
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 底部 | all forms | in specified order only
下部海底扇lower fan
底部bottom section
底部小直径井眼rat hole
井眼底部减震器bottom-hole bumper
交会图上曲线的底部界限值line bottom plot limit
侧面 、顶部和底部sides, tops and bottoms
底辟体核部diapiric core
底部不整合basal unconformity
底部不谐调base discordance
底部侵蚀作用basal erosion
底部出料bottom discharge
底部压力bottom pressure
底部含水砂层bottom water sand
底部含油污水聚集罐oily bilge collecting tank
底部基岩underlying bedrock
底部岩层basal bed
底部截流阀bottom shutoff valve
底部排污管bottom blowoff pipe
底部敞口式潜水钟open-bottom diving bell
底部样品bottom sample
储罐或容器底部水和沉淀物basic settings and water
储罐或容器底部水和沉淀物base settings and water
储罐或容器底部水和沉淀物bottom settings and water
储罐或容器底部沉淀物basic sediment
储罐或容器底部沉渣bottom sediment
储罐或容器底部沉渣bottom settling
储罐或容器底部沉积物和水basic sediment and water
储罐或容器底部沉积物和水base sediments and water
储罐或容器底部沉积物和水basic sediments and water
底部沉积物和水basic sediment and water (BS & W)
储罐或容器底部沉积物和水base sediment and water
底部涌浪base surge
底部涌浪沉积base surge deposits
底部液面bottom liquid level
储罐或容器底部淤泥和水bottom sludge and water
储罐或容器底部淤泥和水渣bottom sludge and water
底部炮眼bottom perforation
底部烧火炉underfired furnace
底部焦油垫层basal tar mat
底部砂岩basal sandstone
底部装油bottom loading
底部角砾岩basal breccia
底部谐调base concordance
底部进料bottom feed
底部钻具组合bottom-hole assembly
底部钻具组合有限元模式BHA finite element model
推覆体底部断层decollement fault
沉垫底部mat bottom
油层下部底水basal ground water
油槽车底部卸油bottom unloading of tank car
油槽车底部装油bottom filling of tank car
油罐底部沉积物和水basic sediment and water
油罐底部沉积物和水bottom sediment and water
满眼底部钻具组合full-packed bottomhole assembly
稳斜底部钻具组合angle holding bottomhole assembly
罐车底部灌装tank car bottom filling
距配管最底部的高度bottom of pipe