
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
不公销售private offering
不公销售private placement
东非发银行East African Development Bank
中非国家发银行Central African States Development Bank
临时性nonrecurrent outlay
临时性nonrecurrent expense
临时性nonrecurrent expenditure
亚洲发基金Asian Development Fund
人力发网络Human Development Network
仅有资格得到国际发协会贷款的国家IDA-only country
仅适用于使用国际发协会贷款国家的减债贷款IDA Debt Reduction Facility
仅适用于使用国际发协会贷款国家的减债贷款Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries
伊斯兰发银行Islamic Development Bank
债务-发转换debt for development swap
充分full capacity level
交易的股票publicly traded share
出售public sale
发行的publicly issued
叫价open outcry
失业open unemployment
市场open market
市场业务open market operation
市场价格open market price
市场操作open market operation
拍卖public auction
unclassified IMF information security
的竞争性贬值overt devaluation
的通货膨胀open inflation
销售public placement
销售public offering
前倾性front-loaded spending
加勒比发银行Caribbean Development Bank
支票的储蓄账户checkable savings account
支票的存款checkable deposit
国际发协会的减债贷款IDA Debt Reduction Facility
国际发协会的减债贷款Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries
国际发协会的贷款转赠款机制IDA buy-down mechanism
国际发署Agency for International Development
国际发部Department for International Development
国际货币基金组织文件,不得公使用document of International Monetary Fund and not for public use IMF information security
土地land improvement
土地land development agriculture
在某一地区展的推介活动regional outreach
多边发银行multilateral development bank
官方发银行official development bank
就基金组织治理改革问题与基金组织展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基金组织治理改革问题与基金组织展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基金组织治理改革问题与基金组织展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社会展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社会展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社会展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
价由高到低的拍卖Dutch auction
办费start-up cost
发与国际经济合作总干事办公室Office of the Director General for Development and International Economic Co-operation
发援助development assistance
发援助development aid
始生产的年份vintage year
始生产的年份vintage oil and gas
始稳定的经济体early stabilizer
幕词opening remarks
outlay s
支单位spending unit
支单位spending department
支单位budgetary unit
支单位spending agency
支单位budget institution
支项目expense item
支项目expenditure item
放型共同基金unit trust
放型共同基金open-end investment trust
放型共同基金open-end investment fund
放型共同基金open-end investment company
放型共同基金mutual fund
放型共同基金open-end mutual fund
放型投资信托unit trust
放型投资信托open-end investment trust
放型投资信托open-end investment fund
放型投资信托open-end investment company
放型投资信托mutual fund
放型投资信托open-end mutual fund
放型投资公司open-end investment trust
放型投资公司open-end investment fund
放型投资公司mutual fund
放型投资公司unit trust
放型投资公司open-end investment company
放型投资公司open-end mutual fund
放型投资基金open-end investment company
放型投资基金open-end investment trust
放型投资基金open-end investment fund
放型投资基金mutual fund
放型投资基金unit trust
放型投资基金open-end mutual fund
放型经济open economy
放的贸易体系open trading system
矿藏采权mineral rights
采税severance tax
按获得法确定利息acquisition approach to interest expense
按获得法确定利息acquisition approach
政策诱发的policy-induced expenditure
发银行New Development Bank World Bank
发资源untapped resource
欧洲发基金European Development Fund
泛美发银行Inter-American Development Bank
经常性recurrent expense
经常性recurrent outlay
经常性current expenditures
经常性recurrent expenditure
经常性current expenditure
联储公市场委员会Open Market Committee
联储公市场委员会Federal Open Market Committee
联储公市场委员会Federal Reserve Open Market Committee
联合国发计划署United Nations Development Programme
自发性autonomous expenditure
节制工资wage moderation
节制工资wage restraint
营业representation expenses
营业business expenses
西非发银行West African Development Bank
财务信息公financial disclosure
贸易trade creation
资本流动放与管理指导说明Guidance Note on Liberalization and Management of Capital Flows
资本流动的有序放orderly liberalization of capital movements
资本账户放open capital account
赤字pump priming
赤字deficit spending
赤字deficit financing
金融放度financial openness
防御性公市场业务defensive open market operations
零星及不可预见的incidental costs
非洲发基金African Development Fund
额外outlay overrun
首次公募股initial public offering
首次公发行initial public offering