
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
人的健或者安全human health or safety
人的生命或者健human life or health
人身健human health
侵犯公民生命健infringement upon citizens, life or health
保障人体健safeguard the health
保障公众身体健ensure the physical health of the general public
倡导科学、健、文明的生活方式promote a scientific and healthy lifestyle and good manners
发展sound growth
思想sound ideology
情况许可condition of health permit
标准health standards
检查physical examination
申明卡health declaration form
管理制度health management system
饮食方式healthy eating style
全面小社会all-round well-off society
全面小社会a moderately prosperous society in all respects
全面建设小社会building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
全面建设小社会build a moderately well-off society in an all-round way
全面建设小社会build a well-off society in an all-round way
公众身体健与生命安全people's health and life
危害人体健jeopardize human health
危害人民身心健endanger the people's physical and mental health
危害未成年人身心健impair the physical and mental health of juveniles
实现从贫困到温饱和从温饱到小的两次历史性跨越realize two historic leaps - bringing the people from poverty to having enough to eat and wear, and then to living a better-off life
生活live well-off lives
生活live a better-off life
社会well-off society
社会a well-off society
复服务权利rights to rehabilitation services
心理健辅导give guidance in mental health
恢复健recover one's health
损害公民身体健impair the health of citizens
摧残妇女身心健和尊严ruin women's physical and mental health and their dignity
有益身心健conducive to the physical and mental health
残疾人rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
残疾人复机构rehabilitation institution for persons with disabilities
残疾人职业复和就业公约Convention Concerning the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disa bled Persons (ILO 159)
生命健rights of life and health
社区recovery treatment in the community
精神健状况mental health
职业健卫生保护occupational protection and health care
职业健检查occupational health examination
身体健检查health check-up
身心健mental and physical health
身心健发展sound development in body and in mind
身心健成长grow up healthy both physically and mentally