保证书bankers blanket bond
textile银行总括保证书banker's blanket book
busin.银行总括保证书Banker's Blanket Bond
fin.银行总监bank examiner
fin.银行总监superintendent of banks
econ.银行总监the superintendent of banks
securit.银行总裁中央银行,商行行长为 presidentgovernor
fin.银行解付款总额bank debit
el.集总元件环行器lumped-element circulator
auto.集成有怠速执行器的节气门总成throttle-valve assembly with integral idle actuator
avia.飞行勤务总量total flight service
space飞行器总质量gross vehicle mass
space飞行器总重gross vehicle weight
avia.飞行器总重量vehicle gross weight
avia.飞行器总重量gross vehicle weight
avia.飞行总重与前起落架载荷测定summed total and nose gear
avia.飞行总重量mission design gross weight
avia.飞行控制数据总线flight control data bus
avia.飞行设计总重flight design gross weight
securit.香港期货交易所行政总裁Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Futures Exchange
sport.马拉松赛跑主要是在举办城市的大街上公路上进行、但最后一圈总是在运动场跑道上进行The marathon race is mainly run on the streets roads of the host city. However, the final lap always takes place in the stadium
proj.manag.高性能串行总线high performance serial bus (1394)
el.高性能串行总线high performance serial bus
multimed.高性能串行总线high-performance serial bus
el.高速串行总线high speed serial bus
multimed.高速串行总线high-speed access bus
IT1394高速串行总线接口1394 interface