
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 座位 | all forms
上座板upper bed-plate
下座板支座的lower bed plate (of bearing)
不活动支座immovable bearing
中间支座intermediate bearing
伸缩摇座expansion rocker
伸缩支座expansion bearing
侧向支座lateral bearing
侧向水平支座lateral horizontal bearing
台座与钢筋之间的温度差temperature differential between stand and tendon
台座与钢筋之间的温度差temperature differential between stand and reinforcement
台座式千斤顶table type jack
合成橡胶支座elastomeric bearing
四氟板式橡胶支座polytetrafluoroethylene plate-type rubber bearing
四氟板式橡胶支座plate-type polytetrafluoroethylene rubber bearing
固定支座builtin support
固定支座builtin bearing
固定支座fixed bearing
固定支座immovable bearing
固定铰式支座hinged immovable bearing
固定铰式支座hinged immovable support
垫座支座的pedestal (of bearing)
垫板支座pad bearing
基桩承台座板platform slab of pile foundation
夹层式橡胶支座sandwich type rubber bearing
平板支座flat bearing
平板支座plane bearing
平板支座plain bearing
平板支座plate bearing
平板支座flat plate bearing
平板滑动支座plane sliding bearing
底座板bottom slab
底座板shoe plate
座垫seat pad
座板seat slab
座板bed slab
座板bearing slab
座板bearing plate
座板bearing platform
座板cap slab
座板platform slab
座板侧面地基系数图形面积area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient of the side of cap slab of pile foundation
座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的惯性矩inertia-moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
座板侧面地基系数图形面积对底面的面积矩area moment of area of figure of subgrade reaction coefficient on the side of cap slab of pile foundation about the base
座板绕坐标原点的转角rotation angle of cap slab of pile foundation about the origin of coordinates
座梁seat beam
弧形固定端支座cylindrical fixed end bearing of bridge
弧形支座rocker bearing
弧形支座cylindrical bearing
弧形支座cylindrical surfaced bearing
弧形支座arc bearing
弧形板支座arc plate bearing
弧形板支座tangential bearing
弧形板滑动支座tangentially sliding bearing
弧形活动端支座cylindrical moving end bearing of bridge
弹性支座elastomeric bearing
弹性支座elastic bearing
拱座spring stone
拱座arch impost
拱座arch seat
排架座木trestle sill
排架座木mud sill
排架座木sill of bent
摆式支座pendulum bearing
摆柱支座pendulum bearing
摆柱支座articulated rocker bearing
摇座桥梁的rocker support
摇座桥梁的rocker bearing (of bridge)
摇摆支座pendulum bearing
摇轴支座rocker bearing
支座base casting
支座bearing support
支座下摆lower shoe of bearing
支座下钢筋网reinforcement mat under bearing
支座冲击力bearing impact force
支座加固bearing strengthening
支座加固bearing stiffening
支座垫板bearing pad plate
支座垫板bearing packing plate
支座垫石bearing pad
支座垫石bearing seat-stone
支座垫石bearing seat
支座底板bearing bed-plate
支座座板bearing base-plate
支座座板bed-plate of bearing
支座抗压容许应力allowable compressive stress of bearing
支座摩阻力friction force of bearing
支座摩阻力friction of bearing
支座构造bearing construction
支座沉降bearing settlement
支座沉陷depression of bearing
支座的上摆、下摆、摇轴和座板lower pendulum, rocker- and bed-plate of bearing
支座的上摆、下摆、摇轴和座板upper pendulum
支座纵向布置longitudinal arrangement of bearing
支座装置bearing device
支座运动support movement
板式支座pad bearing
板式橡胶支座laminated elastomeric bearing
板式橡胶支座plate-type rubber bearing
板式橡胶支座laminated rubber bearing
桥支座bridge support
桥支座bridge bearing
桥梁支座bridge bearing
桥梁橡胶支座bridge rubber bearing
桩基座板cap of pile foundation
桩基座板platform of pile foundation
桩基座板seat slab of pile foundation
桩基承台座板cap slab of pile foundation
桩基承台座板seat slab of pile foundation
桩基承台座板slab of platform of pile foundation
桩基承台座板cap of pile foundation
橡胶垫片支座rubber pad bearing
橡胶支座neoprene bearing
橡胶支座rubber bearing
橡胶支座净橡胶层的总厚度total thickness of net rubber layers of rubber bearing
橡胶支座块rubber bearing block
橡胶盆式支座rubber pot bearing
氯丁橡胶支座neoprene bearing
活动支座freely movable bearing
活动支座expansion bearing
活动支座底板base plate of movable bearing
活动支座的摩擦系数coefficient of friction of movable bearing
活动支座的摩擦系数factor of friction of movable bearing
滑动伸缩支座sliding expansion bearing
滑动支座sliding bearing
滑动支座sliding expansion bearing
滚动支座roller bearing
滚动支座rolling bearing
球形支座spherical bearing
盆式支座pot bearing
盆式橡胶支座pot-type elastomeric bearing
盆式橡胶支座pot neoprene bearing
盆式橡胶支座pot elastomeric bearing
盆式橡胶支座pot type elastomeric composite bearing
盆式橡胶支座pot rubber bearing
素橡胶支座plain rubber bearing
聚四氟乙烯滑板支座polytetrafluoroethylene sliding plate bearing
轴承支座leaf bearing
轴承支座pin bearing
辊轴支座multiple roller bearing
辊轴支座roller bearing
钢支座steel bearing
铅芯橡胶支座lead rubber bearing
铰式弧形支座hinged arc bearing
铰式弧形支座hinged rocker bearing
铰式辊轴支座hinged roller bearing
铰接固定支座hinged immovable bearing
铰接摇座pin rocker bearing
铰接摇座articulated rocker bearing
铰接活动支座hinged movable bearing
铰支座hinged bearing
铸钢支座cast steel bearing
锚固支座anchor bearing
锚座anchor socket
锚拉支座anchorage bearing
长线台座stretching bed for longline production
长线张拉台座stretching bed for longline production
鞍座saddle seat
顶推基座jacking base
预应力台座stand for prestressing
预应力台座prestressing bed
预应力张拉台座prestressing stand
预应力张拉台座prestressing bed