
Terms containing 平时 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一小时平均编解车数average number of cars sorted per hour
tech.一次货物作业平均停留时间average time of detention per goods operation
tech.不平衡的高峰时间unbalanced peak hours
tech.两次到达之间的平均间隔时间mean time between arrivals
tech.中转车平均停留时间average time of detention per goods operation
tech.中转车平均停留时间average detention time of car in transit
tech.临时平台false deck
agric.临时平静temporary abating
busin.临时汇兑平价temporary par of exchange
tech.乘客平均乘行时间average passenger travel time
avia.任务平均严重故障间隔时间mean time between mission critical failure
avia.估计平均故障时间estimated mean time to failure
busin.估计故障平均时间estimated mean time between failures
avia.估计故障平均间隔时间estimated mean time between failures
securit.促使及时、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有效地进行信息披露boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure
avia.保证的平均故障间隔时间guaranteed mean time between failure
avia.修复前平均时间mean time to restore/restoration
shipb.修复平均时间mean time to repair
avia.修理前平均工作时间mean time to repair
avia.修理平均工时mean man-hours to repair
tech.修理间隔平均时间mean time before failure
gen.〔可修理部件的〕修理间隔平均时间mean time before failure
avia.停机事件间的平均时间mean time between downing event
tech.公交平均出行时间average trip time by public traffic
avia.关键失效的平均故障维修时间mean corrective maintenance time for critical failure
tech.到达平衡时间equilibration time
busin.单位时间平均产量time-averaged yield
avia.发生故障时平均工作时间average age at failure
avia.变高度飞行时配平altitude trim
tech.同时地平纬度simultaneous altitudes
tech.同时平衡simultaneous equilibration
tech.吸附平衡时间adsorption equilibrium time
busin.周平均正常工时数average normal hours per week
avia.军用运输机平时期利用率peacetime utilization rate
tech.喷路搭接流平时lapping time
gen.在庆祝耶稣诞生的活动时,通常大多数罗马天主教徒在平安夜都不吃肉In celebration of the birth of baby Jesus, many Roman Catholics do not eat meat on Christmas Eve
busin.在…方面平均耗费的劳动时间average labour-time expended in...
tech.地方平时local mean time
tech.地方平均时local mean time (间)
desert.地方平均时local mean time
gen.夏季mean summer time
avia.大修平均间隔时间mean time between overhaul
shipb.大修间隔平均时间mean time between overhauls
tech.天体照相平时astrograph mean time
gen.太平洋地区冬季时间Pacific winter time
gen.太平洋〔区域〕时间Pacific time
avia.太平洋利用时间Pacific utilization plan
avia.太平洋夏令时Pacific Daylight Time
avia.太平洋夏令时间Pacific daylight time
shipb.太平洋夏季时Pacific daylight time
tech.太平洋夏季时间Pacific daylight time
avia.太平洋时间Pacific Time (美国)
busin.太平洋标准时间Atlantic Standard Time
tech.太平洋标准时间Pacific Standard Time
gen.太平洋沿岸夏季〔充分利用阳光的〕时间Pacific daylight saving time
tech.太平洋沿岸标准时Pacific Coast Standard Time
tech.失效平均时间mean time to fail
sport., med.安静时呼气水平resting expiratory level
multimed.Ground Report 实时新闻频道平台Ground Report
agric.实际平均修复时间observed mean repair time
tech.小时平均hourly average
tech.小时平均收入average hourly earnings
tech.小时平均进尺average footage per hour
tech.太阳时mean time
tech.mean time
gen.mean time
avia.平凡式时号mean-time signal
tech.平均故障修理时间mean time to repair
tech.平均工作时间mean up time
comp.平均不可工作时间mean downtime
avia.平均不工作事件间隔时间mean time between downing event
tech.平均不工作时间mean down time
avia.平均不满意报告的间隔时间mean time between unsatisfactory reports
avia.平均不能工作事件间隔时间mean time between downing events
avia.平均严重故障间隔时间mean time between critical failure
avia.平均中断事件间隔时间mean time between interrupt event
busin.平均中断时间mean time between interruptions
avia.平均事故间隔时间mean time between trouble
avia.平均交换时间mean time to exchange
agric.平均代换时间average substitution time
avia.平均任务中止间隔时间mean time between mission aborts
tech.平均作业循时间average of operating cycle time
tech.平均作业时间average operation time
avia.平均使用工作时间mean up time
tech.平均保养间隔时间mean time between maintenance
tech.平均保养时间average time between maintenance
avia.平均保留时间average holding time
geol.平均保留时间mean residence time
tech.平均修复间隔时间mean time to repair
avia.平均修复时间中继级mean time to repair I
avia.平均修复时间基层级mean time to repair O
avia.平均修复时间mean corrective time
tech.平均修复时间的观测值observed mean repair time
tech.平均修理时间间隔mean time between repairs
avia.平均停机空闲时间mean downtime
comp.平均停机时间mean downtime
tech.平均停机间隔时间mean time between stops
avia.平均停歇时间mean down time
avia.平均停用事件间隔时间mean time between downing events
agric.平均停留时期mean residence time
desert.平均停留时间mean residence time
avia.平均再次出动准备时间mean turn around time
avia.平均再次出动准备时间mean turn-around time
avia.平均准备时间mean ready time
avia.平均初次修理时间mean time to repair
tech.平均初次出故障时间mean time to failure
avia.平均功能失效间隔时间mean time between functional failures
gen.平均区域时间mean time
avia.平均危险性故障间隔时间mean time between critical failures
desert.平均历时average tidal duration
tech.平均历时曲线mean duration curve
tech.平均历时曲线average du rati on curve
avia.平均发出警告前时间mean time to dispatch alert
tech.平均同时潮mean cotidal hour
avia.平均后勤不能工作时间mean logistic down time
avia.平均后勤延误时间mean logistic delay
avia.平均告警间隔时间mean time between warning
avia.平均告警间隔时间mean time between alarm
tech.平均周工作时数average hours worked per week
tech.平均呼叫时间mean time between calls
avia.平均响应时间mean response time
busin.平均在港时间average port time
avia.平均基地修理间隔时间mean time between deport repair
avia.平均大修间隔时间mean time between overhauls
avia.平均大修间隔时间mean time between overhaul
busin.平均大故障时间mean time to catastrophic failure
desert.平均太阳时mean solar hour
desert.平均太阳时mean sun
avia.平均太阳时civil time
desert.平均太阳时间mean solar time
tech.平均存活时间mean survival time
avia.平均完成时间average execution time
multimed.平均寻道时间average seek time
tech.平均小时变化average hour variation
tech.平均小时工资average hourly wage
tech.平均小时收益hourly earnings average
tech.平均小时收益average hourly earnings
tech.平均工作时间average operation time
tech.平均工时数average hour of work
tech.平均延停时间average duration
agric.平均开始时间average onset time
tech.平均循环时间mean circulation time
tech.平均恒星时mean sidereal time
avia.平均恢复使用前时间mean time to restore service
avia.平均拆卸换件间隔时间mean time between removals (replacement)
avia.平均拆卸时间mean time to removal
avia.平均拆卸时间mean time of remove
avia.平均拆卸间隔时间mean time between removal
tech.平均指令执行时间average instruction execution time
avia.平均操作时间mean operating time
tech.平均故障间隔时间mean time between failures
tech.平均故障修复时间average time for repair of breakdowns
avia.平均故障修复时间mean time to restore
tech.平均故障修理时间mean time to restore
avia.平均故障停用间隔时间mean time between defects downing
tech.平均故障历时mean duration of failure
busin.平均故障时间mean time to failure
busin.平均故障时间mean time between failures
tech.平均故障时间mean duration of failure
avia.平均故障间隔时间mean time to failure
CNC平均故障间隔时间Mean-time between Failures
avia.平均故障间隔时间mean time between confirmed defects
avia.平均故障间隔时间mean flight isolation time
avia.平均故障间隔飞行小时mean flight hours between failure
avia.平均故障间隔飞行小时mean flight hours between failures
avia.平均故障间隔飞行时间mean flight time between failures
avia.平均故障隔离时间mean fault isolation time
tech.平均无故障时间mean time between failures
avia.平均无故障时间mean cycle between failures
tech.平均时mean hours
desert.平均时mean time
tech.平均时流量average hourly flow
tech.平均时纪mean epoch
avia.平均时间level flight time
avia.平均时间average time
geol.平均时间保持average time remaining
tech.平均时间测定time-average measurement
tech.平均时间测量time-average measurement
tech.平均时间照相time average photography
avia.平均替换间隔时间mean time between replacement
busin.平均有效修理时间Mean Active Repair Time
avia.平均架次出动持续时间average sortie duration
tech.平均查找时间mean seeking time
tech.平均查找时间average search time
tech.平均査找时间average seeking time
tech.平均检修时间mean repair time
avia.平均检查时间mean time to checkout
avia.平均检查间隔时间mean time between inspection
agric.平均检测时间mean detection time
agric.平均正常运行时间mean up-time
tech.平均正常运行时间mean up time
tech.平均流量历时曲线mean flow duration curve
tech.平均涨潮历时mean duration of flood
tech.平均滞留时间average residence time
tech.平均潮候时差mean establishment
sport., med.平均生存时间mean survival time
tech.平均瞬时速度梯度mean temporal velocity gradient
tech.平均瞬时速度梯度average temporal velocity gradient
tech.平均瞬时频率mean instantaneous frequency
tech.平均碰撞时间mean collision time
avia.〔客〕平均空中停车间隔时间mean time between in flight shut-down
gen.平均空闲停机时间机器的mean down-time
tech.平均空闲时间mean down time
avia.平均系统首次故障时间mean time to first system failure
avia.平均组件替换间隔时间mean time between unit replacement
avia.平均维修事件间隔时间mean time between maintenance events
avia.平均维修前时间mean time to maintenance
avia.平均维修工时mean-maintenance-manhours to repair
avia.平均维修操作间隔飞行时间mean flight time between maintenance action
tech.平均维修时间average time between maintenance (间隔)
tech.平均维修时间mean time between maintenance (间隔)
avia.平均维修时间mean time to service
avia.平均维修活动间隔时间mean time between maintenance actions
avia.平均维修警告前时间mean time to maintenance alert
avia.平均维修间隔时间mean time between failures
tech.平均维护时间mean time between maintenance (间隔)
tech.平均维护时间average time between maintenance (间隔)
avia.平均维护时间mean time to service
tech.平均缓发时间mean delay time
avia.平均翻修时限mean time between overhauls
tech.平均耗费的劳动时间average labor-time expended in
avia.平均能工作时间mean time between maintenance
tech.平均脉冲时间mean pulse time
gen.平均自由〔飞行〕时间mean free flight time
tech.平均自由时mean free time
tech.平均自由时间mean free time
tech.平均自由碰撞时间mean free collision time
avia.平均致命严重故障间隔时间mean time between critical failures
shipb.平均航次时间average voyage time
avia.平均航次时间average trip time
tech.平均落潮历时mean duration of ebb
avia.平均行动间隔时间mean time between action
tech.平均行程时间average travel time
tech.平均行驶时间average running time
avia.平均试验时间mean time to test
tech.平均车头时距average time headway
tech.平均车时距average headway
avia.平均车间处理时间mean shop processing time
avia.平均过早拆卸间隔时间mean time between premature removals
tech.平均运算时间mean operation time
agric.平均运算时间average calculating operation time
tech.平均运算时间average operation time
avia.平均逻辑时间mean logistical time
avia.平均重大故障间隔时间mean time between significant failure
tech.平均重现时间mean return time
avia.平均错误间隔时间mean time between downing errors
avia.平均零件故障间隔时间mean time between component failure
avia.平均需求间隔时间mean time between demand
avia.平均需求间隔时间mean time between demands
avia.平均需要大修的故障间隔时间mean time between failures requiring overhaul
avia.平均非计划拆卸前时间mean time to unscheduled removal
avia.平均非计划拆卸的间隔时间mean time between unscheduled removals
avia.平均非计划拆卸间隔时间mean time between unscheduled removals
avia.平均非计划维修间隔飞行小时mean flight hours between unscheduled maintenance action
avia.平均非预定发动机拆卸间隔时间mean time between unscheduled engine removals
avia.平均非预定拆卸间隔时间mean time between unscheduled removals
avia.平均非预定维修间隔时间mean time between unscheduled maintenance
avia.平均预防性维修时间mean preventive maintenance time
avia.平均预防性维修间隔时间mean time between preventive maintenance
avia.平均飞行时间average flight time
avia.平均首次故障时间mean time to first failure
avia.平均驻留时间方法average dwell time method
tech.平太阳小时mean solar hour
tech.平太阳时角hour of mean solar time
tech.平太阳时迟滞差retardation of mean solar time
tech.平太阴时迟滞差retardation of mean lunar time
agric.平安时期冬至前后七天的风平浪静时期halcyone days
tech.平安时期alcyone days
agric.平安时期冬至前后七天的风平浪静时期halcyon days
tech.平安时期halcyon days
desert.平安时期halcyon days (冬至前后七天的风平浪静时期)
tech.平安时间halcyon days
tech.平安时间alcyone days
tech.平峰小时最小行车间隔minimum running interval on ordinary hours
tech.平恒星时uniform sidereal time
gen.平时at other times (常)
tech.平时civil time
tech.平时non-peak hours
gen.平时nonpeak hours
avia.平时作战物资库peacetime operating stocks
tech.平时式时号mean-time type time signal
tech.平时编制permanent basis
tech.平时编制peace footing
tech.平时mean time clock
tech.平滑时窗长smooth window length
tech.平滑时限特性距离保护装置continuous curve distance-time protection
tech.平潮时slack-water time
tech.平直时空flat space-time
tech.平移时滞translational time lag
tech.平移时滞translation time lag
tech.平稳时间序列stationary stochastic series
securit.平稳时间系列stationary time series
tech.平衡工作时间balancing time
tech.平衡时间balanced time
desert.平衡时间equilibrium time
tech.平衡稳定时间equilibration time
gen.平静的时候a calm
tech.年平均历时曲线average annual duration curve
tech.延时平面位置显示器delayed plan position indicator
tech.延时式平面位置指示器open-centered type-P indicator
tech.延时式平面位置指示器delayed plane position indicator
avia.当地平时local mean time
tech.当地平均时间local mean time
gen.忧郁的感觉如困惑、挫折、紧张和伤心,是我们失去平衡时会经历到的Dreary feelings like confusion, frustration, tension, and sadness are some of the feelings we experience when we are out of balance
gen.战时的国内平民home front
busin.按当时投资水平at the prevailing rate of investment
tech.按时间取平均数time-averaging operation
tech.按时间平均time averaging
securit.收市时价格平稳close steady
securit.收盘时股价平稳close unchanged
tech.放射性暂时平衡radioactive transient equilibrium
gen.故障〔发生〕前平均〔工作〕时间mean time to failure
gen.故障〔发生〕前平均〔工作〕时间mean time before failure
gen.故障〔发生〕前平均工作时间mean time to failure
busin.故障前平均工作时间mean time before failure
tech.故障前平均时间mean time to failure
avia.故障前平均时间mean time before failure
avia.故障前平均间隔时间mean time before failures
avia.故障平均发生时间mean time to failure
tech.故障平均运行时间mean operating time between failures
tech.故障平均间隔时间mean time between defects
gen.无论战时或平时in war and in peace
tech.时平均速度temporal mean velocity
tech.时序平均数chronological average
tech.时距曲线的平均斜率average slope of the travel time curve
agric.时间上不平衡指轮作安排timing unbalance
gen.时间加权平均time weighted average
tech.时间加权平均值time-weighted average
avia.时间加权平均值time weighted average
tech.时间加权平均浓度time-weighted average concentration
tech.时间加权平方误差time-weighted squared error
multimed.时间帧平均temporal frame averaging
tech.时间平均time average
tech.时间平均乘积阵time-average product array
tech.时间平均产额time-averaged yield
tech.时间平均全息图time-average hologram
tech.时间平均全息术time-average holography
tech.时间平均全息照片time-averaged hologram
tech.时间平均干涉仪time-average interferometer
tech.时间平均干涉量度学time-average interferometry
tech.时间平均强度time-average intensity
avia.时间平均杂波相干机载雷达time-average clutter coherent airborne radar
tech.时间平均束流time-average beam
tech.时间平均条纹图样time-average pattern
tech.时间平均样time-average sample
tech.时间平均法全息干涉测量术time-average holographic interferometry
tech.时间平均电流time-averaged current
tech.时间平均车速time mean speed
tech.时间平均输出time-average output
tech.时间平均速度time mean speed
tech.时间平均速度time-mean velocity
tech.时间平均速度time-average velocity
tech.时间平均速率time mean speed
tech.时间平均阴影条纹法time-average shadow-Moire method
tech.时间平方根定律root-time law
AI.时间平移time translation
AI.时间平移因子time translation factor
tech.时间平稳过程time stationary process
tech.时间水平time horizon
tech.时间码录制电平time code record level
tech.时间码磁迹检测电平time code track detecting level
tech.时间间隔平均法time interval method
tech.暂时平衡transient equilibrium
tech.暂时稳定平衡metastable equilibrium
tech.最大平均时间maximum averaging time
avia.最平延时逼近maximally flat delay approximation
tech.有效平均时间effective averaging time
adv.期刊平均阅读时耗reading time
avia.本地平均时local mean time
tech.机车平均修车时间average repair time of locomotive
tech.机车平均全周转时间average time per complete turn-round of locomotive
tech.机车平均全周转时间average time of turnover of locomotive
busin.来者排队平均等待时间mean waiting time of an arrival in the queue
tech.格林威治Greenwich mean time
tech.格林威治平时universal time
tech.格林威治平时Z time
tech.格林威治平时Greenwich civil time
avia.格林威治平时zulu time
multimed.格林威治平均时间greenwich mean time
busin.格林威治平均标准时间Greenwich mean time
tech.格林威治平恒星时Greenwich mean sidereal time
agric.格林尼治平均地方时Greenwich mean time
avia.格林尼治平均天文时Greenwich mean astronomical time
avia.格林尼治平均时greenwich mean time (赤道上与格林尼治子午线相对的那条子午线开始向西直至平太阳子午线为止所经过的圆弧角度对应的时间,又称世界时)
gen.格林尼治平均时Zebra time
avia.格林尼治平均时间zulu time (GMT)
avia.桨叶故障间平均飞行小时mean blade flight hours between failures
avia.桨叶维修间平均飞行小时mean blade flight hours between maintenance
tech.检测平均时间mean time to detect
tech.次货物作业平均停留时间average detention time
gen.欧洲mean European time
gen.欧洲平均时间European mean time
busin.正常平均使用时间normal and average use hours
busin.正式工作时间平均每小时收入average straight-time hourly earnings
tech.每列车平均分解时间average sorting time per train
tech.每列车平均分解间隔时间average sorting interval per train
tech.每吨货物平均运送时间average time in transit per ton of freight
refrig.每小时平均值hourly medium value
tech.每小时平均工资average hourly earnings
tech.每进口道平均等待时间average wait per approaching
avia.每飞行小时平均维修小时mean maintenance and repair hours per flight hour
avia.每飞行小时的平均维修小时mean maintenance and repair hour per flight hour
golf.比洞赛暂时平手all square
tech.平时horizontal timebase
tech.水平同步信号后延时间back-back porch
tech.水平同步时间horizontal sync time
tech.水平回扫时间horizontal flyback time
tech.水平回扫时间比horizontal retrace ratio
tech.水平回扫消隐时间horizontal blanking period
tech.水平回描消隐时期horizontal blanking period
tech.水平复位时钟horizontal reset clock
tech.水平扫描时间horizontal-scan ning interval
tech.水平扫描消隐时间horizontal blanking interval
tech.水平消隐时间horizontal blanking time
gen.水平熄灭时间horizontal blanking interval
tech.水平脉冲定时horizontal pulse timing
tech.水平运行时间horizontal travelling time
tech.水平运行时间horizontal traveling time
tech.求时间平均time averaging
tech.火车一次作业平均在港停留时间average time used for loading discharging a train
avia.灾难性事故平均时间mean time to catastrophic failure
tech.热平衡时间thermal balance time
tech.现时水平current level
busin.生产单位产品平均必要劳动时间average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity
tech.真午平时mean time of true noon
tech.瞬时平均流速temporal mean velocity
tech.瞬时平均流速temporal average velocity
tech.瞬时平均速度temporal mean velocity
tech.瞬时平均速度temporal average velocity
AI.短时平均幅度short time average magnitude
AI.短时平均幅度差函数Average Magnitude Difference Function
AI.短时平均能量short time average energy
AI.短时平均过零率short time average zero-crossing rate
tech.磅每平方英尺小时pound per square foot per hour
avia.等效平均故障时间equivalent mean time to failure
tech.维修平均间隔时间mean time between maintenance
adv.美国太平洋夏令时Pacific Daylight Time
adv.美国太平洋标准时Pacific Standard Time
tech.脉冲平均时间pulse average time
avia.至系统失效的平均时间mean time to system failure
avia.至非计划拆卸的平均时间mean time to unscheduled removal
shipb.航次平均时间average voyage time
shipb.船用平均时ship's mean time
tech.船舶平均在港时间average port time of ship
avia.英国平均时British mean time
gen.英国平均时间British mean time
tech.装卸机械平均台时产量mean hourly output of handling machinery
avia.观察的平均故障间隔时间observed mean time between failure
avia.观察的故障间隔平均时间observed mean time between failure
avia.计划外更换部件的平均间隔时间mean time between unscheduled removals
tech.设备平均停运时间equipment average outage time
tech.设备平均停运时间average outage time of equipment
gen.误差码误差信号间平均时间mean time between errors
gen.请稍等。1月22、23、24,15间双人间。好的。我们有足够的房间。都是带空调的时尚公寓间,座位区配置双人沙发床,有免费无线网和平板电视Just a moment, please. Fifteen TWBs for January 22 nd, 23 rd and 24 th. Yes. We still have those rooms available. They are stylish, air-conditioned apartment featuring a seating area with a double sofa bed. All are equipped with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs
tech.货物列车平均在沿线时间average road time of a freight train
tech.货物平均运送时间average cargo transportation time
tech.货车一次作业平均在港停留时间average time used for loading a wagon
tech.货车一次作业平均在港停留时间average time used for discharging a wagon
tech.货车平均周转时间average turnover time fo wagon
tech.货车平均周转时间average time of turn round per wagon
busin.资金平均周转时间average turnover time of funds
busin.车辆平均周转时间average turnaround time of rolling stock
tech.车辆机件平均故障时间average trouble time of vehicle mechanism
sport.运动员试图使掷出的铁饼在飞行时保持扁平状以减少风的阻力Thrower tries to keep discus as flat as possible during its flight to reduce wind resistance
tech.长期时间平均数long-term time average
tech.隧道中同时平行掘进的面mixed face
shipb.需求平均间隔时间mean time between demands
busin.非平稳时间序列nonstationary time series
avia.非平稳时间序列non-stationary time series
avia.非计划维修和替换平均时间mean time between unscheduled repair and removals
busin.非齐次非平稳时间序列non-homogenous nonstationary time series
busin.非齐次非平稳时间序列nonhomogeneous nonstationary time series
tech.非齐次非平稳时间序列non-homogeneous non-stationary time series
gen.首次故障发生前平均工作时间mean time to first failure
busin.齐次非平稳时间序列homogeneous nonstationary tine series
tech.齐次非平稳时间序列homogeneous nonstationary time series
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