
Terms for subject Environment containing 广 | all forms
产品广product advertising The creation and dissemination of paid announcements or public notices to draw attention to goods, services or events offered by some entity, usually for purchase (以通知或公告的传播方式提醒大家注意某个产品,该服务是付费的,通常提供的一些实体的采购。)
广advertisement The action of drawing public attention to goods, services or events, often through paid announcements in newspapers, magazines, television or radio (通常指通过报纸、杂志、电视或电台的付费公告将公众注意力吸引到商品、服务或事件上的行为。)
广square An open area in a town, sometimes including the surrounding buildings (小镇的一块空地,有时还包括周围的建筑。)
广域网wide area network A system of interrelated computer and telecommunications devices linking two or more computers separated by a great distance for the exchange of electronic data (连接远距离的两个或两个以上的计算机,以实现电子数据交换的计算机和电信设备系统。)
广播送service area
广播节目radio programme A performance or production transmitted in sound signals with electromagnetic waves (通过电磁波传输声音信号的节目或表演。)