
Terms for subject Finances containing 形 势 | all forms | in specified order only
全球经济恶化形势deteriorating economic conditions worldwide
国际金融形势international financial situation
当前国际经济金融形势current international economic and financial situation
形成优势互补、分工协作、均衡协调的区域开放新格局form a complementary, coordinated, balanced and coordinated regional opening a new pattern
正确判断国际国内形势correctly judge the international and domestic situation
混乱的全球经济形势chaotic global economic conditions
经济形势economic backdrop
经济形势波动fluctuation in the economic situation
金融形势financial position
金融形势financial condition (situation)
金融形势恶化deterioration of financial conditions
面对新形势新要求face the new situation and new demands