
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不值得花费立信用证This order is too small to be worth the expense of establishing a letter of credit for
不公代理通融undisclosed factoring
不公委托人undisclosed principal
不公招股公司close company (与股份公开公司 (open corporation) 相对)
不公招股公司private corporation (与股份公开公司 (open corporation) 相对)
不公招股公司close corporation (与股份公开公司 (open corporation) 相对)
不公招股公司closed corporation
不公销售证券private offering
业务operation expense
中国新技术发公司China Corporation for New Technology Development
中非钻石采公司Société Centrafricaine d'Exploitation Diamantifère
买方直到四月三十日才立有关信用证The buyer didn't establish the relative L/C until April 30
买方答应立一即期信用证The buyer is committed to establish a sight L/C
二十gold 20 carats pure
亚洲经济发基金Asian Economic Development Fund
交叉出抵用票据cross drawing
从流动资金支的各项费用cost item to be financed from working capital
付款时加付利息,按年利百分之…,由开票至汇款应到达伦敦之时计息payable with interest at..., per cent per annum from date hereof to due date of arrival of remittance in London
立信用证为条件subject to the opening of a letter of credit
证行为受货人unto issuing bank
证行为受货人consigned to issuing bank
以你方为受益人的信用证已经The L/C has been established in your favour
估计航时间estimated time of sailing
你方信用证所金额不足Your letter of credit is insufficient in amount
你方信用证金额少250 美元There is a deficiency of US $250 in your L/C
你方未能及时立信用证We regret to say that you failed to establish the L/C in time
依照信用证所具的汇票应见票即付Drafts drawn in compliance with L/C shall be honoured on presentation
保险责任始生效attachment of risk
信用证opening of letter of credit
信用证证申请人L/C applicant
信用证已letter of credit opened
偿付行对代付行所立的偿付信用证compliance credit
全方位对外open to the outside world in an all-round way
一般许可证open general licence
一般进口许可证open general import licence
代收open factoring
募集public offering (证券)
技术贸易原则principle of disclosure
发行股票public issue of shares
证券叫价open outcry
市场活动open market operations
征用overt expropriation
投标承包制system of public bidding
拍卖vente publique
拍卖public sale
招股公司open corporation (与不公开招股公司 (close corporation) 相对)
招股的公司形式public ownership
标售市场auction market
歧视overt discrimination
歧视open discrimination
注册制度open registry system
public (a.)
opening trading
的报表disclosure statement
的计算表disclosure statement
秘密open secret
许可证general license
许可证general licence
证券销售public offering
公司办费corporation's organization expenses
公司又始景气起来The firm is again afloat
共同joined efforts in development
证行指示to order of issuing bank
凭信用证具的汇票bill with credit
加拿大出口发公司Export Development Corporation
tank space
刚果国营石油勘探和采公司Société Nationale de Recherche et d'Exploitation Petrolieres du Congo
卖方给买方的汇票的款项须经更多时间才能由买方付清More time will pass before the bill of exchange drawn by the seller on the buyer is settled
发行发债券issue development bonds
发货前出的票据advance bill
可转让支付命令的活期存款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
向买方on the buyer (汇票)
向伦敦on London (汇票)
商业总overhead expenses
商品发策略commodity development strategy
商品发项目commodity development project
商品增殖commodity development
喊价从2,000美元始抬高到5,000美元The bidding started at US $2,000 and rose up to US $5,000
英国国家研究发公司National Research Development Corporation
美国国际发协会Society for International Development
国际发委员会Committee for International Development
国际发条例Act for International Development
美国国际发署International Development Agency
国际发财团Consortium for International Development
国际公投标competitive international bidding
国际复兴发银行亦缩为 INTERBANKInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development
国际复兴发银行亦缩为 IBInternational Bank for Construction and Development
在一家银行open an account with a bank
在中国银行open an account with the Bank of China
在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
在银行open an A/C at a bank
地区发规划regional development program
地区发计划regional development plan
夸大未信用证所造成的损失赔偿金exaggerate the damages for failure to open an L/C
季节库存opening of season stocks
尼日利亚壳牌石油发有限公司Shell Petroleum Development Co. of Nigeria Ltd.
尽量接近成本地quote as closely as possible
尽量节省limit expenses as much as possible
Their business activities spread over a multitude of lines
展览会星期天The exhibition is open on Sundays
岀口商品交易会将于下月The Export Commodities Fair will be inaugurated next month
工厂杂项factory burden
工厂杂项factory overhead
出但未付账单account rendered
已公发行证券亦缩为 o/sg.outstanding
市场market opening
应当在装运期始前三十日开立信用证be supposed to establish the covering L/C 30 days before the commencement of shipment time
一张纽约银行支票draw a check on New York Bank
业会计师professional accountant (指注册公共会计师 (certified public accountant))
业投资额the amount of one's investment on commencing business
为'企业establish an enterprise
价低于竞争对手underquote the competitors
具收款单billing for payment
列账户make out an account
办一家企业launch an enterprise
办企业embark in enterprise
办费organizational cost
办费支出preliminary expense
办费支出preliminary expenditure
办进口商行open an import business
单金额amount billed
发国家自然资源develop the natural resources of a country
发委员会development Committee (国际复兴与开发银行理事会和国际货币基金组织理事会有关向发展中国家转移资金的部长联合委员会)
发存单tap certificate of deposit
发海洋石油资源exploit offshore oil resources
发自然资源tap natural resources
口保单floating policy
口保单open cover
口信用证open letter of credit
口抵押open-end mortgage
口抵押open mortgage
口租船契约open charter
垦工程pioneering work
始与客商进行磋商enter into negotiation with a customer
始掌管一个企业take the helm of an enterprise
始生产start-up of operation
始生产时期start-up production period (与全部能力生产时期 (full capacity production period) 相对)
始进入市场时期initial market penetration period
封首航first open water
工投产工作start-up operations
工投产成本cold start-up cost
工期understream period
工率capacity utilization rate
open a business
成一式三份be drawn up in triplicate
支票write a cheek
放的体系opened system
放许可证open licence
无记名支票draw a check to bearer
open bids
盘交易-开着的opening trading
矿业mining industry
make out a bill
票后若干天days after date
空头支票者kite flyer
立以卖方为受益人的信用证issue an L/C in favour of the seller
立信用证establishment of L/C
立信用证以支付购货货款open a letter of credit to cover the purchases
立光票向客户收取样品费draw a clean draft on the customer for the value of samples
立支票draw a check
立日期opening date
立汇票向买方收取余款500英镑draw a draft on the buyer for the balance of £ Stg 500
立清单make out a list
立清单draw up a list
立金额为20,000美元的信用证open an L/C for in the amount of US $20,000
航日期sailing on or about
记名支票draw a check to order
设商号set up a business
证国issuing country
信用证证方originating party
证申请书application for establishing L/C
证申请人the applicant for the credit
证申请人accredited buyers
证申请人the accountee for the credit
信用证证行opening bank
证行establishing bank
超价发票over-invoicing (与开低价发票 (under-invoicing) 相对)
辟各种流通渠道open up diverse channels of circulation
辟新市场build up a new market
顶式集装箱open-top container
强化intensified exploitation
德国发公司German Development Company
德国发银行German Development Bank
支达5,000,000 元The total expense came out at 5,000,000 yuan
我们推测你方已立信用证We presume that you have already established the L/C
我方一定注意及时We'll see to it that the L/C is established in time
我方习惯做法是要求立即期信用证It is our usual practice to ask for sight L/C
我方已从立的信用证中扣除了3%佣金We have deducted our 3% commission from the L/C established
我方已按时收到立信用证的通知We've duly received the L C advice
我方无法展经营活动We can't work at your limits
我方相信你方将按时立有关信用证We trust you will establish the relative L/C in time
价格quoted prices
技术发能力technical development capacity
技术研究与technology research and development
投产前费用preproduction expenditures
抵消clear expenses
按代收银行向伦敦出的即期汇票售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London
按信用证具的汇票draft drawn under L/C
按要求的款项立支票make out the required check
描述性单法descriptive billing
提醒买主立有关信用证remind a buyer of the establishment of the covering letter of credit
物价relaxing price controls
时间off time (与接通时间 (on time)相对)
新法规于明年一月一日始实行The new regulation is to come into force on the 1st of January next year
新的生产方法使该公司始有盈余New production methods put the company in the black
日本发银行Nihon kaihatsu Ginko
日本发银行Japan Development Bank (Tokyo, 东京)
有些外国公司法对财政年度的始与终止日期有强制性规定Some foreign company laws lay down obligatory requirements about the commencing and terminal dates of the financial year
有关信用证必须在装运期前一个月The relevant L/C must be established one month before the time of shipment
未出席be absent from bid opening
本提单列货物数量及其状况均以大副收据为凭subject to production and condition of mate's receipt
欧洲发基金Fund of the European Development
正当justifiable expenditure
此笔交易是按在装运始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment
油箱舱隔tank space
浪费的wasteful expenditure
海外发投资公司Overseas Development Investment Co. (美国)
日本海外贸易发协会Japan Overseas Trade Development Conference
汇票金额excess drawing
特别special expenditures
独家完全自有子公司wholly-owned subsidiary
生产性productive expenditure
汇票金额short drawing
石油特许采权oil concession
矿山采特许权mining concession
研究与发成本research and development cost
研究与发的巨款支出large disbursements for research and development
研究与发设备research and development equipment
答应及时立信用证promise to establish a letter of credit in time
系统发过程systems development process
紧缩deflate expenditures
经常current payments
经济发协会Economic Development Association美国
美国经济发署Economic Development Administration
美国经济和发公司Economic and Development Company
美国国际发合作署United States International Development Cooperation Agency (缩为 IDCA)
美国国际发署Agency for International Development (设于1961 年)
美孚石油发公司Standard Oil Development Co.
联合国经济发总署United Nations Economic Development Administration
英国联邦发公司Commonwealth Development Corporation
自由决定的discretionary spending
自由决定的discretional spending
自行发地表水源private development of surface supplies
船长拒绝离他的船桥The captain refused to leave the bridge of his ship while the danger lasted
节省cut down expenditure
英国国库券公发行tender issue of treasury bill
营业支预算business budget
补偿cover one's expenses
认为要求买主在装船日期前一个月立信用证是合理的consider it reasonable to ask a buyer to establish L/C a month before the date of shipment
test working
该交易以在装船前三十天立信用证为条件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
该船准备往青岛The ship is bound for Qingdao
立支付本购买合同项下货物的信用证Please establish an L/C to cover this purchase
请出席本届交易会幕式Your presence is requested at the opening ceremony of the Fair
请尽快立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible
请立即立信用证Please establish L/C at once in order to facilitate our shipping arrangements
请立即立信用证以使我方早日装运货物Please establish the L/C immediately to enable us to make shipment at an early date
请计时Please time your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment
请速立信用证please rush L/C
货已备妥,请速信用证。Goods are ready, please rush to establishing L/C
贸易与trade and development
这份发票是替代以前岀的那份发票This is to take the place of the previous invoice
通过招股章程公发行股票public issue by prospectus
银行出纳员立的内部支票teller's check
门户入政策open-door policy
阿曼弓油发公司Petroleum Development Oman
零星operating costs
非公代收undisclosed factoring
非洲发银行African Development Bank
发货通知用发票pro forma invoice
预先计划的planned cost
预定航日期estimated date of departure
高技术development of high technology