
Terms for subject Aviation containing 开间 | all forms
冲突开始时间conflict start time
实际停机时间/实际离开时间actual time of block/departure
实际离开时间actual departure time
开关时间switch time
开始时间start starting time
开始移动时间move off blocks
开火时间engagement time
开锁时间uncaging time
快速开发空间系统rapid development space systems
扫描开始间隔时间time between scan start
指定离开时间assigned departure time
时间分割开关time-division switching
时间开关time switch
气门开启持续时间valve duration
空间开发公司space development corporation
预计离开时间scheduled time of departure
飞机以最小间距离开aircraft departing with minimum separation