
Terms containing 年历 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.年历perpetual calendar
securit.以日历年为基础calendar year basis
proj.manag.但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last
auto.公历年calendar year
gen.农历新年Lunar New Year
tech.历年calendar year
earth.sc.〔日〕历年calendar year
busin.历年calender year
stat.历年civil year
gen.历年chronological age
wind.历年值annual value
econ.历年农业生产annual agricultural production
interntl.trade.历年对外贸易annual foreign trade
bridg.constr.历年平均洪水位mean flood level in past years
manag.历年数calendar-year basis
proj.manag.历年数字calendar year figure
wind.历年最冷月annual colder month
refrig.历年最冷月annual coldest month
wind.历年最热月annual hottest month
tech.历年洪水资料flood series
earth.sc.历年海面温度资料historical sea surface temperature data
interntl.trade.历年纳税情形revenues paid in the past years
interntl.trade.历年纳税情形revenue paid in the past years
econ.历年资料外推法historical data extrapolations
tech.历年资料外推法historical data extrapolation
tech.历年资料外推法historic data extrapolation
earth.sc.国际历年海面温度研究计划International Historical Sea Surface Temperature Project
tech.地质年历geological calendar
tech.地质年历geologic calendar
space天文年历astronomical almanac
space天文年历astronomical ephemeris
tech.天文年历astronomic year book
tech.天文年历astronomical year book
tech.天文年历astronomic almanac
gen.天文年历almanac (鉴)
tech.实测历年水位actual surveyed water-levels over the years
expl.对爆破技术的研究占去历年研究开发预算的相当大的份额Research into blasting technology received a considerable apart of the annual research and development budget
gen.已有一千多年的历史for over a thousand years
tech.年历year book
agric.年历时钟time of year clock
tech.年平均历时曲线average annual duration curve
met.年日历时间annual calendar time
tech.年负荷历时曲线annual load duration curve
agric.年轮历tree ring calendar
gen.我们庆祝伊历新年是为了纪念穆罕默德和穆斯林教徒们迁徙到麦地那这一历史事件.We celebrate Islamic New Year to commemorate the historical event that Mohammed and Muslims migrated to Medina
econ.我们经营此行已有多年历We have engaged in this line for many years
busin.按日历年度计算的平均指数average indexes in calendar years
busin.日历年365 天civil year
econ.日历年calender year
IMF.日历年calendar year
tech.日历年calendar year (度)
stat.日历年度calendar year
interntl.trade.日历年度cable year
stat.日历年度civil year
econ.日历年度natural business year
securit.日历年度回报total return for calendar year
securit.日历年收盘价calendar year closing price
interntl.trade.1980 日历年欧洲货币辛迪加贷款Syndicated Eurocurrency Credits: Calendar, 1980
interntl.trade.1980日历年的外国和国际债券foreign and international bonds calendar year (1980)
sport., med.日历年龄calendar age
tech.航海年历nautical ephemeris
tech.航海年历nautical almanac
gen.虽然我没有在精细化工公司的工作经历,但在制药公司的两年使我成长为优秀的客户服务代表Although I've never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards
fin.调剂历年股利equalizing dividend
interntl.trade.调整历年股equalizing dividend
exhib.财政年历fiscal calendar
multimed.阴历年历lunar calendar