
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
与数据结构有关的数据称为元数据、 元数据可以通过多种不同方法检索Data about the database structure is called metadata and can be retrieved by a number of different methods
专家pool of experts
godown entry
许可证permit for warehousing
今天我们升级了数据服务器Today we upgraded our database server
交货ex store
凭证warehouse certificate
使用卸载实用程序、您可以卸载数据、并将一组数据文件放在指定的目录中With the unload utility, you can unload a database and put a set of data files in a named directory
使用此网页可备份和恢复您的数据Use this page to backup and restore your database
保税仓bonded stores
信息仓information warehouse
信息数据information data bank
储备存量reserve stock
元数据更新代理试图使用新的简单邮件传输协议SMTP域名来更新元数据库The metabase update agent is trying to update the metabase with a new Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP domain name
通知单warehouse-keeper's order
可视图文是电子出版的一种形式、 它由与终端和个人计算机相连的数据组成Videotex is a form of electronic publishing that consists of a database connected to terminals or personal computers
哈里斯交换机主要通过命令行对数据进行配置Harris switches generally use command line mode to con figure Database
因此、大多数管理员不知道每个数据完成联机碎片整理的频率As a result, most administrators did not know how often online defragmentation was completing for each database
因此、通常很容易将工作表导入数据As a result, it is usually easy to import a worksheet into a database table
债券treasury bond
票据treasury note
证券treasury note
在一个 SCR 配置中、存在两个或多个数据副本、一个用于源、另一个用于每个目标In an SCR configuration, there are two or more copies of the database, one for the source and one for each target
在完成应用的数据配置后、我们开始为我们的模型写代码After configuring our application for the database, we started writing codes for our model
在添加该项之后、源代码管理插件将您的解决方案或者项目的本地工作副本绑定到其数据中的版本上After adding the item, the source control plug-in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database
基本base stock
night depository
层次型数据管理系统hierarchical database management system
工地仓stores on site
工程范围数据engineering scope database
已偿付repaid bill
券收益proceeds of bills
券本金principal of bills
inactive stock
存储备量inventory reserve
存水平stock levels
存短缺absence of stock
存置存成本carrying cost of inventory
开放式数据连接open database connectivity
当发生致命错误时、公共语言运行默认将被禁用When a fatal error occurs, the common language runtime is disabled by default
扌艮表文档的主存储位于 SharePoint 内容数据Primary storage for report documents is in the SharePoint content databases
政府希望把外汇储备多元化:在今年、政府对于新的国券的购买已经急速下降The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year
数据base data
WAIS 数据WAIS database
数据DB (database)
数据排版database publishing
数据机器database machine
数据营销data base marketing
数据记录将从所有的备份字段中拷贝Database records will be copied from backup for all fields
无形invisible supply
in stock
服务器实例对数据镜像使用的验证形式是其数据库镜像端点的一种属性The form of authentication used for database mirroring by a server instance is a property of its database mirroring endpoint
检查饭店电脑系统数据总备份、 确保数据的安全和有效保存Examine the copy file of the hotel data bank to make sure that data are safely and effectively kept
没有out of stock
清点take stock
用来管理关系数据的数据库管理系统A database management system designed to manage a relational database
电子商务站点内的订单处理系统可能轮询数据以查看是否有任何新订单需要处理An order processing system inside an e-commerce site may poll the database to see if any new orders need to be processed
知识数据knowledge database
码头到仓pier-to-house (P/H)
结构化查询语言、一种用于查询和修改关系数据的标准语言Structured Query Language, a standard language for querying and modifying relational databases
缓冲buffer inventory
网络数据营销internet database marketing
美国弗吉尼亚大学电子文中心Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia
美国生产及存控制协议商业前景指数APICS Business Outlook Index
设备plant depot
调制解调器modem bank
资料仓data warehouse
材料incoming material
in-time inventory
需要的资料非常庞大、 即使用最佳的软件演算法也很难搜索The potential database is so large that even the best software algorithms would be hard put to search it
风险数据risk database