
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不可转让国non-manufacturing Treasury bond
中央金central treasury
买卖存法sale and purchase inventory method
成本storage cost (godown rent)
损益profit and loss of warehouses or godowns
收据warehouse receipts
科冃godown rent a/c
管理员godown keeper
企业资讯资料enterprise information database
伦敦黄金总即国际黄金总库London Gold Pool
俄罗斯国GKO (俄罗斯以卢布计价的国库券的简称)
全部免税国政府担保full tax-exempt treasury securities
存款保管银行government depositary
account of treasury
支票public check
收入总存款general treasury receipts deposits
农林中央金Norinchukin Bank (半官方性质的金融机构,1959年私有化后成为日本最大、最杰出的银行之一,其分行分布在纽约、伦敦和新加坡等主要金融中心,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第25位)
凭证式国Certificate Treasury
出售存股份损失loss on sale of treasury stock
出售存股份收益gains on the sale of treasury stocks
出售存股份收益gain on the sale of treasury stocks
出售存股票溢价premium on treasury stock sold
出售存股票的记帐-成本法根据成本作价disposal of treasury shares-cost basis
创业资本venture capital pools (是加拿大政府为了解决中小企业起步期的资金需求而设立的创业资本库 (venture capital pools),是风险资本融资的一种形式)
创建一个共同的储备create a joint pool of reserves
原材料material inventory
取得存股票的记帐-成本基础recording treasury stock acquisition-cost basis
垫款cashier's imprest fund
合作金co-operative bank
存股票的取得而产生股息的限制dividend restrictions resulting from treasury stock acquisitions
firse (fisk)
cash office
债券Exchequer stock
债券Treasury bond (美国政府发行的一种长期债券,最小面值为1000美元,期限为10年或10年以上,以息票支付利息)
债券loan for conversion of exchequer bonds
债券凭证Treasury bond receipt
债券期权Treasury bond option
债务基金Treasury Obligations Fund
中期证券,1〜5年treasury note
Treasury bill (美国政府按面值折价发行的一种无息短期债券,最小面值为1万美元,期限为1年或1年以下)
treasury stock
treasury certificate
exchequer bill
券与欧洲美元期货价差套利Treasury-Eurodollar Spread (指市场上借美元给美国政府(以3个月期美国公债为代表)和借美元给银行(以LIBOR 3 个月美元利率为代表)的利率差)
券偿还基金fund for redemption of treasury bills
券利率Treasury bill rate
券拍卖Treasury bill auction
券收入treasury bond receipt
券期权Treasury bill option
券期货Treasury bill futures
副监督assistant comptroller of the treasury
基金Treasury fund
基金期货Treasury fund futures
存款deposit at the treasury
存款凭证Treasury deposit receipt
定期债券treasury term bond
审计audit of treasury
account of treasury
帐、出纳帐户account of the exchequer
支付令treasury warrant
财政收人Public Revenue
收人treasury receipt
收支统计statistics of treasury receipt and payment
暂记账户treasury suspense account
汇款treasury remittance
汇款令treasury remittance order
汇款清算treasury remittance settlement
监督comptroller of the treasury
票据Treasury note (美国政府发行的一种中期债券,最小面值为1000美元,期限为1 ~10年,可用现金申购,用已到期或未到期的政府债券进行交换,或以拍卖等方式出售,利息以息票支付)
票据期权Treasury note option
计算分项帐subitems of treasury account
计算分项帐户subitems of treasury account
证券treasury securities
证券treasury certificate
证券发行treasury offering
证券计息凭证Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities (20世纪80年代初由所罗门兄弟公司发行的一种零息票债券,简称"猫债券")
货币基金Treasury Money Fund
货币市场基金Treasury Money Market Fund
透支treasury overdraft
通货treasury currency
国际货币基金组织缓冲存融资安排IMF buffer stock financing facility
埃斯Escudo (Cape Verde Islands)
处理存股票收益profit on treasury stock
外币公pool of foreign exchange
子公司藏股本交易subsidiary treasury stock transactions
安哥拉埃斯货币名称Angolan Escudo
存款funds in state treasury
存款fund in state treasury
阿塞拜疆证券交易所Baku Stock Exchange
阿塞拜疆银行同业货币交换所Baku Inter-bank Currency Exchange
地方municipal treasury
treasury bill
存主栏items master file
存余数balance on hand
存债券公司债美国库债券treasury bond
存商品成本cost of goods on hand
存成品成本cost of finished goods inventory
存抵押hypothecation of inventories
存现金储备vault cash reserve
存现金及银行存款cash on hand and at bank
存现金帐户cash on hand account
存现金簿account of cash in vault
存现金结余cash balance on hand
存现金表statement of cash in treasury
存现金表statement of cash treasury
存现金表statement of cash in treasure
存现金银存款存帐户cash on hand in bank account
存股份treasury share
存股份treasury shares
存股份treasury stock
存股份reacquired stock (shares)
存股票treasury stock
存表statement of cash in vault
存费用storage expenses
存资产会计accounting for inventories
存重建inventory restocking
Kuna (Croatia)
捐赠存股donated treasury stock
无记名式国bearer Treasury
期初存在产品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
期末存在产品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
法国国bons á taux fixe et intêrets précomptes (指法国期限为13周、26周和52周不等的贴现国库券)
海关保税仓关栈bonded warehouse
港元金债券Hong Kong dollar treasury bill
热门国hot treasury bill
独立金independent treasury
现金管理国cash management bill
provincial treasury
短期国treasury bill
经常国支出normal expenditure
《经济学人智Economist Intelligence Unit
结转carry over
结转存量carry-over stock cartage
缓冲存储备safety stock
缓冲存贷款buffer stock financing
美国生产与存管理协会American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (从2005年1月1日起改名为"APICS 运作管理协会 (APICS The Association for Operations Management)")
美国证券斯普号码CUSIP number
英镑区的货币公sterling area pool
记账式国registered Treasury
财政金financial treasury
购买藏股准备reserve for purchase of treasury stock
审查audit of treasury
account of treasury
核算accounting for treasury
独立制independent treasury system
银行的金coffers of a bank
防范存周期结束所引发的双底衰退prevent a double dip resulting from an end to the alone inventory cycle
黄金美元总gold dollar pool